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Robert A. Fjeld

Robert A. FjeldEmeritus Professor & Dempsey Chair of Environmental Engineering
Rich Lab, 342 Computer Court
Anderson, SC 29625

Ph.D. Nuclear Engineering, The Pennsylvania State University, 1976
M.S. Nuclear Engineering, Minor in Air Pollution, The Pennsylvania State University, 1973
B.S. Nuclear Engineering, North Carolina State University, 1970

Professional Registration:
Professional Engineer, Texas, 1979, No. 44179

Classes | Publications | Honors | CV

Faculty Overview

Dr. Fjeld's major teaching and research interests are in the environmental aspects of nuclear technologies. He teaches courses in radiation and health physics, radioactive waste management, radiation measurements, and risk assessment. He developed a course in Environmental Risk Assessment which he taught for more than 25 years. He is lead author of a textbook, Environmental Risk Analysis for Human Health, based on the instructional materials he developed for the course. Current research interests are focused on the transport and measurement of radionuclides in the environment, with a specific emphasis on the behavior and sub-surface transport of radionuclides at Department of Energy sites.

Class Information

Dr. Fjeld does not currently teach classes.

Selected Publications

Roane, J.E., DeVol, T.A., Leyba, J.D., and Fjeld, R.A., "The Use of extraction chromatography resins to concentrate actinides and strontium from soil for radiochromatographic analyses," J Environ Radioactiv 66, 227-245, 2003.

Fjeld, R.A., Serkiz, S.M., McGinnis, P.L., Elci, A., and Kaplan, D.I. "Evaluation of a conceptual model for the subsurface transport of plutonium involving surface mediated reduction of Pu(V) to PU(IV),” J Contam Hydrol 67, 79-94, 2003.

Hull, L.C., Grossman, C., Fjeld, R.A., and Elzerman, A.W., "Hybrid empirical - theoretical approach to modeling uranium adsorption" App Geochem 19, 721-736, May 2004.

Kaplan D.I., Powell, B.A., Demirkanli, D.I., Fjeld, R.A., Molz, F.J., Serkiz S.M., and Coates, J.T " “Influence of oxidation states on plutonium mobility during long-term transport through an unsaturated subsurface environment,” Env Sci Technol 38, 5053- 5058, 2004.

Powell, B.A., Fjeld R.A., Kaplan D.I., Coates J.T., Serkiz S.M. “Pu(V)O2 adsorption and reduction on synthetic magnetite (Fe2O3),” Env Sci Technol 38, 6016-6024, 2004.

Fjeld, R.A., DeVol, T.A., Leyba, J.D. and Paulenova, A., "Measurement of radionuclides using ion chromatography and on-line radiation detection," J Radioanal Nucl Chem 263(3), March, 2005.

Powell B.A., Fjeld R.A., Kaplan D.I., Coates J.T., and Serkiz S.M., “Pu(V)O2+ adsorption and reduction on synthetic Goethite (-FeOOH) and Hematite (-Fe2O3),” Env Sci Technol, 39, 2107-2114, 2005.

Kaplan, D.I., Demirkanli, D.I., Gumapas, L., Powell, B.A., Fjeld, R.A., Molz, F.J., and Serkiz, S.M. “11-year field study of Pu migration from Pu III, IV, and VI sources,” Env Sci Technol 40(2), 443-448, 2006.

Powell, B.A., Duff, M.C., Kaplan, D.I., Fjeld, R.A., Newville, M., Hunter, D.B., Bertsch. P.M., Coates, J.T., Eng, P., Rivers, M.L., Serkiz, S.M., Sutton, S.R., Triay, I.R., Vaniman, D.T., “Plutonium oxidation and subsequent reduction by Mn(IV) minerals in Yucca Mt. Tuff,” Env Sci Technol 40(11), 3508-3514, 2006.

Kaplan, D.I., Powell, B.A., Gumapas, L., Coates, J.T., Fjeld, R.A., “Influence of pH on plutonium desorption/solubilization from sediment Env Sci Technol 40(19), 5937- 5942, 2006.

Demirkanli, D.I., Molz, F.J., Kaplan, D.I., Fjeld, R.A., and Serkiz, S.M., “Modeling Long-Term Plutonium Transport in the Savannah River Site Vadose Zone,” Vadose Zone J 6, 344-353, 2007.

Kaplan, D.I., Powell, B.A.,Duff, M., Demirkanli, D.I., Denham, M., Fjeld, R.A., Molz, F.J., “Plutonium source solubility and oxidation state transformations in vadose zone sediments,” Env Sci Technol, 41(21), 7417-7423, 2007.

Carver, A.M., Hinton, T.G., Fjeld, R.A., and Kaplan, D.I., "Reduced plant uptake of 137Cs grown in illite-amended sediments", Water, Air, and Soil Pollution, 185, 225-263, 2007.

Demirkanli D.I., Molz F.J., Kaplan D.I. and Fjeld R.A., “A fully transient model for long-term plutonium transport in the Savannah River Site vadose zone: Root water uptake”, Vadose Zone J, 7(3), 1099-1109, 2008.

Demirkanli D.I., Molz F.J., Kaplan D.I., and Fjeld, R.A. “Soil-root interactions controlling upward plutonium transport in variably saturated soils ”, Vadose Zone J, 8(3), 574-585, 2008.

Thompson S.W., Molz F.J., Fjeld R.A. and Kaplan, D.I. “Plutonium velocity in Zea mays (corn) and implications for plant uptake of Pu in the root zone,” J. Radioanalytical Nuclear Chem, 282(2), 439-442, 2009.

Grogan K.P., Fjeld R.A., Kaplan D.I. DeVol, T.A., and Coates, J.T. “Distributions of radionuclide sorption coefficients (Kd) in sub-surface sediments and the implications for transport calculations,” J Environmental Radioactivity, 101(10), 847-853, 2010.

Awards & Honors

Provost Research Award, Clemson University (1996)

Fellow, Health Physics Society (2005)