Office: G06 Fluor Daniel Building, Clemson, SC (Main Campus)
Phone: (864) 656-5635
Richard Figliola is the Alumni Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Mechanical Engineering and Bioengineering at Clemson University. He has served previously as Director of Education and Site Director of the Clemson University Restoration Institute (CURI) in Charleston, SC and as Mechanical Engineering Department Chair (1995 – 2002; 2015- 2018). A Life Fellow of ASME, he serves on the ASME PTC 19.1 - the National Committee on Test Uncertainty.
Dr. Figliola has published extensively and broadly in the areas of fluid and thermal transport and many of his publications discuss novel measurement methods and modeling techniques. He is senior author of a well-known engineering measurements textbook that is now its 7th edition. He holds 5 patents and has engineered several successful commercial products resulting from his industry consultations. He has made contributions in a broad range of areas from the fundamentals to applications that impact aircraft design, clinical patient management and decision making through cardiovascular modeling, passive energy building design, electronic packaging, gas-particle transport, and materials processing. He has a background in aerospace and heat transfer, which still occupy part of his research. His current research in biofluid mechanics involves developing multi-scale models to better understand the hemodynamics associated with right heart congenital defects. His most recent works have been supported by the Leducq Foundation, NIH, Additional Ventures, National Science Foundation, and the US Air Force.
At Clemson University, Dr. Figliola has been recognized by many awards. Most notably, he received the Class of 1939 Award for Excellence, Clemson University’s highest faculty award. He served as the Clemson University Centennial Professor (2015-17) recognizing his significant contributions in teaching and research, and was named an Alumni Distinguished Professor.
PhD, University of Notre Dame
MS, University of Notre Dame
BS, University of Notre Dame
Fluid and energy transport related to engineered devices and the human blood circulation.
Hsia TY, Conover T, Figliola RS for the MOCHA Investigators. Computational Modeling To Support Surgical Decision Making In Single Ventricle Physiology. Semin Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 2020;23 (c):2-10.
Kung E, Corsini C, Marsden A, Vignon-Clementel I, Pennati G, Figliola RS, Hsia TY for MOCHA Investigators, Multiscale Modeling of Superior Cavopulmonary Circulation: Hemi-Fontan And Bidirectional Glenn Are Equivalent, Seminars in Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery, 2020;32(4); 883-892.
Rodefeld M, Marsden A, Figliola R, Jonas T, Nearye M, Giridharan G. Cavopulmonary assist: long-term reversal of the Fontan paradox, JTCVS, 2019.
Conover T, Hlavacek A, Migliavacca F, Kung E, Dorfman A, Hsia TY, Figliola RS for the MOCHA Investigators. An Interactive Simulation Tool for Patient-Specific Clinical Decision Support in Single Ventricle Physiology. JTCVS, 2018;155 (2):712–721. Also, ios App: Single Ventricle Circulation
Hsia TY and Figliola RS. Multiscale Modeling of Single Ventricle Hearts for Clinical Decision Support. Eur J Cardio Thor Surg, 2016;49(2):365-368. Invited Editorial.
Grier B, Alynanak E, Camberos J, Figliola RS, Discontinuous solutions using the method of manufactured solutions on finite volume solvers, AIAA Journal, 2015;53(8):2369-2378.
Grier B, Alynanak E, Camberos J, White M, Figliola RS, Numerical integration techniques for discontinuous manufactured solutions, J Comp Physics, 2014;278:193–203.
Vukicevic M, Conover T, Jaeggli M, Zhou J, Pennati G., Hsia TY, Figliola RS. Control of Respiration-Driven Retrograde Flow in the Subdiaphragmatic Venous Return of the Fontan Circulation, ASAIO J, 2014;60(4):391-399.
Figliola RS, and DE Beasley, Theory and Design for Mechanical Measurements – 7th edition, Wiley, New York, 2019. Several foreign translations.
Figliola, RS and Anderson, IE, “Visualization Of Gas Atomization Process Dynamics,” Journal Of Metals, 40 (11): 58-58 Nov, 1988.
Scott, D., R. Anderson and R.S. Figliola, "Blockage of Natural Convection Boundary Layer Flows in Multizone Enclosures", International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow, 9, 2, 1988.