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Robert H. Brooks Sports Science Institute

About Us


The Robert H. Brooks Sports Science Institute (RHBSSI) at Clemson University serves as a multi-disciplinary platform for the academic study of sport sciences across the University. The Institute began with a founding focus on four legacy programs at Clemson - motorsports engineering, sports communication, sports management and sports marketing. The institute provides experiential learning opportunities through academic programs, research, sports organizations and support for service and outreach programs. Through all of its activities, the Institute seeks to prepare people to perform at the highest levels within sports industries, as well as provide an acute understanding of the significance of sport in modern society.


Our mission is to support and promote the work of Clemson students, faculty and staff towards enhancing the sport experience in mind, body and place.


The Robert H. Brooks Sports Science Institute will be the nation’s preeminent academic institute regarding the comprehensive study of sport sciences. It will engage faculty, staff and students from disciplines across the University in the study of sport, including enhancing individual and organizational performance, promoting human development, and improving the general health and social well-being of our communities.


In the mid-1990s, Robert H. Brooks gifted Clemson University with funds to establish a sports science institute. The gift was given in memory of members of his racing team, including his son Mark Brooks ’91, NASCAR Champion Alan Kulwicki, and co-workers Dan Duncan and Charlie Campbell, who died in a plane crash on April 1, 1993.

Over the years, the Institute has partnered with industry for research, academic programs and student internships. Among its accomplishments:

  • The Institute has been a conduit for research in the sports, recreation and leisure industries, emphasizing technological, managerial and cultural perspectives as opposed to the physiological and psychological aspects of athletic performance.
  • The Institute has fostered sports-related research, outreach programs and initiatives that include internships for Clemson students at leading sports organizations such as the Philadelphia Phillies, Philadelphia 76ers, New York Yankees, Baltimore Orioles, Milwaukee Brewers, Dodge Rockwell’s motor sports division and ESPN.
  • Through the Markvan Bellamy Brooks Endowed Scholarship Fund, the Institute has provided undergraduate scholarships to students who major in one of the legacy programs: motorsports engineering, sports communication, sports management and sports marketing.
  • In the motorsports program, Clemson engineering students and faculty have engaged in highly technical research areas ranging from vehicle chassis software and computational fluid dynamics, to thermal engine controls and composite materials capabilities. These efforts have been widely viewed as instrumental in the creation of Clemson University International Center for Automotive Research (CU-ICAR).
Robert H. Brooks Sports Science Institute
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