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Clemson goes "All In" with art installation at the Allen N. Reeves Football Comlex.
Article from the Clemson Newsstand about Gordon Huether's recently completed installation.
Congratulations to Gordon Huether for being awarded the commission for the Football Operations Facility at Clemson University!
Read all about the public art in Brackett at Clemson World Magazine!
Co-Artists Matthew Au and Volkan Alkanoglu will present a public lecture at 3:30 in Lee2 111 followed by a dedication of their latest public art installation "Foundation" in the Lee3 Wedge at 4:30 on March 28, 2018.
Congratulations to four artists selected for the Clemson Football Facility RFP: Jim Gallucci, Gordon Huether, Joe OConnell, & Tim Upham
Atelier InSite is launching an RFQ for an exterior sculpture project with a budget of $215,000 within the Athletic Precinct at Clemson University. Deadline is February 28, 2017.
Request For Qualifications (RFQ): Implementation of an interior Site-Specific Public Art for the Lee III expansion at Clemson University, Clemson, SC. Project Budget: $60,000 for the design, fabrication, engineering and installation of artwork for permanent installation in a high-traffic university environment. Deadline February 22, 2016.
Clemson University's Public Art program invites you to be involved in the selection of our school's newest piece of on-campus art. Please join us in Lee III, room G-18 on January 19th, 2016 for a presentation at either 6PM or 6:45PM. Light refreshments, an open forum, and the project proposals from selected finalists.
Clemson University's Public Art program invites you to be involved in the selection of our school's newest piece of on-campus art. Please join us in Lee III, room G-18 on November 10th, 2016 for a drop-in from 5:30-7:45PM. Light refreshments, an open forum, and the presentation of proposals from selected finalists.
Please join us for the official debut of the 2013 issue of the Creative Inquiry magazine, Decipher, on Thursday, October 9, 2014 from 4 - 6:30 pm at the Alumni Center. Please join us to celebrate the debut of the 2014 volume of Clemson University's Creative Inquiry magazine, Decipher. We'll provide refreshments and the opportunity to visit with students from CI projects and from the 2014 and 2015 Decipher teams. Decipher is written and designed by undergraduate students to highlight the extraordinary work accomplished in Clemson's Creative Inquiry program.
Please join Atelier InSite and CAFLS in celebrating the installation of The Clemson Genus Project, a new public art project in the Life Sciences Facility, on April 25th, 2014 at 1:30PM. Refreshments will be served. Free and open to the public. Installation by Klari Reis.
Read about how Atelier InSite got started with the Life Sciences public art project at the Clemson Newsstand.
Atelier Insite had the opportunity of hosting a seminar by Mary Beebe, the Director of the Stuart Collection, at Clemson. The Stuart Collection has been very successful under her direction, hosting multiple artworks from world renowned artists. During the seminar, she spoke about Public Art implementation at University of California, San Diego. Her advice and knowledge will advance Atelier Insite’s further procurement of artwork on Clemson’s Campus. September 24, 2013. Find out more about Mary Beebe or the Stuart Collection.
On February 8th, 2013, Atelier InSite participated in the opening ceremony and dedication of the new Life Science Facility. Representatives of our program presented our special designs for the ceremony to the audience. Although the event has passed, you may still look for our placeholders inside in our preferred sites for artwork, detailed by our logo and a question mark, to see where site specific artwork may appear in the future!