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Dong Hou

Dong Hou

Assistant Professor

Phone: (864) 656-1946
Office: 281 Sirrine Hall



Dong Hou joined the Department of Materials Science and Engineering as an Assistant Professor in Jan 2024. He is a material scientist with interests in energy science, advanced characterization, and ceramics manufacturing. His research goal is to understand and control materials properties for electrochemical energy applications, as well as to contribute to the fundamental progress of materials electrochemistry and solid-state physics. The research projects cover the design and synthesis, processing, characterization, and applications of energy materials (e.g., batteries, catalysis, ferroelectrics, and capacitors).

Hou received his Ph.D. degree in the Department of Materials Science and Engineering at North Carolina State University, and a bachelor's degree at Central South University in China. Before joining Clemson University, he was a Research Assistant Professor at the University of Louisiana at Lafayette (2022-2023) and worked as a postdoc scholar at Virginia Tech (2019-2022) and the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (2018-2019).


Ph.D., North Carolina State University (2017)
B.Eng., Central South University, China (2013)

Research Areas

-Energy Science, Energy Storage Materials, Electrochemistry
-Battery Electrodes and Electrolytes, Solid State Batteries, Battery Manufacturing
-Crystallography, Phase Transformations, Defects
-Ceramics Sintering and Grain Growth Mechanism, Microstructure Engineering
-Advanced Characterization, Synchrotron X-ray Diffraction (XRD), Neutron Scattering, Computed Tomography (CT), Microscopy
-Machine Learning Assisted Multiscale and Multimodel Imaging and Data Mining

Selected Publications

Hou, D, Liu, J., Xu, Z., Yang, Z., Xiao, X., & Lin, F. (2023). Cross-length-scale investigation reveals the spatial thermo-chemical dynamics hidden in Ni-rich layered Li-ion cathodes. Matter.

Hou D,† Han J,† Geng C, Xu Z, AlMarzooqi MM, Zhang J, Yang Z, Min J, Xiao X, Borkiewicz O, Wiaderek K, Liu Y, Zhao K, Lin F (2022) Surface coating by mechanofusion modulates bulk charging pathways and battery performance of Ni-rich layered cathodes. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), 119(49)

Hou D,† Xu Z,† Yang Z, Kuai C, Du Z, Sun C-J, Ren Y, Liu J, Xiao X, Lin F (2022) Effect of the grain arrangements on the thermal stability of polycrystalline nickel-rich lithium-based battery cathodes. Nature Communications, 13(1)

Li J, Sharma N, Jiang Z, Yang Y, Monaco F, Xu Z, Hou D, Ratner D, Pianetta P, Cloetens P, Lin F, Zhao K, Liu Y (2022) Dynamics of particle network in composite battery cathodes. Science, 376(6592)

Hou D,† Zhao C,† Paterson AR, Li S, Jones JL (2018) Local structures of perovskite dielectrics and ferroelectrics via pair distribution function analyses. Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 38(4)

Hou D, Aksel E, Fancher CM, Usher T-M, Hoshina T, Takeda H, Tsurumi T, Jones JL (2017) Formation of sodium bismuth titanate—barium titanate during solid-state synthesis. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 100(4)

Rost CM, Sachet E, Borman T, Moballegh A, Dickey EC, Hou D, Jones JL, Curtarolo S, Maria J-P (2015) Entropy-stabilized oxides. Nature Communications, 6

