Honors & Awards

Fall 2020 and Spring 2021 brought unprecedented challenges for our students. They faced adapting to new course modalities and shifts in roles and responsibilities related to teaching and research assistantships, all while experiencing the new reality of life during a pandemic. All the challenges withstanding we are proud of the resilience and fortitude shown by our students. We would like to recognize our undergraduate and graduate students for their commitment and dedication to academic excellence.
Sixteen awards were given to twenty-three students for the 2020 Fall-2021 Spring academic year. Congratulations to all of you! We know you will do great things!
Department Awards
Herbert W. Busching Outstanding Junior and Senior Award — given to outstanding student(s) from the Junior and Senior class as determined by the CE Honors and Awards Committee. The award memorializes Dr. Herbert W. Busching, who taught for many years in the CE Department and also served as Department Chair.
Outstanding Senior - Paul Gennett
Outstanding Junior - Edwina Lewis and Mark McCool
John M. Ford Award - given to the CE student who has shown an interest in the professional practice of civil engineering and has attained an outstanding academic record. The award memorializes the achievements of John M. Ford, who taught for many years in the Civil Engineering Department
Jayson Leonard
E. L. Clark Award — given to a senior CE student for outstanding academic achievement. The award is to honor and perpetuate the memory of E. L. Clarke, who served as Civil Engineering Department Chair from 1921 to 1951.
Hannah Stewart
Graduate Fellowships and Awards
Kimley-Horn & Associates Fellowship - The Fellowship is given to the student judged by the Graduate Program Committee to be the best applicant to the graduate program in the Fall semester each year.
Deanna Craig
Christian Herrygers
The Aniket Shrikhande Memorial Annual Graduate Fellowship and Assistantship - was established by the Shrikhande family to honor the memory of Aniket ('06 MSCE). Aniket cherished his experience at Clemson as a civil engineering graduate student, and his family is graciously and generously honoring his memory by enhancing the Clemson Experience for others. The purpose of the fund is to provide assistance to civil engineering students who are pursuing their graduate education with a geotechnical engineering emphasis.
Vishnu Saketh Jella
Zakia Tasim
James Edwin Clark Fellowship - Awarded to the outstanding graduate student enrolled in the Civil Engineering graduate program with the intent of pursuing a career as a traffic/transportation engineer. Dr. Clark served as a professor of civil engineering at Clemson for 26 years.
Emmanuel Adjei
MD Zakid Khan
Fengjiai Zou
The Slade F. Exley Endowed Fellowship in Transportation Engineering provides fellowships for Civil Engineering college graduates who are pursuing a graduate degree in transportation engineering within the Civil Engineering Department with the intent of pursuing a career as a traffic/transportation engineer. Recipients will be citizens of the United States and will be selected in their senior year. Preference should be given to students who are presently serving or have served in the United States Armed Forces or Reserve.
David Ham
Ross Holt
David and Eleanor Rozendale Emerging Leaders Fellowship - The purpose is to provide graduate fellowships for students enrolled or enrolling in the Glenn Department of Civil Engineering. In the past, this fellowship has been used to support students presenting at national and international conferences. Other worthy activities may be considered.
Alyssa Leanman
Engineering "ART" Fellowship - The donor’s great wish is that all engineers would appreciate the great importance of conjoining engineering with the arts and each one would ‘serve the world with the mind of a scientist and the soul of a poet’.” This fellowship is used to support students' national or international internships like experience. Other experiences can be considered.
Ta'jon Jordan
David and Eleanor Rozendale Emerging Leaders Fellowship - The purpose is to provide graduate fellowships for students enrolled or enrolling in the Glenn Department of Civil Engineering. In the past, this fellowship has been used to support students presenting at national and international conferences. Other worthy activities may be considered.
Alyssa Leaman
Glenn Graduate Fellow - fellowships are awarded to select incoming students applying to the M.S. or Ph.D. program who have at least one degree from a U.S. institution.
Ian Stewart
Glenn Graduate Teaching Fellow - This fellowship is designed to meet two goals:1) improve the marketability of our Ph.D. graduates desiring a career in academics and 2) improve the level of instruction in undergraduate courses.
Sababa Islam
CE Outstanding Graduate Researcher - given to one graduate researcher who has been recognized by faculty for conducting outstanding research.
MD Zadid Khan
Outstanding Graduate Lab Assistant - This award was established in 2006 and is awarded to the outstanding graduate lab assistant in civil engineering. The selection of the recipients is the responsibility of the Graduate Program Committee and is based on the student assessment of lab instructors.
Camilius Amevorku
Matthew Stanley
Graduate Teaching Assistant Above and Beyond - is offered annually to honor excellence by recognizing assistants employed by the department. Nomination is by faculty.
Max Teddy - Fall 2020 (Transportation)
Safwan Ahsanullah - Spring 2021 (Water Resources)
Outstanding Teacher Award — is offered annually to honor excellence in teaching and learning by recognizing faculty employed by the department. Selection is by students.
Nasim Chowdhury
Leadership Award
Glenn Global Leadership Award - established through funds from the Gerald M. and Candi W. Glenn Endowment to provide outstanding Clemson Civil Engineering students (undergraduate or graduate) with international, leadership-building experiences. It is not presented on an annual basis.
Clemson University Award
2021 RC Edwards Outstanding Graduate Student Award - Presented in memory of the longtime president best known for leading Clemson from an all-male military college to a major coeducational and integrated university. It is given to the best “all-around” graduate student with high scholarly achievement and someone who contributes to the Clemson community through leadership in university and/or community organizations.
Fengjiaou Zou