M.S. Program

The Chemical Engineering M.S. prepares students to apply science and engineering principles to complex problems associated with the chemical, biomolecular and associated industries. Students develop an advanced understanding of science and engineering principles. Graduates can become involved in the research, manufacture and use of chemicals, polymers, pharmaceuticals, electronics, consumer products and petroleum products, to name a few. The department has strong research programs in advanced materials, biotechnology, energy, and chemical and biochemical processing.
Students with B.S. degrees in chemistry, physics, or other related branches of science and engineering are encouraged to apply and are considered fully for admission. Special programs are available to facilitate a transition from B.S. degrees other than Chemical Engineering.
Career Outlook
Chemical engineers are expected to see employment growth, with increased opportunities expected in research and development. Particular gain will be seen in energy, biotechnology, and nanotechnology.
- Commodity and Specialty Chemicals
- Energy
- Electronic & Advanced Materials
- Environmental Sustainability
- Biotechnology
- Food
- Medicine & Pharmaceuticals
- Law
ChBE Program Curriculum
Although there are no specific undergraduate course requirements for students entering the M.S. program with a B.S. degree in Chemical Engineering, it should be clearly understood that many Chemical Engineering graduate courses presume knowledge of corresponding undergraduate material. In addition, evidence of such knowledge may be required of the student at the final oral examination for the M.S. degree with thesis option. A student may remove deficiencies by auditing the courses. In some cases, the student's committee may require undergraduate courses to be taken for credit.
Required Curriculum
There are two options for obtaining an M.S. degree in Chemical Engineering, a Thesis option and a Non-Thesis option. The M.S. program consists of 24 credits of courses, plus 6 additional credits. All M.S. degree students are required to complete the following:
- CHE 8030 - Advanced Transport Phenomena (3)
- CHE 8040 - Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics (3)
- CHE 8050 - Chemical Engineering Kinetics (3)
- Approved Technical Electives (15) - must include CHE/BMOL (6), non-CHE/BMOL (6), and 8000-level (6)
Thesis option: CHE 8910 - Research (8)
Non-thesis Option: CHE 8010 - Graduate Research Skills & Ethics (3), additional 8000-level (3)
For students entering the M.S. program with non-chemical engineering B.S. degrees, the following courses are also required (some requirements may be waived based on B.S. degree; additional requirements may apply):
- CHE 2110 - Mass and Energy Balances (3)
- CHE 2200 - Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics I (3)
- CHE 2300 - Fluids/Heat Transfer (3)
- CHE 3070 or CHE 4070 - Unit Operation Lab I or II
- CHE 3300 - Mass Transfer/Separations (3)
- CHE 4500 - Chemical Reaction Engineering (3)
Applying to the ChBE Program
Degree Prerequisites
Students with B.S. degrees in chemistry, physics, or other related branches of science and engineering are encouraged to apply and are considered fully for admission. Special programs are available to facilitate a transition from B.S. degrees other than Chemical Engineering.
Required Documents
- Online Application
- Unofficial Transcripts - Official Transcripts required upon acceptance. Do not send official transcripts until you have received your letter of acceptance.
- Letters of Recommendation
How to Apply
To apply for Clemson’s graduate programs in chemical and biomolecular engineering, you must submit an application, at least two letters of recommendation from faculty members or work supervisors, and unofficial transcripts of all college work - official transcripts are required after acceptance. Students who completed a B.S. or M.S. degree in the US are not required to submit TOEFL scores.
Applicants are accepted at any time, but to be considered for all financial aid possibilities, you should apply by early January for the Fall semester or early September for the Spring semester.
Information on deadlines and financial aid can be found on our Graduate Admissions FAQ.
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