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College of Behavioral, Social and Health Sciences

Faculty and Staff Profile

Skye Gerald Arthur-Banning

Professor and Program Coordinator, Sport and Recreation Management

Office: 120D Sirrine Hall

Phone: 864-656-2206


Educational Background

PhD Parks, Recreation and Tourism (Amateur Sport)
University of Utah 2005

MS Sports Medicine
Oregon State University 2000

BPhed Physical Education and Athletic training
Brock University, Canada 1997

Courses Taught


Dr. Skye G. Arthur-Banning is a Professor within the Department of PRTM. His primary research interests are centered around Mental Health and Sport, Para/adaptive sport and amateur sport development and has secured over $1.8 million as Principal Investigator to support the programming and research. He currently serves as the Director of Research and Development for the US Center for Mental Health and Sport, is the Head of Officials for the International Federation of Cerebal Palsy Football, serves as the Vice-chair on the Board of Directors for the United States Association for Blind Athletes, as well as a International Paralympic Committee NPC Development Mentor. He has Co-authored 3 books, one text book on Recreational Sport: Program Design, Delivery and Management, edited 2 other books; Youth Sport In America: The Most Important Issues in Youth Sports Today and Sports Global Influence: A Survey of Society and Culture in the Context of Sport in addition to publishing 50+ peer reviewed manuscripts, delivering 200+ International, National and State level presentations, seminars or trainings as well as contributing to many major mainstream media publications. Finally, he is a Research Fellow with the United States Center for Mental Health and Sport, a Robert H. Brooks Sports Science Institute Faculty Fellow, a Center for Addiction and Mental Health Research Affiliate Faculty and serves as an expert witness on a number of legal cases focused largely on best practice in Amateur sport, preventing sexual and physical abuse in sport or supporting the development of mental health action plans.

Research Interests

Research Publications

Honors and Awards


US Center for Mental Health and Sport Research Fellow

RHBSSI Faculty Fellow

Center for Addiction and Mental Health Research Affiliate Faculty

College of Behavioral, Social and Health Sciences
College of Behavioral, Social and Health Sciences | 116 Edwards Hall