Dr. John Wagner - Interim Chair
John Wagner joined the Department in August 1998. He was previously on the engineering staff at Delco Electronics, a subsidiary of General Motors Hughes Electronics, and Delphi Automotive Systems, working on automotive powertrain and chassis control systems with hardware-in-the-loop and in-vehicle testing. Wagner has established the multi-disciplinary Driving Simulator Laboratory and the Rockwell Automation Mechatronics Educational Laboratory at Clemson. He has served as an associate editor for the IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics (2005-2008) and as the chair of the ASME Dynamic Systems & Control Division Automotive & Transportation Systems Technical Committee (2004-2007). Dr. Wagner is a registered professional mechanical engineer and also serves as the faculty advisor for the Clemson University SAE student chapter. He has been elected an ASME Fellow.
Wagner ProfileDepartment Administrators and Staff
Name | Title | |
John Wagner | Interim Department Chair | jwagner@clemson.edu |
OPEN | Office Manager | mecheng@clemson.edu |
Stone Tracy | Accountant | stonet@clemson.edu |
Derrick Jordan | Website, Publications | jordan2@clemson.edu |
Please view the complete list of faculty and staff below in our department directory.
Department Directory
The Department of Mechanical Engineering has over 35 tenured/tenure track faculty and full-time and part-time lecturers who teach and perform research on a broad range of topics. The department has 13 administrative and technical staff members. Our staff is instrumental in the department's operations and support of faculty and students.
ME Faculty Name Title Email Phone Bostwick, Joshua Associate Professor jbostwi@clemson.edu (864) 656-5625 Byrd, Douglas Professor of Practice dbyrd2@clemson.edu (864) 656-5622 Choi, Hongseok Associate Professor hongc@clemson.edu (864) 656-5642 Dutta, Sandip Lecturer sdutta@clemson.edu (864) 656-7196 Giguere, Philippe Professor of Practice pgiguer@clemson.edu (864) 656-1307 Guggisberg, Tim Clinical Assistant Professor tguggis@clemson.edu (864) 656-2023 Kung, Ethan Associate Professor ekung@clemson.edu (864) 656-5623 Li, Gang Professor gli@clemson.edu (864) 656-3294 Li, Zhen Assistant Professor zli7@clemson.edu (864) 656-7189 Lou, Lihua Assistant Professor llou@clemson.edu (864) 656-5639 Lv, Ge Assistant Professor glv@clemson.edu (864) 656-7291 Mabey, Christopher Assistant Professor cmabey@clemson.edu (864) 656 2687 Martinez-Duarte, Rodrigo Associate Professor rodrigm@clemson.edu (864) 656-5634 Martinez Saez, Enrique Associate Professor enrique@clemson.edu (864) 656-5640 Masoud, Hassan Associate Professor hmasoud@clemson.edu (864) 656-5635 Meng, Zhaoxu Assistant Professor zmeng@clemson.edu (864) 656-7170 Mocko, Gregory Associate Professor gmocko@clemson.edu (864) 656-1812 Myers, Oliver J. Professor omyers@clemson.edu (864) 656-2336 Northington, Jay Senior Lecturer jnorthi@clemson.edu (864) 656-2924 Pataky, Garrett J. Associate Professor gpataky@clemson.edu (864) 656-2415 Ramnath, Satchit Assistant Professor sramnat@clemson.edu (864) 656 6248 Russcher, Sez Atamturktur Provost Distinguished Professor sez@clemson.edu (843) 730-5067 Saylor, John R. Professor jsaylor@clemson.edu (864) 656-5621 Schmid, Matthias Assistant Professor in Mechanical and Automotive Engineering schmidm@clemson.edu (864) 283-7216 Schweisinger, Todd Principal Lecturer todds@clemson.edu (864) 656-5542 Scott, Rick Senior Lecturer rscott9@clemson.edu (864) 656-3078 Shah, Chandresh Lecturer crshah@clemson.edu (864) 656 6851 Sun, Cheng Associate Professor csun2@clemson.edu (864) 656 5640 Tallapragada, Phanindra Associate Professor ptallap@clemson.edu (864) 656-5643 Tong, Chenning Professor ctong@clemson.edu (864) 656-7225 Turner, Cameron Associate Professor cturne9@clemson.edu (864) 656-2413 Vahidi, Ardalan Professor avahidi@clemson.edu (864) 656-4718 Velni, Javad Professor javadm@clemson.edu (864) 656-0139 Vaidya, Umesh Professor uvaidya@clemson.edu (864) 656-7471 Vijayan, Vinayak Lecturer vinayav@clemson.edu (864) 656-0384 Wagner, John R. Professor jwagner@clemson.edu (864) 656-7376 Wang, Yue "Sophie" Warren H. Owen - Duke Energy Professor of Engineering yue6@clemson.edu (864) 656-5632 Watkins Jr, R.J. Professor rjwatki@clemson.edu (864) 656-2542 Wilson, Daniel Lecturer dwilso9@clemson.edu (864) 656-5627 Xu, Yuhao Assistant Professor yuhaox@clemson.edu (864) 656 0545 Xuan (Schwann), Xiangchun Professor xcxuan@clemson.edu (864) 656-5630 Zhang, Yifan Assistant Professor yifan3@clemson.edu (864) 656-3085 Zhao, Huijuan “Jane” Professor hzhao2@clemson.edu (864) 656-7190 Zhao, Xin Associate Professor xzhao5@clemson.edu (864) 656-2151 -
Associated Faculty/Postdoc
Adjunct Faculty
ME Adjunct Faculty Name Affiliation Email Atamturktur Russcher, Sez Penn State University hsa109@psu.edu Camp, Tiffany GE Power camp6@clemson.edu Coutris, Nicole Clemson University coutris@clemson.edu Delhaye, Jean-Marc Clemson University
delhaye@clemson.edu Daqaq, Mohammed New York University
mdaqaq@clemson.edu Hsia, Tain-Yen Arnold Palmer Hospital for Children, Orlando FL tyhsia@virginmedia.com Huang, Yong University of Florida yongh@ufl.edu Humphrey, Laura Air Force Research Lab
laura.humphrey@us.af.mil Rizzo, Denise
US Army Ground Vehicle System Center
drizzo@clemson.edu Shankar, Prabhu
OshKosh Corporation
Joint Faculty
ME Joint Faculty Name Title Email Krovi, Venkat Professor vkrovi@clemson.edu Orr, Marisa Associate Professor marisak@clemson.edu Redmond, Laura Assistant Professor lmredmo@clemson.edu Wiecek, Margaret Professor wmalgor@clemson.edu Post Docs
ME Post Doctoral Name Title Email Barskov, Kirill Conover, Timothy Research Specialist I conover@clemson.edu Research Professors
ME Researchers Name Title Email Bibo, Amin Research Assistant Professor abibo@clemson.edu Figliola, Richard Alumni Distinguished Professor Emeritus and Research Professor fgliola@clemson.edu Emeritus Faculty
ME Emeritus Faculty Name Service Atul Kelkar Lonny Thompson Georges Fadel 1992-2020 Mica Grujicic 1988-2016 Donald E Beasley 1983-2017 Sherrill Biggers 1989-2015 David Zumbrunnen 1988-2015 Thomas Kurfess 2005-2012 Chris Przirembel 1981-2010 John Maurice Kennedy 1983-2007 Cecil Huey 1975-2006 Joseph Leo Gaddis 1972-2006 E Harry Law 1971-2006 Frank Waters Paul 1979-2005 Charles Kenneth Roby 1979-2001 Warren Dixon 1971-2000 Eugene Harlan Bishop 1974-1995 James Gleason Goree 1966-1996 James Stephen Wolf 1969-1993 Tah-teh Yang 1962-1993 Walter E. Castro 1959-1993 Nelson Robert Bauld, Jr. 1964-1989 Alvon Creighton Elrod 1954-1988 Carl Sidney Rudisill 1966-1988 William Garraux Hudson 1949-1985 Edward Ford Byars 1948-1985 Douglas Wilson Bradbury 1940-1985 James Leon Edwards 1948-1984 Thurman Craig Hardin 1966-1983 Samuel McIver Watson, Jr. 1940-1978 Alexander Dodge Lewis 1947-1977 James Clinton Cook, Jr. 1947-1965 Karl William Rausch 1955-1963 Donald Dexter Curtis 1929-1961 James Hagood Sams 1926-1960 Bernhard Edward Fernow 1927-1958 Samuel Broadus Earle 1902-1958 Joseph Edward Shigley 1936-1957 James Fraklin Sutton 1945-1955 Donald H. Shenk 1929-1942 -
ME Staff Name Title Email Phone Breazeale, Austin Technician Lab Manager breazea@clemson.edu (864) 656-3495 Ellis, Sarah Procurement and Payroll Support seshirl@clemson.edu (864) 656 8949 Foster, Jackie Grant Awards Manager jlfoste@clemson.edu (864) 656-4260 Jordan, Derrick Website/TSC/Publications jordan2@clemson.edu (864) 656-1500 Kharitonova, Irina Graduate Student Advisor ikharit@clemson.edu (864) 656-0999 Love, Tyler Undergraduate Student Services Coordinator dtlove@clemson.edu (864) 656-3473 Markus, Julie Student Services Manager jwmarku@clemson.edu (864) 656-3110 McElveen, Lisa Machine Shop Fabrication and Electrical jlmcelve@clemson.edu (864) 656-4435 Mitchum, Portia Undergraduate Student Advisor portiam@clemson.edu (864) 656-3470 Raines, Daune Fiscal Technician, Payroll/Purchasing draines@clemson.edu (864) 656-9805 Tracy, Stone Accountant/Fiscal Analyst stonet@clemson.edu (864) 656-9806 Walker, Dentaveous Undergraduate Student Advisor dentavw@clemson.edu (864) 656-3295
Academic Contacts
The Clemson University Mechanical Engineering Undergraduate degree program is an ABET-accredited Bachelor of Science degree designed to provide students with engineering science and design knowledge. We offer two Masters of Science degrees (thesis and non-thesis options) and a Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) degree.
Please visit our tour page for information on campus tours, virtual meetings, and department visits.
Julie Markus
Undergraduate Student Services Manager
Irina Kharitinova
Graduate Student Services Coordinator
Advisory Board
The Department of Mechanical Engineering is advised by an Advisory Board comprised of the department chair and approximately nine to twelve industry leaders relevant to the department.