Dr. Kyle Brinkman - Chair
Kyle Brinkman has advanced research into batteries, fuel cells, and nuclear waste management. By colleagues, he has been lauded as an innovative scholar who has made important contributions to materials science and engineering while mentoring young professionals and students. A Clemson University alumnus, Brinkman traveled the world before returning to his alma mater as an associate professor in 2015 and then chair in 2019.
He received a B.S. in chemical engineering and an M.S. in materials science and engineering, both from Clemson. After receiving his Ph.D. in materials science and engineering from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne, Switzerland, Brinkman served as a postdoctoral fellow at the Advanced Industrial Science and Technology Institute in Japan. He later worked as a principal engineer in the Science and Technology Directorate of the U.S. Department of Energy's Savannah River National Lab.
- Academician with the World Academy of Ceramics
- Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry
- Fellow of The American Ceramic Society
- Navrotsky Award for Experimental Thermodynamics of Solids
- Brimacombe Medalist by The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society
- Karl Schwartzwalder-Professional Achievement in Ceramic Engineering (PACE) Award
Meet Our Faculty & Staff
The Department of Materials Science and Engineering has 125 undergraduate students (not including first-year students) and graduate students. The department has over 20 full-time faculty members who teach and perform research on a broad range of topics and nearly 30 administrative, technical, and research staff members.
Primary Faculty
Associate Professor
(864) 656-4307
Research Areas:
Density Functional Theory, Molecular Dynamics Simulations, Machine Learning, Alloys, Oxides, Defects in Materials, Mechanical Properties, Materials Thermodynamics, Databases and Frameworks
Group: cecas.clemson.edu/aidhy/
J.E. Sirrine Foundation Endowed Chair of Optical Fibers and Professor
(864) 656-1035
Research Areas:
Optical and Optoelectronic Properties of Materials; Optical Fiber Fabrication; Rare-Earth Doping for Active and Passive Optical Applications
Associate Professor, Joint Appointment with Architecture
(864) 656-5352
Research Areas:
Materials; Mechanical Engineering; Modeling of Structural and Thermal Systems
George J. Bishop, III Chair Professor of Ceramics and Materials Engineering
(864) 656-5228
Research Areas:
Ceramics for Extreme Environments and for Energy Conservation and Storage; Multilayered Ceramics, Ceramic Coatings; Porous Ceramics; Ceramic Composites; Molecular Precursor-Derived Nanostructured Ceramics
Professor and Department Chair
(864) 656-1405
Research Areas:
Ceramics; Fuel Cells; Energy Materials including Ionic Conduction; Nuclear Materials and Experimental Thermodynamics of Materials
Group: : https://www.clemson.edu/cecas/departments/mse/research/emrl/
Swetenburg Professor
(864) 656-6072
Research Areas:
Polymer Membranes; Textile Chemistry; Photonic Fibers; Spinning, Electrospinning of Fibers; Melt Spinning of Multi-Component Materials; Dyeing & Finishing
Gregg-Graniteville Endowed Chair and Professor
Director of COMSET
(864) 656-1045
Research Areas:
Polymer Physics; Multifunctional Materials; Optical and Optoelectronic Properties of Materials; Colloid Synthesis; Intrinsically Conductive Polymers; Biomedical Contrast Colloids; Protein Separation Nanoparticles; Photodynamic Therapy Nanoparticles
Assistant Professor
(864) 656-1946
Website: https://bio.link/hou
Research Areas:
Solid-state Synthesis; Microstructure Engineering; Crystallography, Energy Storage; Electrochemistry; Advanced Characterization; Machine Learning
Associate Professor
(864) 656-5965
Research Areas:
Luminescent Materials; Scintillators; Luminescent Dosimeters; Interaction of Ionizing Radiation with Matter; Radiation Damage; Synthesis and Processing of Ceramic Materials; Structure-Property Relationships
Thomas F. Hash Endowed Chair in Sustainable Development and Director of the Center for Advanced Manufacturing
(864) 656-9748
Research Areas:
Sustainability; Advance Manufacturing; Energy
Associate Professor
(864) 784-3454
Research Areas:
Mechanical Behavior of Thin Films and Bulk Materials; Tribology of Metallic Systems; Engineering Education Related to Undergraduate Research and Self-Efficacy for Materials Science
Group: kennedyresearch.org
(864) 656-6541
Research Areas:
Bio-inspirational Materials
Associate Professor
(864) 656-5956
Research Areas:
Computational Design of Biomimetic Materials; Theory and Computer Simulations of Multi-Component Polymeric Systems; Modeling Pattern Formation in Non-Equilibrium Systems
Assistant Professor and Joint Appointment with Automotive Engineering
(864) 559-5997
Research Areas:
Ceramic Engineering, Composite Materials, Battery Material Manufacturing
Kentwool Distinguished Professor
(864) 656-5958
Research Areas:
Nanofabrication of Thin Polymer Films; Multi-Component Polymer Systems and Composites
(864) 656-2486
Research Areas:
Phase Transitions; Quantum materials; Computing Materials and Devices; vdW and 2D Chalcogenides; Complex Oxides; Nanoscale Physics or Ferroelectrics and Superconductors; Thin Films; Nanolithography; Defect Engineering; AI/ML; Scanning Probe Microscopy
Associate Professor
(864) 656-2486
Research Areas:
Polymers; Nanomaterials; Magnetism; Environmental
Group: http://meffordresearch.com/
(864) 656-4134
Research Areas:
Smart Embedded Strain Sensors for Joint Replacement; Laser-Based Additive/Subtractive Manufacturing of Ceramic Devices; Microstructure Prediction and Engineering Using Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence; Thermal and Mechanical Properties of Materials; Sintering and Grain Growth; High-Temperature Kinetics and Microstructure
Associate Professor, Joint appointment with Mechanical Engineering
(864) 656-5640
Research Areas:
Microstructure Evolution under Extreme Conditions; Thermodynamic and Kinetics of Alloys; Advanced Manufacturing; Mechanical Properties of Heterogeneous Solids; Elasticity and Plasticity; Defect Properties; Data Analytics; and Machine Learning
Associate Professor
Department of Mechanical Engineering Department of Materials Science and Engineering (Joint Appointment)
(864) 656-3292
Research Areas:
Additive Manufacturing; Electron Microscopy; Computational Modeling; Molecular Dynamics; and Machine Learning
(864) 656-4954
Research Areas:
Sustainable Clean Energy; Electrochemical Cells; Solid Electrolyte Batteries; Catalytic Membrane Reactors; Hydrogen Production; Ammonia Synthesis; Carbon Dioxide Reduction; Solar Fuel Production; Solid State Ionics; 3D printing; Laser Processing.
J.E. Sirrine Foundation Endowed Chair in Advanced Fiber-Based Materials and Professor
(864) 656-1155/0549
Research Areas:
Polymer Design; Colloidal Synthesis; Self-healing Polymers; Surface and Interfacial Reactions; Stimuli-Responsive Materials; Biopolymers; Vibrational Spectroscopy and Molecular Imaging
Assistant Professor
(864) 656-8713
Research Areas:
Soft Matter; Biological and Bio-Inspired Materials; Active Matter; Biological Physics; Liquid Crystals; Biopolymers
Group: www.weirichlab.com
Assistant Professor
(864) 656-9717
Research Areas:
Polymer Synthesis; Ceramic Engineering; Coating; Composite Materials; Battery Electrolytes and Electrodes; Battery Manufacturing
Group: www.zhuchemistry.org
Adjunct Faculty
MSE Adjunct Faculty Name Affiliation Email Jake Amoroso Savannah River National Laboratory jamoros@clemson.edu Mark Bolding University of Alabama at Birmingham mbolding@uab.edu Andrejs Cebers State University of Latvia aceb@tesla.sal.lv Peter Dragic University of Illinois p-dragic@illinois.edu Per Magnus Engholm Mid Sweden University penghol@clemson.edu Yuri Freeman Kemet Electronics galina@clemson.edu Ursula Gibson Dartmouth ugibson@clemson.edu Kai He University of California Irvine kai.he@uci.edu Dongsheng Li Advanced Manufacturing LLC. dongsheng.li@amllct.com Donald Lupo Tampere University of Technology dlupo@clemson.edu Seth Dylan McCullen Poly-Med mcculle@clemson.edu Jeffery Owens Air Force Civil Engineer Center jeffery.owens.3@us.af.mil Dimitris Priftis Boeing Company dprifti@clemson.edu Javaid I. Qazi Kemet Electronics javaidqazi@kemet.com Petr Saha Tomas Bata University saha@utb.cz Talia Sebastian Computational Materials Chemistry talia.m.sebastian.civ@mail.mil Kate Stevens Poly-Med ksteven@clemson.edu Roger Stolen rstolen@clemson.edu Ming Tang Department of Energy mingt@clemson.edu Eduardo G. Yukihara Paul Scherrer Institute eyukiha@clemson.edu -
Research/Joint Faculty
Research Faculty
MSE Researchers Name Email Research Group Iurii Bandera bandera@clemson.edu Foulger Grou Griffin Donley gdonley@clemson.edu Clemson Textiles Komalakrushna Hadagalli khadaga@clemson.edu Bordia Group Thomas W Hawkins hawkin2@clemson.edu Ballato Group Eduardo Hermosillo-Ochoa ehermos@clemson.edu Urban Group Jiahui Liu jiahui@clemson.edu Urban Group Abhaya Mishra abhayam@clemson.edu Brinkman Group Marcus Murdoch mjmurdo@clemson.edu Clemson Textiles Dillip Panda dpanda@g.clemson.edu Bordia Group Dharmendra Pant dpant@clemson.edu Bordia Group MD Wali Ullah mwullah@clemson.edu Urban Group Ting Shen tshen2@clemson.edu Bordia Group Amir Suhail asuhail@clemson.edu Kuksenok Group Brian Topper btopper@clemson.edu Ballato Group Liying (Emma) Wei liying@clemson.edu Luzinov Group Lee Williams lfwilli@clemson.edu Bordia Group Bogdan Zdyrko bogdanz@clemson.edu Luzinov Group Tianyi Zhou tzhou2@clemson.edu Tong Group Courtesy Joint Research Faculty
MSE Courtesy Joint Researchers Name Department Phone Email Stephanie Crette The Warren Lasch Conservation Center (843) 730-5093 scrette@clemson.edu John P. Sanders Director of the National Brick Research Center (864) 656-0604 jpsand@clemson.edu Courtesy Joint Appointment Faculty
MSE Courtesy Joint Faculty Name Department Phone Email Emil Alexov Physics and Astronomy (864) 656-3416 ealexov@clemson.edu Valery Bliznyuk Environmental Engineering & Earth Science (864) 656-2239 vblizny@clemson.edu Steve Creager Chemistry (864) 656-4995 screage@clemson.edu Shunyu Liu Automotive Engineering (864) 365-0476 shunyul@clemson.edu Julie Martin Engineering and Science Education (864) 656-4321 jtrenor@clemson.edu Andrew Tennyson Chemistry (864) 656-3158 atennys@clemson.edu Instructor/Lecturer
MSE Lecturers Name Title Phone Email Aniruddha Dive Lecturer -
Emeritus Faculty
Emeritus Faculty
MSE Emeritus Faculty Name Email Denis Brosnan bdenis@clemson.edu Christine W. Cole cwjrv@clemson.edu Michael J. Drews dmichae@clemson.edu Michael S. Ellison ellisom@clemson.edu Bhuvenesh C. Goswami gbhuven@clemson.edu Burtrand I. Lee lburtra@clemson.edu David H. Leigh III lherber@clemson.edu Gary C. Lickfield lgary@clemson.edu Eric Skaar eskr@clemson.edu Theodore D. Taylor tdtyl@clemson.edu