Research InterestsInclude: environmental education and interpretation, parks and protected area management, ecotourism, outdoor recreation, and biodiversity conservation.
External Grants:
2024-2029 US National Park Service ($923,905). An evidence-based learning network for enhancing interpretation in the National Park Service. PI: M.J. Stern (Virginia Tech); Co-PI: R.B. Powell; & K. Anderson (Virginia Tech).
2024-2028 National Science Foundation, Advancing Informal STEM Learning (AISL) Research in Service to Practice Grant ($1.983M). Enhancing outdoor informal STEM learning for early adolescent youth through collective evaluation, capacity building, adaptive management, and comparative research. PI: M.J. Stern (Virginia Tech); Co-PI: R.B. Powell; & K. Anderson (Virginia Tech).
2024-2026 US National Park Service ($98,424). Visitor Use Research to inform Visitor Use Management at Joshua Tree National Park. PI: Matt Brownlee; Co-PI: R.B. Powell
2023 US National Park Service ($30,045). Everhardt Park Break Program: Accessibility Plan for Reconstruction Era National Historical Park Facilities and Programs. PI: R.B. Powell
2022-2026 US National Park Service ($937,213) What leads to better outcomes in National Park Service interpretation? PI: MJ Stern (Virginia Tech). Co-PI: R.B. Powell
2022-2023 US National Forest Service ($36,165) El Yunque National Forest: Research to support regional community-based tourism and resilience. PI: R.B. Powell
2022-2023 Holocaust Museum Houston and Dallas Holocaust and Human Rights Museum ($191,971). Impact of Holocaust Survivor Testimony Interactions through Holographic Imagery. PI: M. Browning. Collaborator: R.B. Powell.
2021-2023 US National Park Service ($199,547) Research to evaluate the National Park Service’s Interpretation and Education Planning Processes. PI: R.B. Powell
2020-2022 National Park Foundation ($160,000). Building a culture of and capacity for evaluation in Environmental Education in National Parks. PI: MJ Stern (Virginia Tech). Co-PIs: R.B. Powell, Frensley, B.T. (UNC-W).
2019-2024 National Science Foundation. Advancing Informal STEM Learning (AISL) Research in Service to Practice Grant ($1.944M). What leads to better outcomes in informal STEM-based environmental education programs for youth? PI: R.B. Powell; Co-PI: M.J. Stern (Virginia Tech), B.T. Frensley (UNC-W), & R. Gagnon (Clemson Univ.)
2019-2021 Pisces Foundation ($150,000). Building a culture of and capacity for evaluation in Environmental Education: 2.0. Principal Investigator: Charlotte Clark, Duke Univ. Collaborator: R.B. Powell.
2018-2020 US National Park Service ($165,345). Research to evaluate visitor characteristics across and within seasons at Joshua Tree National Park. Co-Principal Investigators: Ryan Sharp, Kansas State Univ.; M. Brownlee, Clemson Univ., R.B. Powell.
2017-2018 North Carolina Outward Bound ($5,000). Assessing the Efficacy of the North Carolina Outward Bound Educator Initiative. Principal Investigator: R.B. Powell. Graduate Student: Hunter Holland
2016-2019 Institute for Museum and Library Services. ($487,000) Identifying the drivers of success in educational programs at nature centers and National Parks in the United States. Co-Principal Investigators: M.J. Stern (Virginia Tech) & R.B. Powell
2016-2018 National Science Foundation ($300,000) Advancing Informal STEM Learning (AISL) Pathways Grant.Methods development for systematic investigation of factors driving outcomes in informal STEM environmental education programs. Co-Principal Investigators: R.B. Powell & M.J. Stern (Virginia Tech).
2016-2017 Storer Foundation ($30,000) Assessing the Benefits of Outdoor Recreation. Principal Investigator: R.B. Powell, Collaborators: C. Monz (Utah State) and J. E. Thomsen (Univ. Montana).
2015-2016 Antarctica visitor study in cooperation with Aurora Expeditions. Principal Investigator: R.B. Powell.
2015-2016 Government of Viet Nam, Ministry of Construction. (Consultant) 2030 Plan for the Dong Van Stone Plateau Global Geopark in Ha Giang Province, Viet Nam. Principal Investigator: J. Spencer (Clemson). Collaborator: R.B. Powell.
2014-2015 Wildlife Management Institute ($139,495) Interactive Conservation Planning for the Appalachian Landscape Conservation Cooperative. PI: R. Baldwin (Clemson). Collaborator: R.B. Powell.
2013-2015 US National Park Service ($127,913). Goal setting and needs assessment for Interpretation and Education in the National Park Service. Co-principal Investigators: R.B.Powell & B. A. Wright (Clemson).
2014 Antarctica visitor study in cooperation with Aurora Expeditions. Principal Investigator: R.B.Powell.
2008-2013 National Audubon Society. ($506,000) Research for the evaluation and adaptive management of Toyota TogetherGreen. Co-principal Investigators: R.B. Powell, M.J. Stern (Virginia Tech), & N. Ardoin, (Stanford Univ.).
2011-2013 South Florida National Parks Trust ($60,130). Evaluation and research of environmental education at Everglades National Park. Co-principal Investigators: R.B.Powell, G. Ramshaw (Clemson), & M.J. Stern (Virginia Tech).
2009-2013 US National Park Service ($128,688). Assessing the health of Interpretation and Education in the National Park Service. Co-principal Investigators: M.J. Stern (Virginia Tech) & R.B.Powell.
2010-2012 National Parks Conservation Association: Center for Park Management ($219,368). Assessing quality indicators for interpretive programs in the National Park Service. Co-principal Investigators: M.J. Stern (Virginia Tech) & R.B.Powell.
2008-2012 US National Park Service ($24,600). Evaluation of curriculum-based environmental education programs at Great Smoky Mountains National Park. Co-principal Investigators: R.B.Powell & M.J. Stern (Virginia Tech).
2008-2011 US National Park Service and Friends of the Great Smoky Mountains National Park ($155,600). Research for sustainable adaptive management of environmental education and outreach at Great Smoky Mountains National Park. Co-principal Investigators: M.J. Stern (Virginia Tech) & R.B.Powell.
2007 USAID Sustainable Coastal Tourism in Asia-Sri Lanka: Overcoming governance barriers to integrated coastal, marine protected area, and tourism management. Principal Investigator: R.B. Powell.
2007-10 US National Park Service Wilderness Stewardship & Recreation Management Division ($70,000). Evaluation of wilderness recreational ethics education on public lands. Co-principal Investigators: R.B.Powell & B. A. Wright (Clemson University).
Research Publications100) Powell, R.B., Stern, M.J., Jahn, J. & Ruiz, A.S. (2024) Does strategic planning for interpretive services improve organizational performance across the U.S. National Park Service? Journal of Interpretation Research, 29(2), 46-68. DOI: 10.1177/10925872241302981
99) Wilkes, J.*, Sharp, R. L., Perry, E.E., Zajchowski, C., Brownlee, M., & Powell, R.B. (2024) Intersecting identities: Investigating effects of multiple hierarchy stratification perspective on visitor activity participation. Leisure Sciences. DOI: 10.1080/01490400.2024.2404140
98) Meier, E.*, Powell, R.B., Stern, M.J., Frensley, B.T., & Sene-Harper, A. (2024) Appropriateness and use of civic engagement, advocacy, and behavior change techniques in environmental education across the United States. Journal of Environmental Education, 55(4), 289-307. DOI: 10.1080/00958964.2024.2339822
97) Anderson, K.*, Stern, M.J., & Powell, R.B. (2023) Investigating the influence of preparation and perceived adult support on attendance to a residential environmental education field trip program. Journal of Environmental Education Research. DOI: 10.1080/13504622.2023.2247586
96) Story, T.*, Powell, R.B., Baldwin, E., Baldwin, R.F & Dertien, J. (2023) Assessing barriers to participation in environmental education field trips in the Congaree Biosphere Reserve. Environmental Education Research. DOI: 10.1080/13504622.2023.2246697
95) Hemby, T.L., Powell, R.B., & Stern, M.J. (2023) Availability and distribution of environmental education field trip programs for adolescent students in the U.S.: A national study of spatial accessibility. Environmental Education Research. DOI 10.1080/13504622.2023.2237706
94) Thorpe, E.G.*, Stern, M.J., Powell, R.B., & Hemby, T.L. (In press) Does environmental education work differently across sociopolitical contexts in the United States? PART II. Examining pedagogy in school field trip programs for early adolescent youth across political contexts. Environmental Education Research.
93) Thorpe, E.G.*, Stern, M.J., Powell, R.B., & Hemby, T.L. (In press) Does environmental education work differently across sociopolitical contexts in the United States? PART I. Exploration of outcomes for adolescent youth. Environmental Education Research.
92) Holland, W.H.*, Powell, R.B., Holland, K.K., Garst, B.A., Baldwin, E.D., & Quigley, C.F. (2023) The influence of experiential wilderness?based professional?development on educator character and practices. Journal of Outdoor and Environmental Education. DOI: 10.1007/s42322-023-00124-6
91) Merritt, E., Stern, M.J., Powell, R. B., & Frensley, B.T. (2023) Benefits of participation in a community of practice focused on evaluation and programmatic improvement for environmental educators. Evaluation and Program Planning, 99, 102317.
90) Blacketer, M.*, Brownlee, M.T. J., Zajchowski, C., & Powell, R.B. (2023) Perceptions of social and ecological change at the Bonneville Salt Flats. The Journal of Outdoor Recreation and Tourism, 42, 100629. DOI: 10.1016/j.jort.2023.100629.
89) Kiewra, L.A.*, Powell, R.B., Stern, M.J., & Hemby, T. (2023) Is naturalness associated with positive learning outcomes during environmental education field trips? Journal of Environmental Education, 54(2), 148-162. DOI: 10.1080/00958964.2022.2157369
88) Powell, R.B., Stern, M.J., & Frensley, B.T. (2023) Which approaches are associated with better outcomes? Evidence from a national study of EE field trip programs. Environmental Education Research, 29(3), 331-356. DOI: 10.1080/13504622.2022.2145270
87) Ogletree, S.S.*, Larson, L.R., Powell, R.B., White, D., & Brownlee, M.T.J. (2022) Urban greenspace linked to lower crime risk across 301 major U.S. cities. Cities, 131, 103949. DOI: 10.1016/j.cities.2022/103949
86) Woods, L.B.*, Powell, R.B., Stern, M.J., Frensley, B.T., & Wright, B.A. (2022) Reorienting training in the time of Covid-19 and social justice movements. Applied Environmental Education and Communication, 21(3), 302-318.
DOI: 10.1080/1533015X.2022.2078439
85) Anderson, K.*, Stern, M.J., & Powell, R.B. (2022) Identifying areas and approaches for improving evaluation processes in environmental education in the United States of America. Journal of Environmental Education, 53(5), 290-303. DOI: 10.1080/00958964.2022.2122918
84) Frensley, B.T., Stern, M.J., Powell, R.B., & Sorice, M.G. (2022) Investigating the links between student basic psychological needs, engagement, and environmental literacy at a residential environmental education center. Journal of Environmental Education, 53:4, 186-198. DOI:10.1080/00958964.2022.2081654
83) Anderson, K.*, Stern, M.J., Powell, R.B., Dare, A.A., & Archibald, T. (2022) Culturally responsive evaluation and its application in environmental education. Evaluation and Program Planning, 92, 102073. DOI: 10.1016/j.evalprogplan.2022.102073
82) Frensley, B.T., Stern, M.J., Powell, R.B., & Blackwell, M.J. (2022) Exploring the links between teaching approaches and student outcomes at a residential setting. Environmental Education Research, 28(6), 826-844. DOI: 10.1080/13504622.2022.2044454
81) Holland, W.H.*, Powell, R.B., Holland, K.K., Garst, B.A., Baldwin, E.D., & Quigley, C.F. (2022) Experiential Wilderness-based Professional Development: Beliefs and Confidence of Participant Educators. Journal of Experiential Education, 45(2) 117-135. DOI: 10.1177/10538259211045385
80) Sabuhoro, E.*, Wright, B.A., Munanura, I. E., Powell, R. B., Hallo, J.C., & Layton P. (2023) Exploring the impact of community conservation enterprises on household livelihoods around two wildlife areas in Sub-Saharan Africa. Journal of Human Dimensions of Wildlife, 28 (2) 103-120. DOI: 10.1080/10871209.2021.2015487
79) Jamaliah, M. M., Mgonja, J. T., Alazaizeh, M. M., & Powell, R. B. (2021). How does interpretive tour guiding promote tourists’ pro-environmental behaviour? Evidence from Tanzania. Tourism Recreation Research. DOI: 10.1080/02508281.2021.1992953
78) Stern, M.J., Powell, R.B., & Frensley, B.T. (2022) Environmental education, age, race, and socioeconomic class: An exploration of differential impacts of field trips on adolescent youth in the United States. Environmental Education Research, 28(2), 197–215. DOI: 10.1080/13504622.2021.1990865
77) Stern, M.J., Powell, R. B. & Frensley, B.T. (2022) Interpretation and environmental education research on public lands: Lessons learned and new directions. Journal of Parks and Recreation Administration, 40(1), 228–237. DOI: 10.18666/JPRA-2021-11003
76) Merritt, E., Stern, M.J., Powell, R. B., & Frensley, B.T. (2022) A systematic literature review to identify evidence-based principles to improve online environmental education. Environmental Education Research, 28(5),674-694. DOI: 10.1080/13504622.2022.2032610
75) Holland, K.*, Larson, L., Powell, R.B., Holland, W., Allan, L., Nabaala, M., Tome, S., Seno, S., & Nampushi, J. (2022). Impacts of Tourism on Support for Conservation, Local Livelihoods, and Community Resilience around Maasai Mara National Reserve, Kenya. Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 30(11) 2526-2548. DOI: 10.1080/09669582.2021.1932927
74) Stern, M.J., & Powell, R. B. (2021) Taking stock of interpretation research: Where have we been and where are we heading? Journal of Interpretation Research, 25(2), 65-87. DOI:10.1177/10925872211023205
73) Pratson, D.F.*, Stern, M.J., & Powell, R.B. (2021) What organizational factors motivate environmental educators to perform their best? Journal of Environmental Education, 52(4), 256-271.
72) Kitheca, B. M.*, Baldwin, E., & Powell, R.B. (2021) Grey to green: Tracing the path to environmental transformation and regeneration of a major industrial city. Cities: The International Journal of Urban Policy and Planning, 108. DOI:10.1016/j.cities.2020.102987
71) Holland, W.H.*, Powell, R.B. & Holland, K.K.* (2020) Wilderness-based professional development for teachers: Exploring outcomes and influential programmatic elements. Journal of Outdoor Recreation, Education, and Leadership, 12(4), 380-396. DOI:10.18666/JOREL-2020-V12-I4-10271
70) O’Hare, A.,* Powell, R.B., Stern, M.J., & Bowers, E.P. (2020) Influence of educator’s emotional support behaviors on environmental education student outcomes. Journal of Environmental Education Research, 26 (11), 1556-1577. DOI:10.1080/13504622.2020.1800593
69) Stern, M.J. & Powell, R.B. (2020) Field trips and the experiential learning cycle. Journal of Interpretation Research, 25(1), 46–50. DOI:10.1177/1092587220963530
68) Lee, H.*, Stern, M.J., & Powell, R.B. (2020) Assessing the influence of preparation and follow-up on student outcomes associated with environmental education field trips. Journal of Environmental Education Research, 26 (7), 989–1007. DOI:10.1080/13504622.2020.1765991
67) Dale, R.G.*, Powell, R.B., Stern, M.J., & Garst, B.A. (2020) Influence of the natural setting on environmental education student outcomes. Journal of Environmental Education Research, 26(5), 613-631. DOI: 10.1080/13504622.2020.1738346
66) Sabuhoro, E.*, Wright, B.A,. Powell, R.B., Hallo, J.C., Layton, P., & Munanura, I.E. (2020) Perceptions and behaviors of indigenous populations regarding illegal use of park resources in the Greater Virunga Transboundary Landscape. Environmental Management, 65, 410-419. DOI:10.1007/s00267-020-01254-z
65) Frensley, B.T.*, Stern, M.J., & Powell, R.B. (2020) Does student enthusiasm equal learning? The mismatch between observed and self-reported student engagement and environmental literacy outcomes in a residential setting. Journal of Environmental Education, 51(6), 449-461. DOI:10.1080/00958964.2020.1727404
64) Jamaliah, M.M.*, Powell, R.B., & Sirima, A.* (2021) Climate change adaptation and implementation barriers: A qualitative exploration of managers of Dana Biosphere Reserve-ecotourism system. Journal of Ecotourism, 20(1), 18-34. DOI:10.1080/14724049.2020.1746320
63) Poncet, S., Wolfaardt, A.C., Barbraud, C., Arriegas, R.A., Black, A., Powell, R.B. & Phillips, R.A. (2020) The distribution, abundance, status and global importance of giant petrels (Macronectes giganteus and M. halli) breeding at South Georgia. Polar Biology, 43, 17–34. DOI:10.1007/s00300-019-02608-y
62) Citarella, M.M.*, Hallo, J.C., Fefer, J.P., Brownlee, M.T.J., Powell, R.B. & Dudley, K. (2019) Taking the plunge: Enhancing the visitor experience in waterfall-based state parks. Journal of Park and Recreation Administration, 37(3), 70-88. DOI:10.18666/JPRA-2019-9149
61) Ogletree, S.S.*, Powell, R.B., Baldwin, R. F. & Leonard, P.B. (2019) A framework for mapping cultural resources in landscape conservation planning. Conservation Science and Practice, 1(6). DOI:10.1111/csp2.41
60) Clark, M., Wilkins, E., Dagan, D.T., Powell, R.B., Sharp, R.L., & Hillis, V. (2019) Bringing forecasting into the future: Using Google to predict visitation in U.S. National Parks. Environmental Management, 243, 88-94. DOI: 10.1016/j.jenvman.2019.05.006
59) Powell, R.B., Stern, M. J., Frensley, B.T., & Moore, D. (2019) Identifying and developing crosscutting environmental education outcomes for adolescents in the 21st Century (EE21). Environmental Education Research, 25(9), 1281-1299. DOI:10.1080/13504622.2019.1607259
58) Miller, Z.D.*, Freimund, W.A., Metcalf, E.C., Nickerson, N.P. & Powell, R.B. (2019) Merging elaboration and the theory of planned behavior to understand bear spray behavior of day hikers in Yellowstone National Park. Journal of Environmental Management, 63, 366–378. DOI:10.1007/s00267-019-01139-w
57) Holland, K.E.*, Larsen, L., & Powell, R.B. (2018) Characterizing conflict between humans and big cats Panthera spp: A systematic review of research trends and management opportunities. PlosOne, 13(9):e0203877.
56) Holland, W.H.*, Powell, R.B., Thomsen, J.M., and Monz, C.A. (2018) A systematic review of the psychological, social, and educational outcomes associated with participation in wildland recreational activities. Journal of Outdoor Recreation, Education, and Leadership,10(3), 197-225. DOI:10.18666/JOREL-2018-V10-I3-8382
55) Munanura, I.E.*, Backman, K.F., Hallo, J.C, Powell, R.B., & Sabuhoro, E. (2018) Understanding the relationship between livelihood constraints of poor forest-adjacent residents and illegal forest use at Volcanoes National Park, Rwanda. Conservation and Society, 16(3), 291-304. DOI:10.4103/cs.cs_14_83
54) Miller, Z.D.*, Freimund, W., & Powell, R.B. (2018) Measuring elaboration and evaluating its influence on behavioral intentions. Journal of Interpretation Research, 23(1), 27-44.
53) Munanura, I.E.*, Backman, K.F., Sabuhoro, E., Powell, R.B., & Hallo, J.C. (2018) The perceived forms and drivers of forest dependence at Volcanoes National Park, Rwanda. Environmental Sociology, 4(3), 343-357. DOI: 10.1080/23251042.2017.1414661
52) Thomsen, J.M., Powell, R.B., and Monz, C.A. (2018) A systematic review of the physical and mental health benefits of wildland recreation. Journal of Parks and Recreation Administration, 36(1), 123-148. DOI:10.18666/JPRA-2018-V36-I1-8095
51) Jamaliah, M.M.* & Powell, R.B. (2019) Integrated vulnerability assessment of ecotourism to climate change in the Dana Biosphere Reserve, Jordan. Current Issues in Tourism, 22(14), 1705-1722. DOI: 10.1080/13683500.2017.1401982
50) Morris, D.M.*, Pilcher, J.J., & Powell, R.B. (2017). Task dependent cold stress during expeditions in Antarctic environments. International Journal of Circumpolar Health, 76(1),1379306. DOI:10.1080/22423982.2017.1379306
49) Powell, R.B., Stern, M.J., & Frensley, B.T.* (2020) Identifying outcomes for environmental education at national parks. In Thompson, J.L. & Houseal, A.K. (editors). America’s largest classrooms: What we learn from our national parks (pp-245-258). Univ. of CA Press, Oakland, CA.
48) Powell, R.B., Depper, G.L.*, & Wright, B.A. (2018) Interpretation training needs in the 21st Century: A needs assessment of interpreters in the National Park Service, Journal of Interpretation Research, 22(2),17-34. DOI: 10.1177/109258721702200203
47) Jamaliah, M.M.* & Powell, R.B. (2018) Ecotourism resilience to climate change in the Dana Biosphere Reserve, Jordan. Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 26(4), 519-536. DOI:10.1080/09669582.2017.1360893
46) Powell, R. B., Vezeau, S.L.*, Stern, M.J., Moore, D.D., & Wright, B.A. (2018) Does interpretation influence elaboration and environmental behaviors? Journal of Environmental Education Research, 24(6), 875-888. DOI:10.1080/13504622.2017.1339302
45) Powell, R.B., Green, T., Holladay, P.J., Krafte, K.*, Duda, M.*, Nguyen, M.T., Spencer, J.H., & Das, P. (2018) Examining community resilience to assist in sustainable tourism development planning in Dong Van Karst Plateau Geopark, Viet Nam. Tourism Planning and Development,15(4), 436-457. DOI:10:1080/21568316.2017.1338202
44) Stern, M.J., Frensley, B.*, Powell, R.B., & Ardoin, N.M. (2018) What difference do role models make? Investigating outcomes at a residential environmental education center. Environmental Education Research, 24(6), 818-830. DOI: 10.1080/13504622.2017.1313391
43) Holladay, P.J.*, & Powell, R.B. (2016) Social-ecological resilience and stakeholders: A qualitative inquiry into community-based tourism in the Commonwealth of Dominica. Caribbean Studies, 44(1), 3-28. DOI: 10.1353/crb.2016.0000
42) Munanura, I.E.*, Backman, K.F., Hallo, J, & Powell, R.B. (2016) Perceptions of tourism revenue sharing impacts on Volcanoes National Park, Rwanda: A sustainable livelihoods framework. Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 12, 1709-1726. DOI: 10.1080/09669582.2016.1145228
41) Stern, M.J., Ardoin, N.M., & Powell, R.B. (2016) Exploring the effectiveness of community outreach strategies: The case of the Audubon Toyota TogetherGreen program. Society and Natural Resources, 30(1) 95-111.
40) Vezeau, S.L., Powell, R. B., Stern, M.J., Moore, D., & Wright, B.A. (2017) Development and validation of two scales for measuring elaboration and behaviors associated with stewardship in children. Environmental Education Research, 23(2) 192-213. DOI:10.1080/13504622.2015.1121377
39) Sgalitzer, H.A.*, Brownlee, M.T.J., Bricker, K.S., & Powell, R.B. (2016) Modelling travelers’ philanthropy: Tourists’ motivations to donate at Sweetwater Chimpanzee Sanctuary. Journal of Ecotourism, 15(1), 1-20. DOI: 10.1080/14724049.2015.1117091
38) Skibins, J.C.*, Powell, R.B., & Hallo, J.C. (2016) Lucky 13: Conservation implications of broadening ‘Big 5’ flagship species recognition in East Africa. Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 24(7), 1024-1040. DOI:10.1080/09669582.2015.1101126
37) Powell, R.B., Ramshaw, G.P., Ogletree, S.S.*, & Krafte, K.* (2016) Can heritage resources highlight changes to the natural environment caused by climate change? Evidence from the Antarctic tourism experience. Journal of Heritage Tourism, 11(1), 71-87. DOI:10.1080/1743873X.2015.1082571
36) Depper, G.L.*, Vigil, D.C., Powell, R.B. & Wright, B.A. (2015-2016) Resource protection, visitor safety, and employee safety: How prepared is the National Park Service? Park Science, 32(2) 18-24.
35) Brownlee, M.T.J.*, Hallo, J.C., Jodice, L.W., Moore, D.D., Powell, R.B., & Wright, B.A. (2015) Place attachment and marine recreationists’ attitudes towards offshore wind energy development. Journal of Leisure Research, 47(2), 263-284. DOI:10.1080/00222216.2015.11950360
34) Munanura, I.E.*, Backman, K., Moore, D., Hallo, J., & Powell, R.B. (2014) Household poverty dimensions influencing forest dependence at Volcanoes National Park, Rwanda: An application of the sustainable livelihoods framework. Natural Resources, 5(16), 1031.
33) Miller, Z.D.*, Hallo, J.C., Sharp, J.L., Powell, R.B., & Lanham, J.D. (2014) Birding by ear: A study of recreational specialization and soundscape preference. Human Dimensions of Wildlife, 19(6), 498-511. DOI: 10.1080/10871209.2014.921845
32) Vagias, W.M.*, Powell, R.B., Moore, D.D., & Wright, B.A. (2014) Predicting behavioral intentions to comply with recommended Leave No Trace practices. Leisure Sciences, 38(5), 439-445. DOI:10.1080/01490400.2014.912168
31) Stern, M.J., Powell, R.B., & Hill, D. (2014) Environmental education research in the new millennium: What do we measure and what have we learned? Environmental Education Research, 20(5), 581-611. DOI:10.1080/13504622.2013.838749
30) Brownlee, M.T.J.*, Hallo, J.C., Moore, D.D., Powell, R.B., & Wright, B.A. (2014) Attitudes toward water conservation: The influence of site specific factors and beliefs in climate change. Society and Natural Resources, 27(9), 964-982. DOI:10.1080/08941920.2014.929768
29) Thomsen, J.M.*, Powell, R.B., & Allen, D. (2013) What is the value and implications of viewing park resources as health resources? Park Science, 30(2), 30-36.
28) Stern, M.J. & Powell, R.B. (2013) What leads to better visitor outcomes in live interpretation? Journal of Interpretation Research, 18(2), 9-44. DOI: 10.1177/109258721301800202
27) Powell, R.B. & Stern, M.J. (2013) Is it the program or the interpreter? Modeling the influence of program characteristics and interpreter attributes on visitor outcomes. Journal of Interpretation Research, 18(2), 45-60. DOI: 10.1177/109258721301800203
26) Powell, R.B. & Stern, M.J. (2013) Speculating on the role of context in the outcomes of interpretive programs. Journal of Interpretation Research, 18(2), 61-78. DOI: 10.1177/109258721301800204
25) Stern, M.J., Powell, R.B., McLean, K.D.*, Martin, E.*, Thomsen, J.M.* & Mutchler, B.A.* (2013) The difference between good enough and great: Bringing interpretive best practices to life. Journal of Interpretation Research, 18(2), 79-100. DOI: 10.1177/109258721301800205
24) Skibins, J.C.,* & Powell, R.B. (2013) Conservation Caring: Measuring the influence of zoo visitors’ connection to wildlife on pro-conservation behaviors. Zoo Biology, 32(5), 528-540. DOI:10.1002/zoo.21086
23) Brownlee, M. T. J.*, Hallo, J. C., Wright, B. A., Moore, D., & Powell, R. B. (2013). Visiting a climate-influenced National Park: The stability of climate change perceptions. Environmental Management, 52(5), 1132-1148. DOI:10.1007/s00267-013-0153-2
22) Holladay, P.J.* & Powell, R.B. (2013) Resident perceptions of social-ecological resilience and the sustainability of community-based tourism development in the Commonwealth of Dominica. Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 21(8), 1188-1211.
21) Skibins, J.C.*, Powell, R.B. & Hallo, J.C. (2013) Charisma and conservation: Charismatic megafauna’s influence on safari and zoo tourists’ pro-conservation behaviors. Biodiversity and Conservation, 22(4), 959-982.
20) Brownlee, M.T.J.*, Powell, R. B., & Hallo, J. (2013) A review of the foundational processes that influence beliefs in climate change: Opportunities for environmental education research. Environmental Education Research, 19(1), 1-20. DOI:10.1080/13504622.2012.683389
19) Skibins, J.C.*, Powell, R.B., & Stern, M.J. (2012) Exploring empirical support for interpretation’s best practices. Journal of Interpretation Research, 17(1), 25-44.
18) Vagias, W.M.*, Powell, R.B, Moore, D, & Wright, B.A. (2012) Development, psychometric qualities, and cross-validation of the Leave No Trace attitudinal inventory and measure (LNT AIM). Journal of Leisure Research, 44(2), 234-256. DOI:10.1080/00222216.2012.11950263
17) Van Riper, C., Powell, R. B., Machlis, G., Wagtendonk, J., van Riper, C.J.*,von Ruschkowski, E., Schwarzbach, S. & Galipeau, R. (2012) Using integrated research and interdisciplinary science: Potential benefits to managers of park and protected areas. George Wright Society Forum, 29(2), 216-226.
16) Stern, M.J., Wright, M.E.*, & Powell, R.B. (2012) Motivating school participation in National Park Service education programs. Journal of Visitor Studies, 15(1), 28-47.
15) Powell, R.B., Brownlee, M.T.J.*, Kellert, S. R. & Ham, S.H. (2012) From awe to satisfaction: Immediate affective responses to the Antarctic tourism experience. Polar Record, 48(2), 145-156.
14) Stern, M.J., Powell, R.B. & Hockett, K.S. (2011) Why do they come? Motivations and barriers to interpretive program attendance at Great Smoky Mountains National Park. Journal of Interpretation Research, 16(2), 35-52.
13) Baldwin, R.F., Powell, R.B., & Kellert, S.R. (2011) Habitat as architecture for sustainability: Integrating conservation planning and human health. Ambio, 40(3), 322-327.
12) Powell, R.B., Stern, M.J., Krohn, B.* & Ardoin, N. (2011) Development and validation of scales to measure environmental responsibility, attitudes toward school, and character development. Environmental Education Research, 17(1), 91-111. DOI:10.1080/13504621003692891
11) Stern, M.J., Powell, R.B., & Ardoin, N.M. (2011) Evaluating a constructivist and culturally responsive approach to environmental education for diverse audiences. Journal of Environmental Education, 42(2),109-122.
10) Stern, M.J., Powell, R.B., & Cook, C. (2010-2011) The benefits of live interpretive programs to Great Smoky Mountains National Park. Park Science, 27(3), 56-60.
9) Vagias, W.* & Powell, R.B. (2010) Backcountry visitors’ Leave No Trace attitudes. International Journal of Wilderness, 16(3), 21-27.
8) Powell, R. B. (2010) Developing institutions to overcome governance barriers to ecoregional conservation. In S.C. Trombulak & R.F. Baldwin (Eds.), Landscape-scale Conservation Planning (pp. 53-67). New York: Springer.
7) Powell, R. B & Vagias, W.* (2010) Benefits of stakeholder involvement in the development of social science research. Park Science, 27(1), 46-49.
6) Powell, R.B., Cushnir, A., & Peiris, P. (2009) Overcoming governance barriers to integrated coastal zone, marine protected area, and sustainable tourism management in Sri Lanka. Coastal Management, 37(6), 633-655.
5) Powell, R.B., Kellert, S. R., & Ham, S.H. (2009) Interactional theory and the sustainable nature-based tourism experience. Society and Natural Resources, 22(8), 761-776.
4) Stern, M.J., Powell, R.B., & Ardoin, N. (2008) What difference does it make? Assessing student outcomes of participation in a residential environmental education program. Journal of Environmental Education, 39(4), 31-43.
3) Powell, R.B. & Ham, S.H. (2008) Can ecotourism interpretation really lead to pro-conservation knowledge, attitudes, and behavior? Evidence from the Galapagos Islands. Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 16(4), 467-489. DOI:10.1080/09669580802154223
2) Powell, R.B., Kellert, S. R., & Ham, S.H. (2008) Antarctic tourists: Ambassadors or consumers? Polar Record, 44(230), 233-241.
1) Powell, R.B., Stern, M.J., & Ardoin, N. (2006) A sustainable evaluation framework and its application. Applied Environmental Education and Communication, 5(4), 231-241.
*Graduate Student
Honors and Awards2023 College of Behavioral, Social and Health Sciences Outstanding Journal Publication Award
2022 Outstanding Contributions to Research in Environmental Education Award. North American Association for Environmental Education.
2016 Bronze Medal (Co-Recipient), Viet Nam Urban Planning Awards “Best Regional Plan” for Dong Van Karst Plateau Global Geo-Park Planning: Ha Giang Province Until 2030. Ha Noi, VN: Viet Nam Institute for Urban and Rural Planning. Commissioned by the Prime Minister of Viet Nam.
2016 Clemson University. College of Health, Education, and Human Development. Excellence in Research
2014 Calhoun Honors College and Pearce Center. Clemson University. Thoughts Worth Thinking Speaker
LinksInstitute for Parks
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NAAEE Research Award 2022
Powell Yale Env. Profile
Powell-NSF Research Award- 2019