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Parks, Recreation & Tourism Management

PRTM Student Groups & Associations

CEPA students standing with Sarah Moll ('99)

Find your people.

Our student groups and associations give you an opportunity to get involved in the campus and upstate community. 

Find the organization that best suits your area of study. 

  • Clemson Event Planners Association (CEPA)

    The Clemson Event Planners Association (CEPA) is composed of undergraduate students with an interest in events, hospitality, and marketing. CEPA meets twice a month, providing opportunities for members to get involved  and hosts guest speakers who share their advice, insight, and experiences in the events industry. In CEPA's first year, guest speakers included Make-A-Wish SC, Aramark, Fall for Greenville, Euphoria, and several other exciting guests. 

    Follow their Facebook page to get involved or email with questions! 

  • PARCS (graduate students)

    Protected Area Research by Clemson Students: A Student Chapter of the George Wright Society (PARCS) is a graduate student organization formed to bring together graduate students interested in protecting natural, cultural and historic resources with consideration for the communities and populations who use and appreciate the resources. The organization seeks to augment educational opportunities. It provides opportunities for improved communication with graduate student organizations on campus, the George Wright Society student chapters and the broader George Wright Society membership. The organization also strives to foster campus and community awareness of conservation and protected area issues.

    Send them a message via their Facebook page for details about how to get involved. 

  • PRTM Undergraduate Student Advisory Council

    The PRTM Undergraduate Student Advisory Council shall be responsible for providing recommendations to the faculty on all matters relating to the undergraduate program. These responsibilities shall include, but not limited to: recommending adjustments in undergraduate courses, curriculum, or program requirements; reviewing enrollment and admission data; reviewing and integrating feedback from external advisory, alumni surveys, and other sources of evaluation; and supporting the Undergraduate Coordinator with other instructional changes or issues that help to uphold a quality undergraduate learning experience.

    During each academic year, but no later than by the end of the third week of the Fall semester, one representative from the PRTM Undergraduate Student Advisory Council will elect a member of the committee who is of at least junior standing, to serve a one-year term on the Undergraduate Program Advisory Committee. This representative shall have full voice and vote in all discussions that do not relate to specific students. Guiding question that the group is charged with: How can we continue to improve the undergraduate experiences for PRTM students?

    2024/25 Student Representatives:

    William T. Durham II, PCOR
    Juliana Gonzalez, TEM 
    Bree Guerrero, SRM
    Evan Hoffman, SRM
    Chandler Jordan, RT
    Alexis Phillips, TEM
    Emma Shurley, SRM
    Kate Van Ert, TEM 
    Amber Williams, PCOR
    Zion Woodruff, PCOR

    If you have suggestions, recommendations, or concerns related to the PRTM undergraduate program and would like to speak to one of the representatives, please email Dr. Lauren Duffy ( to coordinate a meeting.

Department of Parks, Recreation and Tourism Management
Department of Parks, Recreation and Tourism Management | 170 Sirrine Hall