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School of CEEES | Glenn Department of Civil Engineering

Apply to CE Program

The Glenn Department of Civil Engineering is one of four named civil engineering departments in the country. The program has been an integral part of Clemson since the University was founded in 1889, with the first civil engineering degree awarded in 1896. Students work closely with faculty, peers and industry on hands-on research projects that prepare them to work domestically and abroad within one of the most in-demand engineering fields.

Information on admission requirements, financial assistance, and academic policies and procedures as a student in CE can be found in the catalog and handbook.


ABET LogoThe Bachelor of Science in the Civil Engineering program is accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET,, under the General Criteria and the Civil and Similarly Named Engineering Programs Program Criteria.

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B.S. Program

Female student in lab mixing powder.

The Glenn Department of Civil Engineering offers a B.S. in Civil Engineering that is ABET-accredited. The degree allows students to select from seven emphasis areas to enhance their learning experience. The first two years of the curriculum include proficiency in calculus, engineering mechanics, physics, and chemistry. During the junior year, students receive a broad introduction to the fundamental areas of civil engineering (structures, hydraulics, geotechnical, transportation, environmental, construction materials, and construction engineering and management).

Design experiences are integrated throughout the curriculum, culminating in a major capstone design project in the senior year. In addition, during the senior year, students can select from available emphasis areas that serve to strengthen their undergraduate background.

Undergraduate Civil Engineering majors who have completed their junior year with a grade point ratio of 3.4+ can begin work toward a combined B.S./M.S. in Civil EngineeringStudents can count up to nine hours of graduate credit (6000- and 8000-level courses).

  • Civil Engineering Curriculum

    First Semester Curriculum

    All Engineering students begin their first term in General Engineering with the same courses, regardless of their intended major. Coursework in the second term varies.

    • CH 1010 - General Chemistry (3)
    • ENGL 1030 - Composition and Rhetoric (3)
    • ENGR 1020 - Engineering Disciplines and Skills (3)
    • MATH 1060 - Calculus of One Variable I (4)
    • General Education Requirement - (3)

    B.S. Civil Engineering credit hours: 129

    Combined B.S./M.S.

    Qualified Civil Engineering students can reduce the time to earn a master's degree by applying graduate credits to both the bachelor's and master's program requirements. Undergraduate Civil Engineering students who have earned a grade-point average of 3.4 or above and completed their junior year can begin work toward a master's degree. Students are eligible to count up to nine hours of graduate credit (6000- and 8000-level courses) toward bachelor's and master's degrees. Approval by the department will be needed.

    Emphasis Areas

    The Civil Engineering curriculum includes Emphasis Areas to allow students flexibility in selecting courses and planning their future careers.

    • Construction
    • Environmental
    • Geotechnical
    • Materials
    • Structural
    • Transportation
    • Water Resources
  • Department Honors Program

    Curriculum Planning for Senior Honors

    Students now have two options for completing senior departmental honors in civil engineering: a thesis option and a portfolio option.

    Thesis Option: B.S. Degree

    REQUIREMENT: Completion of a research project. Students will be required to complete the following courses.

    OUTCOME: An Honors Research Thesis and an oral defense of the thesis attended by the student's faculty advisor, CE Honors Program Coordinator and other interested faculty and students.

    Research Option: B.S./M.S. Degree

    REQUIREMENT: Completion of a research proposal, including any preliminary research needed to reasonably define the scope and methodology of the proposed research. The research project will have the scope of activity generally associated with an M.S. thesis. Students will be required to complete the following courses.

    OUTCOME: A research proposal, including an introduction of the problem statement, literature review, research methodology and sufficient preliminary results to validate the intended study. The student will also be required to give a proposal presentation attended by the student's faculty advisor, CE Honors Program Coordinator and other interested faculty and students.

    Portfolio Option

    REQUIREMENT: Completion of four Honors Projects, typically one project completed each semester during a student's junior and senior years (enroll in courses listed below). If necessary, a student can complete multiple projects in a single semester to complete four projects in less than four semesters.

    OUTCOME: Honors Portfolio, containing all completed Honors Projects, presented to the CE Honors Program Coordinator and participating faculty for review and comment.

    Course Information

    • CE H3880 - Honors Research Topics (1)
    • CE H3890 - Honors Research Skills (1)
    • CE H4880 - Honors Research I (2-3)
    • CE H4890- Honors Research II (3) (can be used as a Technical Elective)

    Additional Courses for Portfolio Option

    • CE H3870 (1 credit hour) Junior Honors Project (taken each semester of the Junior year)
    • CE H4870 (1 credit hour) Senior Honors Project (taken each semester of the Senior year)
  • Applying to the B.S. or B.S./M.S. Program

    Undergraduate Degree

    Applicants will apply to Clemson as a first-year student if they are a student without college credit or if they earned college credit prior to high school graduation. Completion of the first-year General Engineering curriculum and a cumulative grade-point average of 2.6 or higher is needed to begin the Civil Engineering program.

    Combined B.S/M.S. Degree

    Application for this combined degree program should occur at the end of the junior year to meet the academic standing and GPA requirement. Application details are available in the Academic Regulations section of the Graduate School Announcements.

    How to Apply

    Clemson University offers a Coalition Application, Clemson Application, and the Common Application. To learn more about the application process, deadlines, requirements and what to expect after applying, please review the First-Year Application Process.

    The GS6-Bachelor-to-Graduate Plan form will serve as your application to the civil engineering graduate program – no additional application is required. However, while the Graduate Record Exam (GRE) is not mandatory, some fellowship applications may require GRE scores.

Apply to CE Program

The Glenn Department of Civil Engineering is one of four named civil engineering departments in the country. The program has been an integral part of Clemson since the University was founded in 1889, with the first civil engineering degree awarded in 1896. Students work closely with faculty, peers and industry on hands-on research projects that prepare them to work domestically and abroad within one of the most in-demand engineering fields.

Information on admission requirements, financial assistance, and academic policies and procedures as a student in CE can be found in the catalog and handbook.


ABET LogoThe Bachelor of Science in the Civil Engineering program is accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET,, under the General Criteria and the Civil and Similarly Named Engineering Programs Program Criteria.

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Glenn Department of Civil Engineering
Glenn Department of Civil Engineering | Lowry Hall, Clemson, SC 29634