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Clemson University

Writing Lab

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Why should you attend events?

By attending events and workshops at the Writing Lab, you can:

  • Enhance your writing skills and knowledge
  • Receive guidance and feedback from experienced writing consultants
  • Connect with a community of writers and share ideas
  • Gain inspiration and motivation for your writing projects
  • Access valuable resources and strategies for academic success
  • Develop important writing-related competencies for future professional endeavors

We encourage you to explore the events and workshops offered by the Writing Lab and take advantage of the unique opportunities available. Participating in these activities can enrich your writing journey, expand your writing capabilities, and contribute to your overall academic and personal growth.

All events and workshops are free of charge.

Please register for events so that we can have an accurate headcount. 

Writing Events

Undergraduate Writing Events

The Writing Lab aims to support undergraduate writers with a variety of events and workshops throughout the academic year. 

  1. Writing Workshops: Our writing workshops provide hands-on learning opportunities for students to improve their writing abilities. These sessions cover topics such as essay structure, thesis development, grammar and punctuation, citation styles, and more. Participating in these workshops can help you gain a deeper understanding of specific writing concepts and refine your writing techniques.

  2. Writing Retreats & Write-Ins: Writing retreats offer dedicated time and space for focused writing. These events provide a supportive environment where you can work on your writing projects, receive guidance from writing consultants, and connect with other writers. Writing retreats are particularly beneficial for tackling larger writing assignments, such as term papers or final projects.

  3. Special Topic Workshops: Throughout the academic year, we offer workshops on special topics related to writing and academic success. These workshops may cover areas such as time management for writers, effective research strategies, critical thinking and analysis, or digital writing tools. They provide additional support and resources to help you excel in your writing endeavors.
To register, go to TigerQuest.

Graduate Writing Events

The Writing Lab aims to support graduate writers with various events and workshops throughout the academic year.

  1. Writing Retreats for Graduate Students: We organize dedicated writing retreats exclusively for graduate students. These retreats, such as Dissertation Accelerators and Research/Write-Ins, offer a focused and structured environment for working on your thesis, dissertation, research papers, or other substantial writing projects. 

  2. Professional Development Workshops: Our Writing Lab also hosts workshops aimed at supporting your professional development as a graduate writer. These workshops may cover topics such as writing for publication beyond academia, developing healthy writing habits, and effective communication in academic and professional settings. 

  3. Publication and Grant Writing Seminars: As a graduate student, you may be preparing to publish your research or seeking grants to support your scholarly pursuits. Our seminars on publication and grant writing offer guidance on preparing manuscripts, selecting appropriate journals, crafting grant proposals, and understanding the publication and funding landscape in your field.


To register, go to Grad 360.

The Writing Lab
The Writing Lab | 301 Cooper Library, Clemson, S.C. 29634