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School of CEEES | Glenn Department of Civil Engineering

Industry Partner Program

Supporting the Tiger Within

The Industry Partner Program provides opportunities to partner with the Glenn Department of Civil Engineering. Our goal is to provide meaningful engagement to industry partners and to connect them with our undergraduate and graduate student populations. Engagement opportunities give industry partners year-round access to students and programming to not only recruit but to build recognition and targeted relationships with our student body while providing valuable insight into the practice of being a civil or environmental engineer.

We’re excited to offer this program to the civil engineering community and look forward to your participation. All proceeds support student activities and events. Please email Jennifer Ogle for additional details about our partnership program.

Cover of the Industry Partnership Brochure for CE.
students receiving their hardhats
Alumnus sponsor speaking at event
Sponsors at Industry Day in Watts
Industry Partnership Tiers
Sponsorships Opportunities Tiger $15k Paw $10k Orange $5k Purple $2.5k
Invites to Department Events
Signature Sponsorship*/**
1 Team** + T-shirt

1 Event*
Table Sponsor at Annual Banquet
Table in Lowry Lobby/Screens
2 days/yr

2 half-days/yr

1 half-day/yr
Class/Speaker Opportunities
Choice of day

1st dibs

2nd dibs
PDH Certificate Events
20 PDH/yr

15 PDH/yr

10 PDH/yr

5 PDH/yr
Industry Day Table Registration
Job Posting to CE Canvas



Company Listed on Website & Promo
Logo/Link + Team Page

Logo/Link + Event Flyer


Name only
Company Displayed on Department Monitors
Full Screen/Logo + Team Page

Full Screen/Logo + Event Flyer


Name only
Social Media Postings
4 post/yr

2 post/yr

1 post/yr

Group post
Partner Board Meeting Invite
ASCE Sponsors

Industry partners logos