*Bhardwaj, B., Pang, W., Stoner M., (2024). Experimental Investigation of the Repairability of a Cantilever Cross-Laminated Timber Diaphragm. Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities. 35(5), https://doi.org/10.1061/JPCFEV.CFENG-4757
Winner of the Editor’s Choice section of the Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities
Bhardwaj, B., Pang, W., Stoner M., Rammer, D., & Pryor S. (2024). Experimental characterization of cantilever cross-laminated timber diaphragms under in-plane shear load. Journal of Structural Engineering, 150(2). https://doi.org/10.1061/jsendh.steng--12590
Satterlee, D. L., Hiesl, P., Smidt, M., Hagan, D. L., Watson, E., Gregory, L., Pollastrelli Rodrigues, B. (2024). Comparing Wood Chip Quality from Different Sources across the Southeastern United States. Forest Products Journal, 74(2), 178-184. http://dx.doi.org/10.13073/fpj-d-24-00011
Hiesl, P., Pollastrelli Rodrigues, B., Swecker, B., Steele, J., & Visbisky, J. (2024). Using Your Portable Sawmill to Cut Stickers for Lumber Drying. Land-Grant Press by Clemson Extension. https://lgpress.clemson.edu/publication/using-your-portable-sawmill-to-cut-stickers-for-lumber-drying/
**Ravindran, P., Owens, F. C., Costa, A., Rodrigues, B. P., Chavesta, M., Montenegro, R., Shmulsky, R., Wiedenhoeft, A. C. (2023). Evaluation Of Test Specimen Surface Preparation On Macroscopic Computer Vision Wood Identification. Wood and Fiber Science, 55(2), 176-202.
Winner of the 2024 George Marra Award for excellence in research and writing (The Marra Awards were created to honor George Marra, a prominent member of the wood science community for many years and president of the Society of Wood Science and Technology (SWST), at his untimely death in 1983. George was a champion of quality in writing and this prestigious annual award recognizes excellence in research and writing within those papers published in each volume of Wood and Fiber Science journal.)
Li A., Krol R., Henderson A., Soltangharaei V., Ross B., Cousins T., Ziehl P., (2024) “Enhancing the rehabilitation of timber piles using fiber reinforced polymer: An acoustic emission analysis under compressive stress” Construction and Building Materials. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0141029624014779
Becker, A., Ross, B., Albright, D. (2023). Comparing Design Features of Campus Buildings with Adaptation/Demolition Outcomes. Journal of Technology | Architecture + Design (TAD), volume 7, issue 2 (2023): 192-203. https://doi.org/10.1080/24751448.2023.2245716
Stoner, M. “An Introduction to Mass Timber as a Sustainable Building Material,” Sustainability 1010, Clemson, SC. (March 14, 2024).
Albright, D. “Comparing Design Features of Campus Buildings with Adaptation/Demolition Outcomes,” 112th ACSA Annual Meeting, TAD Journal Session. Vancouver, BC. (March 15, 2024).
Ross B., “Answers to Four Questions about Buildings and Design for Adaptability (DfA),” Invited Lecture, Virginia Tech, Charles E. Via Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, (April 2024).
Layton, PA. 2024. Invited Panel Member on the Urban and Community Forestry Standard developed by SFI. June 5, 2024. Atlanta, GA.
Layton, PA. 2024. Welcome Presentation. Forest Health Meetings. Greenville, SC. June 16, 2024.
Ross, B., Albright, D., Kane, M. “Mass Timber and Open Buildings: Reducing Carbon While Planning for Flexible Futures,” Online presentation to the Council on Open Building. (July 23, 2024).
Cansler, N., “Shear Performance of Timber-to-Timber Structural Connections with a Focus on Strength, Stiffness, Deconstruction, and Sustainability”, Poster Presentation, Clemson University Summer REU, (July 24, 2024).
Layton, PA. 2024. Invited Panel Member on Mass Timber. AIA Tennessee. Knoxville, TN. August 8, 2024.
Layton, PA. 2024. Results of the Clemson University Pilot Project on the SFI Urban and Community Forests Standard. Presented at Workshop on the Urban and Community Forest Standard. Atlanta, GA. August 10-11, 2024.
Pollastrelli Rodrigues, B. A Review of Ground Penetrating Radar for Inspecting Wood Structures. 23rd International Nondestructive Testing and Evaluation of Wood Symposium. Campinas, São Paulo, Brazil. (September 17-21, 2024).
Pollastrelli Rodrigues, B. Understanding the base material: trees. Workshop on urban tree evaluation and monitoring. 23rd International Nondestructive Testing and Evaluation of Wood Symposium. Campinas, São Paulo, Brazil. (September 17-21, 2024).
Layton, PA. 2024. Building Sustainably with Wood. LTU Mass Timber Symposium. September 19, 2024. Detroit, Michigan.
Layton, PA. 2024. University Research Panel. The Sustainable Future of CLT in the South: Grow. Design. Build. October 8, 2024. Auburn, AL.
Layton, PA. 2024. Mass Timber and Building a Multidisciplinary and Multifacetated Research Initiative. An invited presentation to NC State University’s Innovation in Mass Timber Solutions Conference. October 29, 2024.
Layton, PA. 2024. Building with Mass Timber. Episode 306 of Resources Radio, a weekly podcast from Resources for the Future. November 5, 2024.
Layton, PA. 2024. Moderated panel on Amy Gutmann Hall, A Case Study in Mass Timber Constructability – Home of Data Science & AI for Penn Engineering. November 13, 2024.