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Clemson University

Writing Lab

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The goal of the Writing Lab is to support Clemson writers at any part of the writing process to become stronger and more efficient writers. In today's writing ever-changing writing landscape, use of AI must be addressed. We are aware of the prevalence of AI reliance and want to provide students and faculty the best support we can manage in navigating generative AI usage. 

Student Usage

Can I bring AI-generated writing into the Writing Lab?

Yes and no. If you are in a course with an instructor that explicitly allows use of generative AI, then you are welcome to bring in writing that incorporates use of AI. Your consultant will ask to see your prompt and will ask questions about your use of AI and how your instructor is framing that usage in class and through assignments. 

If you're in a course with an instructor that prohibits the use of AI to generate writing, or the instructor does not outright state allowance of generative AI, then the consultant will refer you o the integrity guidelines at Clemson and reference the instructor's guidance. 

Consultants will engage with any generated AI content, in the case that AI use is allowed by the instructor, to help you look for potential bias or inaccuracy, as well as voice and correctness. In any case, unless instructors note otherwise, consultants will suggest that all AI-generated content is cited. 

Faculty Guidance

Will the Writing Lab support student writers in the usage of AI for class assignments?

Yes and no. Consultants in the Writing Lab defer to the instructor's directions wherever possible. A statement in your syllabus is very helpful, but a statement on your assignment prompt is more readily accessible to both the student and the consultant. 

If you allow the use of generative AI, note that you should specify exactly how much use is allowable and in what capacity. If you outright disallow the use of AI, make this clear in each assignment prompt. 

Consultants in the Writing Lab will defer to your guidance. The more guidance you provide regarding AI usage, the easier it will be for both the student and the consultant to follow the rules you establish. 

Consultants in the Writing Lab will remind student writers of academic integrity considerations and will underscore the importance of responsible AI usage.

AI in Academic Writing

This resource provides an overview on AI use in academic writing.

Clemson Teaching Excellence Conference 2024: Teaching in the Age of AI

Questions regarding AI and Writing?

Reach out to us if you have any questions or concerns about AI and writing assignments.

The Writing Lab
The Writing Lab | 301 Cooper Library, Clemson, S.C. 29634