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Male in front of group giving case study presentation
Department of Engineering and Science Education


Interdisciplinary Education

Our community of practice brings together graduate students and faculty from bioengineering, chemistry, civil engineering, electrical engineering, environmental engineering and science, materials science and engineering, mathematics, mechanical engineering, and physics to engage in cutting-edge research in epistemologies, policy, and learning mechanisms and systems.

Our community includes undergraduate researchers, postdoctoral scholars, and visiting researchers in our academic endeavors.

Male teacher in front of class

Graduate Programs

Ph.D. Program

The Ph.D. program in Engineering & Science Education is a nationally unique graduate program in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) education research. Students in this program will be exposed to a wide breadth of STEM education research under current investigation as well as be prepared to interface between the development of new theory in STEM development and the implementation of recent research findings in practice.

This discipline-based education research (DBER) combines knowledge of teaching and learning with deep knowledge of discipline-specific science content.

Graduate Certificate

The Department of Engineering and Science Education offers graduate students enrolled in STEM disciplines to seek formal experience in preparation for an academic career, further their understanding of the education process, or furthering their knowledge of discipline-based education research. The ESED Certificate program is designed for students who are content specialists in STEM disciplines and who seek to pursue education-related careers.

Graduate Certificate Alumni have secured positions at many colleges and universities throughout the US including Clemson, North Carolina State, Virginia Tech University, Furman University, University of Houston.

Community of Practice

staci profile"Being a member of the ESED community built my knowledge and abilities as a discipline-based education researcher from the very beginning. Participating in our Lunch & Learn discussions and Writing Week surrounded me with experts and trainees who openly discussed and critiqued their own and other's work. The department functioned as a community of practice in this area. I was a STEM educator before entering the ESED Ph.D. program, but the reading I completed and the classes I took provided me with new skills and knowledge that have enhanced my performance in my job as a professor and chair at a small private institution."

Staci N. Johnson
ESED '19

seminar spotlight

Academic Excellence

Benson in classroom with students

leader in engineering education

Lisa Benson, whose influence has extended from an arts festival to workshops as far away as Indonesia won the Class of ‘39 Award for Excellence. Described as inspiring, she has developed programs that have become integral to the Clemson University community, while carving out a reputation as an outstanding teacher and researcher.

Outstanding Contributions

bringing wide-ranging groups to STEM fields

Wysheka Austin, who received the Science Spectrum Trailblazer Award, decided to pursue a Ph.D. after seeing the impact she had on her niece and two cousins. As part of her Ph.D. program, Austin focused on weak points in the educational system and on how small interventions might produce large positive effects.

Influencing Others
Wysheka Austin