Dr. Debora Rodrigues - Chair
Debora Rodrigues joined Clemson University as EEES Department Chair in August 2024. In her career, she has participated in research and education primarily in hazardous waste management, water and wastewater treatment, and biodegradation/bioremediation of recalcitrant organic compounds. Prior to joining Clemson, Dr. Rodrigues worked as the Director of the Environmental Engineering Graduate Program at the University of Houston.
Member of the American Society for Microbiology (ASM), Association of Environmental Engineering and Science Professors (AEESP), American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), International Society for Microbial Ecology (ISME), International Water Association (IWA), American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE), and American Chemical Society (ACS).
- Lecture Committee Member for AEESP (2014-2017)
- Co-chair of the Lecture committees for AEESP (2016-2018)
- WEFTEC Subcommittee Assistant Chair (2016-2018)
- Session chair at the Environmental Challenges and Innovations conference (2011)
- Session chair at the Sustainable Nanotechnology Organization Conference (2016)

Department Administrators and Staff
Name | Title | |
Debora Rodrigues | Department Chair | dfrodri@clemson.edu |
Kim Bartholomew-Neptune | Office Manager | carmiet@clemson.edu |
Lori Alexander | Administrative Specialist | llalexa@clemson.edu |
Please view the complete list of faculty and staff below in our department directory.
Department Directory
The Environmental Engineering and Earth Sciences Department has about 180 undergraduate students (not including first-year students) and 80 graduate students. The department has 32 full-time faculty members and 23 administrative, technical, and research staff members. The Department has three Advisory Boards, each composed of individuals who assist the department in its mission. Please view our annual EEES Group Photos.
EEES Faculty and Area
EEES Faculty Name Title Area Email Phone Amy, Gary Dean’s Distinguished Professor Physical/Chemical Process Engineering gamy@clemson.edu 864.656.3201 Brame, Scott Research Assistant Professor Hydrogeology brames@clemson.edu 864.656.7167 Bregy, Joshua Assistant Professor Paleoclimatology jbregy@clemson.edu 864.656.3529 Carbajales-Dale, Michael Associate Professor Sustainability Assessment/Energy-Economy-Environmental Systems Analysis madale@clemson.edu 864.656.0523 Carraway, Elizabeth Associate Professor Environmental Chemistry ecarraw@clemson.edu 864.656.5574 Cates, Ezra Associate Professor Physicochemical Water Treatment Processes ecates@clemson.edu 864.656.1540 Coulson, Alan Principal Lecturer Geology acoulso@clemson.edu 864.656.1897 Darnault, Christophe Associate Professor Biosystems Engineering cdarnau@clemson.edu 864.656.1398 DeVol, Timothy Professor Environmental Health Physics devol@clemson.edu 864.656.1014 Dodd, Tom Lecturer Biosystems Engineering tdodd@clemson.edu 864.656.3962 Drapcho, Caye Associate Professor Biosystems Engineering cdrapch@clemson.edu 864.656.0378 Falta, Ronald Professor Hydrogeology faltar@clemson.edu 864.656.0125 Fidler, Mary Kate Senior Lecturer Geology mfidler@clemson.edu 844.656.1560 Finneran, Kevin Professor Anaerobic Microbial Ecology ktf@clemson.edu 864.656.4143 Freedman, David Professor Biological Process Engineering / Bioremediation dfreedm@clemson.edu 864.656.5566 Hawkins, Adam Assistant Professor Geo-Environmental ahawki9@clemson.edu 864.656.1209 Karanfil, Tanju Professor & Senior Vice President for Research, Scholarship and Creative Endeavors Physical / Chemical Process Engineering tkaranf@clemson.edu 864.656.1005 Ladner, David Professor Environmental Engineering ladner@clemson.edu 864.656.5572 Lazar, Kelly Assistant Professor Geology / Geoscience Education klazar@clemson.edu 864.656.9812 Martinez, Nicole Associate Professor Health Physics and Radioecology nmarti3@clemson.edu 864.656.1984 Metcalf, Andrew Associate Professor Environmental Engineering ametcal@clemson.edu 864.656.0464 Murdoch, Larry Professor Hydrogeology lmurdoc@clemson.edu 864.656.2597 Nammouz, Minory Principal Lecturer Curriculum and Instruction mnammou@clemson.edu 864.656.5014 Owino, Tom Associate Professor Biosystems Engineering towino@clemson.edu 864.656.4041 Popat, Sudeep Associate Professor Environmental Biotechnology spopat@clemson.edu 864.656.5568 Powell, Brian Professor Environmental Radiochemistry bpowell@clemson.edu 864.656.1004 Pullen, Alex Associate Professor Geology apullen@clemson.edu 864.656.5015 Rodrigues, Debora Professor & Chair Microbiology & Molecular Genetics dfrodri@clemson.edu 864.656.3519 Schlautman, Mark Professor Environmental Geochemistry / Chemical Fate & Transport mschlau@clemson.edu 864.656.4059 Scribner, Emily Senior Lecturer Geology escribn@clemson.edu 864.656.4579 Shuller-Nickles, Lindsay Associate Professor Environmental Mineralogy lshulle@clemson.edu 864.656.1448 Thompson, Margaret Senior Lecturer Environmental Science & Policy mtmpsn@clemson.edu 864.656.0523 Vanegas, Diana Assistant Professor Biosystems Engineering dvanega@clemson.edu 864.656.1001 Walker, Terry Professor Biosystems Engineering walker4@clemson.edu 864.656.0351 Research Professors & Visiting Scholars
EEES Researchers Name Title Email Valery Bliznyuk Research Associate Professor vblizny@clemson.edu Huan Chen Research Assistant Professor huanc@clemson.edu Fanny Coutelot Research Assistant Professor fcoutel@clemson.edu Scott DeWolf Research Associate Professor sdewolf@clemson.edu Leonid Germanovich Research Professor leonidg@clemson.edu Dawn Montgomery Research Assistant Professor damontg@clemson.edu -
Associated Faculty
Adjunct Faculty
EEES Adjunct Faculty Name Affiliation Email Onur Apul University of Maine onurapul@gmail.com Birsen Ayaz-Maierhafer Sandia National Laboratory bayazma@sandia.gov Ilenia Battiato Stanford University ibattiat@stanford.edu Sally Benson Stanford University smbenson@stanford.edu Robin Brigmon Savannah River National Laboratory (Retired) D0751@comcast.net Deniz Demirkanli Pacific Northwest National Laboratory inci.demirkanli@pnnl.gov David DiPrete Savannah River National Laboratory diprete@srnl.doe.gov Norman Eisenberg Retired from U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission enpm-nae@comcast.net Brady Flinchum University of Newcastle flinchu4@gmail.com Glenn Fugate Pacific Northwest National Laboratory glenn.fugate@pnnl.gov Jay Gaillard University of South Carolina gaillaj@mailbox.sc.edu John (Jack) Garihan Furman University jgariha@clemson.edu James K Henderson Dupont James.k.henderson@dupont.com William Hiatt Retired from AKZO-Nobel and BASF Corporation wchiatt@clemson.edu George M. Huddleston, III SynTerra Sciences & Engineering mhuddleston@synterracorp.com Daniel Kaplan Savannah River National Laboratory daniel.kaplan@srnl.doe.gov Chao Liu Chinese Academy of Sciences chao2@clemson.edu Brian Looney Savannah River National Laboratory brian02.looney@srnl.doe.gov Teresa Matthews Oak Ridge National Laboratory mathewstj@ornl.gov Eugene McCall >McCall Environmental, PA. gene@mccallenv.com Stephen Moysey East Carolina University moyseys18@ecu.edu Nhuan P. Nghiem USDA John.Nghiem@ARS.USDA.GOV Jose Payero Edisto REC jpayero@clemson.edu Scott Reboul Retired from the Savannah River National Laboratory debreboul@juno.com Joseph Rossabi Redox Tech, LLC rossabi@redox-tech.com Sean Scuras Garver SEScuras@GarverUSA.com Ayman Seliman 3M aseliman@mmm.com Steven Serkiz Bechtel serkiz@clemson.edu Graham Smith GMS Abingdon Ltd, UK gmsabingdon@btinternet.com Neil Adam Smith Clemson University smith23@clemson.edu Andrew Sowder Electric Power Research Institute asowder@epri.com Irene Vélez-Torres Universidad del Valle, Colombia irenevt@gmail.com Ramkumar Venkataraman Oak Ridge National Laboratory venkataramar@ornl.gov Mary Katherine Watson The Citadel mwatson9@citadel.edu Jerry Wylie SynTerra Corporation jawylie84@gmail.com Rui Xiao rxiao@clemson.edu Rong Yu SynTerra Corporation yurong84@gmail.com Mavrik Zavarin Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory zavarin1@llnl.gov Yi Zheng Kansas State University yzheng@ksu.edu Joint Faculty
EEES Joint Faculty Name Title Email Raghupathy Karthikeyan Professor rkarthi@clemson.edu Eric McLamore Associate Professor emclamo@clemson.edu Post Docs
EEES Post Doctoral Name Faculty Association Email Abayomi Alayande David Ladner aalayan@clemson.edu Peng DaiPeng Tanju Karanfil pdai@clemson.edu Kelli McCourt David L. Freedman kmccour@clemson.edu Juan Jose Romero Conde David L. Freedman juanjor@clemson.edu Omobayo Salawu Tanju Karanfil osalawu@clemson.edu Tatek Temesgen Terfasa Tanju Karanfil tterfas@clemson.edu Jing-Hua Tzeng David Ladner jinghut@clemson.edu Manas Warke Debora Rodrigues mwarke@clemson.edu Research Staff & Visiting Scholars
EEES Researchers Name Title Email Alireza Faraji Visiting Scholar: Tanju Karanfil afaraji@clemson.edu Anangelica Rivera Cruz Research Associate ananger@clemson.edu Mehmet Sinan Bilgili Visiting Scholar: Tanju Karanfil mbilgil@clemson.edu Sehnaz Sule Bekaroglu Visiting Scholar: Tanju Karanfil skaplan@clemson.edu Habibullah Uzan Visiting Scholar: Tanju Karanfil huzan@clemson.edu Emeritus Faculty
CE Emeritus Faculty Name Title Area Abernathy, A, Ray* Acting Department Head & Professor Emeritus Castle, James Professor Emeritus Hydrogeology Dysart III, Benjamin C.* Professor Emeritus Elzerman, Alan Professor Emeritus Environmental Chemistry Fjeld, Robert Dempsey Professor Emeritus Environmental Health Physics Grady Jr., C.P. Leslie R. A. Bowen Professor Emeritus Process Engineering Keinath, Thomas* Dean Emeritus Lee, Cindy Professor Emeritus Environmental Chemistry Molz, Fred Research Professor & Distinguished Scientist Emeritus Hydrogeology Navratil, James Professor Emeritus Environmental Radiochemistry Overcamp, Thomas Professor Emeritus Process Engineering Rich, Linvil G. * Alumni Distinguished Professor Emeritus Wagner, John Professor Emeritus Geoscience Education Warner, Richard D. Professor Emeritus Mineralogy / Petrology *In Memoriam
EEES Staff Name Title Email Phone Alexander, Lori Administrative Specialist llalexa@clemson.edu 864.656.3276 Bartholomew-Neptune, Kim Office Manager carmiet@clemson.edu 864.656.3438 Elliott, Jenna Student Services Coordinator (Undergraduate) elliot3@clemson.edu 864.656.0470 Flinchum, Melyssa Procurement/Payroll Support mflinch@clemson.edu 864.656.3277 Garcia, Julie Grant Manager jgarcia@clemson.edu 864.656.7468 Kim, Daekyun Lab Manager daekyuk@clemson.edu 864.656.5571 Merck, Rodney Lab Specialist III dmerck@clemson.edu 864.656.1751 Morgan, Rodney Lab Specialist III rodneym@clemson.edu 864.656.1002 Shaw, Michelle Financial Business Manager/Accountant mshaw3@clemson.edu 864.656.1978 Smith, Barbara Student Services Coordinator (Graduate) barbar2@clemson.edu 864.656.3278
Academic Contacts
The Clemson University Biosystems Engineering, Environmental Engineering, and Geology Undergraduate degree programs are ABET-accredited Bachelor of Science degrees designed to provide students with engineering science and design knowledge. We offer four Masters of Science degrees (thesis and non-thesis options) and two Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) degrees.
Please visit our tour page for information on campus tours, virtual meetings, and department visits.
Jenna Elliott
Undergraduate Student Services Coordinator
Barbara Smith
Graduate Student Services Coordinator
Graduate Students
Please view our current list of graduate students, including their contact and academic program information.
Advisory Board
The Department of Environmental Engineering and Earth Sciences is advised by three Advisory Boards: Biosystems Engineering, Environmental Engineering, and Nuclear Environmental Engineering and Science.
An academic department within the School of Civil and Environmental Engineering and Earth Sciences