Faculty Labs

Alba-Rubio Group
Our research focuses on the design and synthesis of nanomaterials for catalysis and sensing applications. We aim to produce fuels and materials sustainably and develop technologies to improve the human condition.
Alba-Rubio Group LabBirtwistle Lab
Our lab combines computational and experimental methods to understand how cancer cells make decisions, with a particular focus on brain tumors. We aim to use this to predict drug and drug combination responses better.
Birtwistle Lab

Davis Research Group
Our research group looks at the relationship between polymer structure, transport phenomena, and polymer physics. We want to demystify polymer physics phenomena and aid in developing next-gen polymer membranes.
Davis Research Group LabLarsen Lab
Our lab works on projects at the interface of materials science and neural biology to develop strategies to treat and diagnose central nervous system disease. Particular focus goes to the development of polymersomes to bypass the blood-brain barrier.
Larsen Lab

Roberts Group
Our research group focuses on developing functional polymeric materials with unique electronic and electrochemical properties for energy storage and sensor applications, with research activities divided into two key areas.
Roberts Group LabThies Group
Our research group focuses on chemical and biomolecular separations where thermodynamics and phase equilibria play a key role. Interest is placed on the fractionation and molecular characterization of poorly defined systems.
Thies Group Lab