- Academics
- Students
- Research
Centers & Institutes
- Centers & Institutes Overview
- Center for Addiction and Mental Health Research
- Center for Criminal Justice and Social Research
- Center for Public Health Modeling and Response
- Center for Research on Health Disparities
- Clemson Rural Health
- Clinical Learning Research Center
- Human Factors Institute
- Institute for Engaged Aging
- Institute for Family and Neighborhood Life
- Institute for Parks
- Outdoor Lab
- Social Media Listening Center
- About
Student Resources
The College of Behavioral, Social and Health Sciences is committed to supporting the success of our students. From our Academic Advising Center to our student opportunities such as study abroad, we work tirelessly to provide rich experiences that will enhance your years at Clemson and prepare you for a bright, impactful future.
Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act Release

Instructions for Form Completion
- Student should complete this form in its entirety.
- Section C:
- Background checks for employment must be completed by the clearinghouse. Please see Registrar Verifications.
- We caution against open-ended purposes. It is in your best interest to be specific about the purpose of the request.
- Section E:
- Choose a code word to share with person(s) requesting records.
Instructions for Advisors
- Upload completed FERPA Release form to note on student’s record in CU Navigate.
- Use note reason code: FERPA
- In body of note, include expiration date of FERPA form
- If a student calls requesting information, verify their identity by matching up a-c.
- Name
- Date of Birth
- Permanent Address
- CID (not required)
- If someone, other than the student themselves, contacts you requesting information, verify the code word. If the release of information is restricted to certain individuals, confirm the name and address provided by the student in Section C.
Undergraduate Resources
- Academic Advising Center
- Academic Calendar
- Academic Catalogs
- Admissions
- Advanced Placement Credit
- Academic Success Center
- Career Center
- CBSHS Canvas Student Page
- Clemson Current Students Page
- Clemson Mathematics Placement Test
- Creative Inquiry
- Financial Aid
- Graduate School
- Harvey and Lucinda Gantt Center for Student Life
- Honors Program
- Housing
- How to Calculate GPA/GPR
- How to Survive College 101
- iRoar
- Orientation Information
- Registrar
- Study Abroad
- Tuition and Fee Schedule
Graduate Resources
Technology Resources
- Accounts and Access
- Current Students
- eduRoam Wireless Setup
- Email and Messaging
- Google Apps Help
- Incoming Students
- IT Service Request
- Mobile
- Network, Phones and Cable
- Password Reset
- Research and HPC
- Security
- Setting Up Your Laptop
- Software and Hardware
- Student User ID Lookup
- Submit/Track Support Ticket
- Teaching and Learning
- Technical Support Program
- Web Development
- Web Systems, Servers, Hosting and Data Storage
College of Behavioral, Social and Health Sciences
Copyright © Clemson University
College of Behavioral, Social and Health Sciences | 116 Edwards Hall