Automotive Engineering Undergraduate Certificate
The Automotive Engineering Certificate program offers an opportunity for undergraduate students at Clemson to gain specialized skills and experience at the CU-ICAR facility, all while completing their B.S. degree. This is a hands-on program that’s team-centered and heavily involved with classmates for projects.
The courses are designed not only for someone who’s looking to continue in the automotive graduate program, but all of the skills gained can be translated into the workforce. It’s great hands-on exposure that companies love to see in students before they graduate.
Students can complete the Undergraduate Certificate in Automotive Engineering in an in-person format from the CU-ICAR campus in Greenville, SC.
Curriculum Structure
The Automotive Engineering Certificate is a 12-credit program. Students select four courses from any 4000-level AUE courses offered. Multiple sections of AUE 4930 may be used to satisfy the certificate requirements as long as different topics are covered in each section and the courses have unique titles.
- AUE 4030 - Automotive Project Tools and Prototyping (3)
- AUE 4080 - Vehicle Testing and Characterization( 3)
- AUE/ME 4600 - Dynamic Performance of Vehicles (3)
- AUE/ME 4610 - Advanced and Electrified Powertrains (3)
- AUE/ME 4620 - Digital Automotive Manufacturing (3)
Selected Topics Courses (Vary By Semester)
- AUE 4930 - Automotive Human-Computer Interaction (3)
- AUE 4930 - Automotive Human Factors (3)
- AUE 4930 - Introduction to Data Science, Machine Learning, and Search Algorithms: Applications in Engineering (3)
- AUE 4930 - Lightweight Design Using Composites (3)
Certificate FAQ
When is the best time to apply?
As early as you think you might be interested in the program! By submitting the application form, you will (1) be added to our future email list for program updates and course offering/schedule information, (2) be eligible for automatic consideration of the affiliated program scholarships, and (3) make your advisor(s) aware of your interest in the program, so that they can best help you plan your future curriculum options!On the form, you can put an estimated starting semester (for example, "Fall 2023"), but it is okay if this is just a guess. If your plans change, we can easily delete the program code from your student record!
What if I am interested in one or more of the Automotive Engineering course offerings but cannot complete the full four-course certificate?
That's no problem! Students are welcome to take one or more of our courses to fulfill elective requirements or just out of general interest in the automotive topics covered. We encourage you to work with your advisor to ensure course selections meet your B.S. elective requirements if this is your intention.I may be interested in eventually pursuing a master's degree (M.S.) in Automotive Engineering. Can I take these courses at the graduate level instead?
You may have a better option, such as our new B.S./M.S. pathway! Please reach us at automotive@clemson.edu, and we can walk you through a few options that will best set you up for success! -
Applying to the Undergraduate Certificate Program
Open to current Clemson undergraduates in an engineering or other CECAS major who have completed appropriate prerequisite courses (see Courses list below). Prerequisites may be waived with the permission of the instructor. Please contact us at automotive@clemson.edu for more information.
Students who enroll in the Automotive Engineering Certificate Program are automatically considered (no additional application process) for one of four scholarships, each in the amount of $4,000. Thank you to our generous sponsors: Ally, Ford Motor Company, Goken, and AVX.
How to Apply
Current Clemson Undergraduates
1. Fill out the Undergraduate Certificate Application form.
-Certificate Name: Automotive Engineering
-Certificate Program Code: CERTU-AUE-FNote: You will only be able to complete the form through the "Student Signature" portion. On the form, you can put an estimated starting semester (for example, "Fall 2023"), but it is okay if this is a guess. If your plans change in the future and you can no longer complete the certificate program, we can easily delete the program code from your student record.
2. Email your form to automotive@clemson.edu to be signed off by the Certificate Program Director. You will receive the completed form back via email.
Students in an engineering or other CECAS major do not pay a fee to participate in the certificate program. Please note that average class/lab fees and tuition still apply.
PROGRAM CONTACT: For more information, contact automotive@clemson.edu.
Apply | Certificate