Below is a listing of news-related events concerning Kyle Brinkman and the Brinkman Research Group. These include funding, published papers, honors and recognitions, thesis defenses, patents and more.
Recent News Items
May 2020: Kyle Brinkman named Fellow of The American Ceramic Society
January 2020: Kyle Brinkman was lauded for research achievements and service to the profession.
February 2019: Kyle Brinkman was named chair of the Department of Materials Science and Engineering.
January 2018: Brinkman was named as one of the new editors of Journal of Materials Science
October 2017: New Patent Issued on Novel Ceramic-Metal Composites for Hydrogen Separation!
Chemically stable ceramic-metal composite membrane for hydrogen separation F Chen, S Fang, KS Brinkman US Patent 9,687,775 [GOOGLE PATENTS]
August 2017: Brinkman named National Energy Technology Laboratory (DOE-NETL) Faculty Fellow to pursue infiltration technology for SOFCs [INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY]
June 2017: Brinkman group member of steering committee and founding member of newly developed Thermodynamic Consortium led by Prof. Navrotsky at UC-Davis
June 2017: Brinkman group receives new funding $800,000 to investigate “Ceramics for Hydrogen Isotope Capture” from Department of Energy Nuclear Energy University Programs (NEUP)”
June 2017: New equipment grants received: Brinkman group PI on Clemson University Major Research Instrumentation Grant (CU-MRI) for $60,000 to acquire solution calorimeter and co-PI on NEUP Infrastructure award $250,000 to acquire high temperature Raman system
February 2017: Prof. Brinkman delivers an invited lecture in Nanocomposites IV: Nanoscience for Renewable Energy symposium at the Minerals, Metals and Materials Society (TMS) Annual Meeting in San Diego, CA February 27, 2017. His lecture topic is “Ceramic Composites in Diverse Applications Ranging from Oxygen Production to Nuclear Waste Immobilization”.
February 2017: Prof. Brinkman serves as Chair of the Energy Conversion and Storage Committee, in the Functional Materials Division of the Minerals, Metals and Materials Society (TMS). Served as co-organizer for Energy Materials 2017 Materials for Energy Conversion with Emphasis on SOFC.
February 2017: Prof. Brinkman has been awarded the College of Engineering, Computing and Applied Sciences (CECAS) Dean’s Professorship. CECAS Dean’s Professorship is a three-year award which recognizes Dr. Brinkman’s sustained record of excellence in teaching, research, scholarship and service to the Clemson’s CECAS.
December 2016: Prof. Brinkman delivers three invited international talks in Japan in December 2016 “Interfacial Control of Ceramic Composites in Energy Conversion and Storage Applications”
- Tohoku University, Department of Materials Science and Engineering Colloquium, Sendai Japan December 8th 2016
- National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), Tsukuba Japan –December 6th 2016
- Nagoya University, Department of Nuclear Engineering, Nagoya Japan, December 9th 2016
December 2016: Mr. Devin Harkins successfully defended his Masters thesis December 2016, “The Durability of Single, Dual, and Multiphase Titanate Ceramic Waste Forms for Nuclear Waste Immobilization”
September 2016: Dr. Brinkman group’s new lab equipment heats up clean-energy research at Clemson University
Serving as the PI on the grant from the Department of Energy’s Nuclear Energy University Program (DOE-NEUP), Dr. Brinkman brought the $400,000 cost “high-temperature oxide melt solution calorimeter” to Clemson. It is the only one on the East Coast and one of five in the USA. Presently, the calorimeter has been setup and running finally after a year of preparation.
The custom-built instrument can provide us with plenty of important and useful thermodynamic data, (for instance, the enthalpy of drop solution, the enthalpy of formation energy etc.), which would help us predict the chemical stability of different materials with complex structures and then better understand their nature.
August 2016: Brinkman group co-PI on recently announced Department of Energy (DOE) Energy Frontier Research Center (EFRC), “Center for Hierarchical Waste Form Materials (CHWM)” led by Prof. zur Loye at the University of South Carolina.
August 2016: Postdoctoral researcher Dr. Yun Xu publishes several new papers on the structure of Cs-containing hollandite materials for nuclear waste immobilization.
- Y. Xu, M. Feygenson, K. Page, L. Shuller-Nickles, K. Brinkman, “Structural Evolution in Hollandite Solid Solutions Across the A-site Compositional Range” Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 2016, 1-7, DOI: 10.1111/jace.14443.
- Y. Xu, Y. Wen, R. Grote, J. Amoroso, L. Shuller-Nickles, K. Brinkman, “A-site compositional effects in Ga-doped hollandite materials of the form BaxCsyGa2x+yTi8-2x-yO16: implications for Cs immobilization in crystalline ceramic waste forms” Scientific Reports (Nature Publishing), 2016, 6, 27412; doi: 10.1038/srep27412.
August 2016: Mr. Changlong Li successfully defended his master's thesis, “GALLIUM SUBSTITUTION IN ZIRCONATE-BASED FAST IONIC CONDUCTING CERAMICS”
December 2015: Brinkman Group awarded a 2015 DOE-NEUP Infrastructure Award
Kyle Brinkman (PI), Co-PI, Brian Powell, Lindsay Shuller-Nickles, Jian He and Raj Bordia, “High Temperature Melt Solution Calorimeter: The Thermodynamic Characterization of Oxides in Nuclear Energy” DOE-Nuclear Energy University Programs (NEUP) Infrastructure Grant, ($400,000), (2015-2016). [READ MORE]
October 2015: Prof. Brinkman receives the American Ceramic Society and National Institute of Ceramic Engineers, ACerS/NICE Karl Schwartzwalder-Professional Achievement in Ceramic Engineering (PACE) Award
September 2015: Prof. Brinkman delivers a series of Keynote and Invited lectures in Europe
- Kyle Brinkman, “Multiphase ceramic composites for energy conversion and storage” in 4th International Symposium on Energy Challenges and Mechanics- working on small scales, August 11-13th, Aberdeen, Scotland UK (2015). Keynote
- Kyle Brinkman, “Multiphase Ceramic Composites for Membrane Separations and Nuclear Waste Immobilization- The Role of the Interface” the European Congress and Exhibition on Advanced Materials and Processes (EUROMAT Sept 20th-24th Warsaw, Poland (2015). Keynote- TMS/FEMS Young Leader International Scholar Lecture
- Kyle Brinkman, “The Role of the Interface in Multiphase Ceramic Composites,” North Carolina State, Materials Science and Engineering Department Fall 2015 Colloquium Series, September 4th, (2015). Invited
- Kyle Brinkman “Crystalline Ceramics for Nuclear Waste Immobilization and Membrane Separations” Institute of Materials, Ceramics Laboratory, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (EPFL), Lausanne, Switzerland, September 17th, (2015). Invited
April 2015: Brinkman Group Publishes Article in Nature Communications [READ ARTICLE]
April 2015: The Brinkman Group issued two U.S. Patents on Oxides for Membrane Separations
- K. Brinkman, E. Fox, P. Korinko, F. Chen, U.S. Patent Number: 13/066,166 “Proton Conducting Ceramics in Membrane Separations” 2015
- K. Brinkman, U.S. Patent Number: 13/297,826 “Nanocrystalline Cerium Oxide Materials for Solid Fuel Cell Systems” 2015
March 2015: Prof. Brinkman receives the 2015 TMS Young Leader International Scholar Award at the TMS Annual Meeting Awards Ceremony in Orlando Fl on March 17th, 2015
October 2014: Prof. Brinkman featured in Greenville News.