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College of Behavioral, Social and Health Sciences

Faculty and Staff Profile

Mark Small

Director, Institute on Family and Neighborhood Life

Office: 321 Brackett Hall

Phone: 864-656-6286


Educational Background

Ph.D. Psychology
University of Nebraska 1990

J.D. Law
University of Nebraska 1989

M.A. Clinical Psychology
University of Nevada -Las Vegas 1985

B.A. Psychology
University of Nevada-Las Vegas 1983

Courses Taught

Psychology and Law
Community Psychology
Human Rights
Program Evaluation
Community Transformation


Mark A. Small is Professor and Director of the Institute on Family and Neighborhood Life. Previously, he was Chair of Clemson's Department of Youth, Family and Community Studies. Prior to that, he was research professor in the College of Law and assistant director at the Institute on Families in Society at the University of South Carolina. Prof. Small has served as principal investigator on grant projects funded by agencies within the U.S. Department of Justice, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, U.S. Department of Agriculture, National Science Foundation and private foundations within South Carolina to build the capacity of rural faith- and community-based grassroots groups and non-profit organizations to serve at-risk youth and families. In total, he has received over 9 million dollars in external funding to address poverty and improve family well-being. Prof. Small has also received a Fulbright scholarship twice to teach community development in the Czech Republic (2004) and more recently in Albania (2017). He was awarded an honorary doctorate degree from the University of South Bohemia, Czech Republic in 2019 for his work with the faculty of health and social sciences.

Research Interests

As an interdisciplinary trained scholar in law and psychology, I am interested in any policies, programs or ideas that make the world a better place.

Research Publications

Small, M. A. & Pope, J. (2019). Online sexual exploitation of children. [Editorial] Kontakt, 21, 1-2.

Balidemaj, A. & Small, M.A. (2018). Acculturation, ethnic identity and psychological well -being of Albanian-American immigrants in the United States. International Journal of Culture and Mental Health, 11(4), 712-730.

Sianko, N., & Small, M.A., (2017). The future of GIS in social science. [Editorial] Kontakt 19, 169-170.

Sianko, N., & Small, M.A., (2016). Current trends and challenges in studies of democracy. [Editorial] Kontakt 18, 1-2.

Small, M.A., (2015). Human trafficking matters: Next steps. [Editorial]. Kontakt, 17, 65-66.

Small, M.A., Fisher, R.L., Berner, L. & Cooper-Lewter, S. (2013). Support for Sister-affiliated Ministries during challenging times: Understanding a foundation initiative in two regions. Foundation Review, 5, 14-25.

Klein, A, Brown, M. Small, M.A., Tucker, D., Fischer, R. & Walsh, C. (2009). Office of Violence against Women: NIJ's Faith-based Initiative: Promises and Pitfalls. National Bulletin on Domestic Violence, 15, 1-8.

Honors and Awards

doktora honoris causa (Honorary Doctorate) in Rehabilitation, University of South Bohemia, Czech Republic (2019)
The University Research, Scholarship, and Artistic Achievement Award (2018)
Fulbright Scholar Czech Republic (2004, 2006) Albania (2017)



College of Behavioral, Social and Health Sciences
College of Behavioral, Social and Health Sciences | 116 Edwards Hall