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Clemson University’s Wood Utilization + Design Institute

Publications and Presentations


*Bhardwaj, B., Pang, W., Stoner M., (2024). Experimental Investigation of the Repairability of a Cantilever Cross-Laminated Timber Diaphragm. Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities. 35(5),
Winner of the Editor’s Choice section of the Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities

Bhardwaj, B., Pang, W., Stoner M., Rammer, D., & Pryor S. (2024). Experimental characterization of cantilever cross-laminated timber diaphragms under in-plane shear load. Journal of Structural Engineering, 150(2).

Satterlee, D. L., Hiesl, P., Smidt, M., Hagan, D. L., Watson, E., Gregory, L., Pollastrelli Rodrigues, B. (2024). Comparing Wood Chip Quality from Different Sources across the Southeastern United States. Forest Products Journal, 74(2), 178-184.

Hiesl, P., Pollastrelli Rodrigues, B., Swecker, B., Steele, J., & Visbisky, J. (2024). Using Your Portable Sawmill to Cut Stickers for Lumber Drying. Land-Grant Press by Clemson Extension.

**Ravindran, P., Owens, F. C., Costa, A., Rodrigues, B. P., Chavesta, M., Montenegro, R., Shmulsky, R., Wiedenhoeft, A. C. (2023). Evaluation Of Test Specimen Surface Preparation On Macroscopic Computer Vision Wood Identification. Wood and Fiber Science, 55(2), 176-202.
Winner of the 2024 George Marra Award for excellence in research and writing (The Marra Awards were created to honor George Marra, a prominent member of the wood science community for many years and president of the Society of Wood Science and Technology (SWST), at his untimely death in 1983. George was a champion of quality in writing and this prestigious annual award recognizes excellence in research and writing within those papers published in each volume of Wood and Fiber Science journal.)

Li A., Krol R., Henderson A., Soltangharaei V., Ross B., Cousins T., Ziehl P., (2024) “Enhancing the rehabilitation of timber piles using fiber reinforced polymer: An acoustic emission analysis under compressive stress”  Construction and Building Materials.

Becker, A., Ross, B., Albright, D. (2023). Comparing Design Features of Campus Buildings with Adaptation/Demolition Outcomes. Journal of Technology | Architecture + Design (TAD), volume 7, issue 2 (2023): 192-203.

Stoner, M. “An Introduction to Mass Timber as a Sustainable Building Material,” Sustainability 1010, Clemson, SC. (March 14, 2024).

Albright, D. “Comparing Design Features of Campus Buildings with Adaptation/Demolition Outcomes,” 112th ACSA Annual Meeting, TAD Journal Session. Vancouver, BC. (March 15, 2024).

Ross B., “Answers to Four Questions about Buildings and Design for Adaptability (DfA),” Invited Lecture, Virginia Tech, Charles E. Via Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, (April 2024).

Layton, PA. 2024. Invited Panel Member on the Urban and Community Forestry Standard developed by SFI. June 5, 2024. Atlanta, GA.

Layton, PA. 2024. Welcome Presentation. Forest Health Meetings. Greenville, SC. June 16, 2024.

Ross, B., Albright, D., Kane, M. “Mass Timber and Open Buildings: Reducing Carbon While Planning for Flexible Futures,” Online presentation to the Council on Open Building. (July 23, 2024).

Cansler, N., “Shear Performance of Timber-to-Timber Structural Connections with a Focus on Strength, Stiffness, Deconstruction, and Sustainability”, Poster Presentation, Clemson University Summer REU, (July 24, 2024).

Layton, PA. 2024. Invited Panel Member on Mass Timber. AIA Tennessee. Knoxville, TN. August 8, 2024.

Layton, PA. 2024. Results of the Clemson University Pilot Project on the SFI Urban and Community Forests Standard. Presented at Workshop on the Urban and Community Forest Standard. Atlanta, GA. August 10-11, 2024.

Pollastrelli Rodrigues, B. A Review of Ground Penetrating Radar for Inspecting Wood Structures. 23rd International Nondestructive Testing and Evaluation of Wood Symposium. Campinas, São Paulo, Brazil. (September 17-21, 2024).

Pollastrelli Rodrigues, B. Understanding the base material: trees. Workshop on urban tree evaluation and monitoring. 23rd International Nondestructive Testing and Evaluation of Wood Symposium. Campinas, São Paulo, Brazil. (September 17-21, 2024).

Layton, PA. 2024. Building Sustainably with Wood. LTU Mass Timber Symposium. September 19, 2024. Detroit, Michigan.

Layton, PA. 2024. University Research Panel. The Sustainable Future of CLT in the South: Grow. Design. Build. October 8, 2024. Auburn, AL.

Layton, PA. 2024. Mass Timber and Building a Multidisciplinary and Multifacetated Research Initiative. An invited presentation to NC State University’s Innovation in Mass Timber Solutions Conference. October 29, 2024.

Layton, PA. 2024. Building with Mass Timber. Episode 306 of Resources Radio, a weekly podcast from Resources for the Future. November 5, 2024.

Layton, PA. 2024. Moderated panel on Amy Gutmann Hall, A Case Study in Mass Timber Constructability – Home of Data Science & AI for Penn Engineering. November 13, 2024.


Ravindran, P., Owens, F. C., Costa, A., Rodrigues, B. P., Chavesta, M., Montenegro, R., Shmulsky, R., and Wiedenhoeft, A. C., “Evaluation of test specimen surface preparation on macroscopic computer vision wood identification.” Wood and Fiber Science, (2023).

Oliveira, J.T.S., Arantes, M.D.C., Moulin, J.C., and Rodrigues, B.P. “Carbon in wood as an important driver of a green economy. In: FIEDLER, N.C., LOUSADA, J.L.P., & CARMO, F.C.A. (Eds.), Gas emissions, and carbon sequestration in forest ecosystems, pp. 210-243. Vitória-ES: EDUFES - E-Livros, v.2 , p. 210-243. (E-Book Chapter)

Rodrigues, B. P.; Longue Junior, D.; Libarino, C. S.,Guimarães, P. P, Nogueira E, N. W., & Botrel, R. T. (2023). Eucalypt essential oil. In: Guimarães, P.P, Nogueira E, N. W., & Botrel, R. T. (Eds.), Non timber products technology. Mossoró: EDUFERSA, v. 1, p. 233-250. (Book Chapter)

DeSantis, Aaron, “ Experimental Investigation of the Long-Term Bending Deflection and Creep Performance of Cross-Laminated Timber (CLT)”, M.S. Thesis, Clemson University (Aug 2023)

Bhardwaj, B., Pang, W., Stoner, M., Rammer, D., and Pryor, S. (2023) “Experimental Characterization of Cantilever Cross-Laminated Timber Diaphragms under In-plane Shear Load,” ASCE Journal of Structural Engineering, 150(2).

Albright, D., Hall, E., Song, Y., Pang, W., and Stoner, W., “Direct Housing for Post-Disaster Recovery: Design and Logistics for Alternative Solutions,” Proceedings of the 2023 Building Technology Educators’ Society (BTES) Conference, (2023)

Chen, S., Song, Y., Albright, D., and Pang, W., “Logistics Planning for Disaster Housing Assistance under Demand Uncertainty,” Proceedings of IISE Annual Conference and Expo, New Orleans, Louisiana (2023) * Logistics and Supply Chain Best Track Paper Award

Layton, P. 2023. Mass Timber Update. 2023. Invited Presentation to the Appalachian Society of American Foresters, Columbia, SC, January 26, 2023.

Pang, W. 2023. “Performance Assessment of Residential Structures Built using Cross-laminated Timber and Light-frame Wood in High Wind Hazard Regions”, 68th Annual Structural Engineering Conference, The University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS, March-02, 2023.

Sheng-Yin Chen, Yongjia Song, Dustin Albright, and Weichiang Pang, “Logistics Planning for Disaster Housing Assistance under Demand Uncertainty”, IISE Annual Conference and Expo 2023, May 2023.

Dustin Albright, Elly Hall, Yongjia Song, Weichiang Pang, and Michael Stoner “Direct Housing for Post-Disaster Recovery: Design and Logistics for Alternative Solutions”, BTES Biennial Conference 2023, June 2023.

Rodrigues, B.P. 2023. Anatomy, Density, and Chemical Properties of Eucalypt Wood Affected by Abiotic Stress. Presented to SWST 66th International Convention, Crowne Plaza Resort Asheville, Asheville, NC. June 2023.


Layton, P. 2022. Mass Timber Opportunities. Online presentation to Forest Climate Working Group. January 12, 2022.

Layton, P. 2022. Panelist, Southeastern Wood: Rising Prospects of Envelope Design in Hybrid Timber Construction. Panel at Facades + Atlanta Conference, presented by The Architect’s Newspaper, February 25, 2022.

Layton, P. 2022. Panel Moderator, Mass Timber: Transformative Research and Applications for the Next Generation of Buildings. Facades + Atlanta Conference, presented by The Architect’s Newspaper, February 25, 2022.

Layton, P. 2022. Mass Timber and the Forest. Presented at Mass Timber: Transformative Research and Applications for the Next Generation of Buildings. Facades + Atlanta Conference, presented by The Architect’s Newspaper, February 25, 2022.

Layton, P. 2022. Ask For Wood: Mass Timber Opportunities and Modular Construction. Presented to Southern Group of State Foresters, Services, Utilization, and Markets (SUM) Committee.
March 8, 2022. Via zoom. (in-person meeting in Oklahoma)

Layton, P. 2022. Ask For Wood: Mass Timber Opportunities and Modular Construction. Presented to SE Region Forest Resources Association, Patrick Square Inn, Clemson, SC. April 27, 2022.

Layton, P. 2022. Mass Timber Growth and Sustainability- Conference Wrap-Up. Presented at The Sustainable Future of CLT in the South: Grow. Design. Build. Sponsored by the College of Forestry & Wildlife Sciences. Auburn Univ, The Hotel at Auburn & Dixon Conference Center, April 28, 2022

Redmond, L., Pang, W., Bothra, H., Heigel, A., and Layton, P, “Exploring the Use of Mass Timber Panels for Highway Noise Barrier,” Proceeding of the 118th American Wood Protection Association (AWPA) Annual Meeting. Charleston, SC, May 15-17, 2022

Layton, P. 2022. Mass Timber and the Forest: A Sustainable Partnership. Presented at the Clemson Timber Design Faculty Development Workshop, May 19, 2022

Albright, D. 2022. Exploring Timber Building Systems for Deployable Recovery Structures: Modular and Kit-of-Parts Solutions. Presented at the CivilMeet2022 Conference, Munich, Germany, May 23, 2022

Leonard, J. “Rapidly Deployable Structures for Disaster Relief and Military Use”, M.S. Thesis, Clemson University, August 2022

Layton, P. and M. Jackson. 2022. Workforce Development & Research Opportunities through Higher Education. Panel presentation at the 2022 Building Systems Housing Summit September 18 – 20, 2022 at The Starling Hotel Midtown in Atlanta, GA. September 19, 2022

Layton, P. 2022. Major Institutional Progress Report. Clemson University, Presented at the Mass Timber Research Conference, Madison, WI. September 20, 2022.

Layton, P. 2022. Panel Moderator: Breakthrough Technology in Urban Housing Solutions at the IWBC Conference Moscone Center, San Francisco, CA. November 2, 2022.

Layton, P. 2022. Keynote Panel Moderator: The Power of Designing Homes as a Consumer Product at the IWBC Conference Moscone Center, San Francisco, CA. November 2, 2022.


Albright D., T. Bergen, K. Leach, M. Fakoor, L. Plett, D. Harding. “Meeting Evolving Building Codes Through Innovative Light Wood Framing: High-Performance Affordable Housing in British Columbia.” 2021 World Conference on Timber Engineering (WCTE) | Santiago, Chile.

Bothra, Harsh, “Development and Promotion of Mass Timber Noise Barrier for Highways”, M.S. Thesis, Clemson University (2021)

Bhardwaj, B., Pang, W., Rammer, D., Pryor, S., and Amani, O., “Experimental Performance Testing of Cantilever Cross-Laminated Timber Diaphragm Under In-Plane Shear,” World Conference on Timber Engineering (WCTE), Aug 9-14 (2021)

Elsayed, M., Croker, G, Ross, B. E., Okumus, P., Kleiss, M. C. B. Elhami Khorasani, N., Finite element modeling of tessellated beams. Journal of Building Engineering. 

Jalilifar, E., Koliou, M., and Pang, W., “Experimental and Numerical Characterization of Monotonic and Cyclic Performance of Cross-Laminated Timber Dowel-Type Connections,” ASCE Journal of Structural Engineering, (2021).

Jalilifar, E., Koliou, M., and Pang, W., “Experimental and Analytical Response Characterization of Cross Laminated Timber Connections,” World Conference on Timber Engineering (WCTE), Aug 9-12 (2021)

Kircher, C., Filiatrault, A., Pang, W., Harris, J., Kingsley, G., Shing, P.B., Berman, J., Starr, L., Tong, M., Hanson, R., Moresco, J., and Heintz, J., “Solutions to the Short-Period Building Performance Paradox,” 17th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering (17WCEE), Sendai, Japan, Sep 27-Oct-2, (2021).

Layton, P. and B. Lindsey. 2021. Building Sustainably with Mass Timber. Moderated by Sam Cook. How the River Flows Podcast Episode 10. Keeping Forests. July 2021.

Layton, P. and I. Ganguly. 2021 Carbon Accounting & How We Can Build More Sustainable: Sustainable Forestry and the Environmental Attributes of Wood. Presented at What’s New and What’s Next for Wood Design and Construction: Practical Education for Successful Projects, May 27, 2021, WoodWorks Symposium.

Layton, P. 2021. Forestry Ethics Webinar. Sponsored by the Clemson University Forestry and Natural Resources Team. April 2, 2021

Layton, P. 2021. Mass Timber: How to Maximize Sustainability. Panel Moderator. TimberCon 2021 and online conference Hosted by The Architect’s Newspaper. March 18, 2021, 

Layton, P. and R. Cantrell. 2021. Let’s Keep Forests Replenished. Presented to the Southern Group of State For- esters virtual meeting. February 17, 2021.

Layton, P. 2021. Ask for Wood: Mass Timber Opportunities and Modular Construction. Webinar for Keeping Forests. kt-dayOf. December 1, 2021.

Layton, P. 2021. Mass Timber Opportunities. Invited Presentation to the Forestry Association of SC. November 11, 2021. Greenville, SC.

Layton, P. 2021. Mass Timber Construction in the Market Place. Invited Presentation to the McCormick County Landowner’s Association. McCormick, SC, November 8, 2021

Layton, P. 2021. WU+D Institute and Clemson’s Mass Timber First-Hand Experience as a Building Owner. Invited presentation at the East Texas Mass Timber Symposium, Nacogdoches, TX, Stephen F. Austin State University and Arthur Temple College of Forestry and Agriculture. October 21, 2021.

Layton, P. 2021. Mass Timber Construction in the Market Place. Invited presentation at Re-Imaging Wood: The Sky is the Limit, Texas Forestry Association Meeting. October 21, 2021. Nacogdoches, TX.

Layton, P. 2021. Mass Timber Opportunities. Invited presentation at Re-Imaging Wood: The Sky is the Limit, Texas Forestry Association Meeting. October 20, 2021. Nacogdoches, TX.

McFarland, D., Ross, B. E., Naser, M.Z., Blok, R., Teuffel, P. (in press). Quantitative Evaluation of the Relationship between Physical Parameters and Building Demolition or Adaptation Outcomes. Architecture, Structures and Construction. 

Pang, W., Safiey, A., Majdalaweyh, S., Ziaei, E., Rokneddin, K., and Javanbarg, M., “Ground Motion Duration Effects on the Seismic Risk Assessment of Wood Light-frame Buildings,” 17th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering (17WCEE), Sendai, Japan, Sep 27-Oct-2, (2021).

Rockow, Z. R., Ross, B. E., Becker, A. K. (2021). Comparison of Building Adaptation Projects and Design for Adaptability (DfA) Strategies. Journal of Architectural Engineering. CE%29AE.1943-5568.0000481

Sattler, A., Teuffel, P., Blok, R., Ross, B. E., McFarland, D. (2021). Im Bestand bauen und Bestand erhalten [Build in existing structures and preserve them]. Nachhaltigkeit, Ressourceneffizienz und Klimaschutz [Sustainability, resource efficiency and climate protection] (pp. 87-102). Berlin: Ernst & Sohn. 

Schwendy, B., Pang, W., and Smith, R., “Vibration Control of Cross-Laminated Timber Floor with Concrete Top- ping,” World Conference on Timber Engineering (WCTE), Aug 9-12 (2021)

Stoner, M., and Pang, W. “A Performance Based Design Approach for Residential CLT Structures Subject to Tornadoes,” World Conference on Timber Engineering (WCTE), Aug 9-12 (2021)

Stoner, M., and Pang, W., “Tornado Hazard Assessment of Residential Structures Built using Cross-Laminated Timber and Light-frame in the United States,” Natural Hazards Review (2021)

Stoner, M., Pang, W. 2021. “An analytical study into the performance of cross-laminated timber structures subject to tornado events.” American Association for Wind Engineering 2021 Summer Workshop. Clemson, SC – Virtual (May 12-14, 2021).


Albright, D. 2020. “Schools from Forests: New Timber Schools in North America” – Virtual Presentation. Bachelor’s Thesis Studio, Augsburg University of Applied Sciences (12.22.20)

Albright, D. 2020. “WU+D: Timber Design and Research at Clemson University” – Virtual Presentation. LAMINATE: Timber and Wood Design Education Conference on University/School Design Pedagogy and Research. Hosted by the Fay Jones School of Architecture, University of Arkansas. (12.05.20)

Layton, P.A. 2020. Mass Timber and Sustainability. Presented to Building Sustainably with Mass Timber Virtual Workshop. December 10, 2020.

Layton, P.A. 2020. Mass Timber: Why the Sudden Increase in Demand? Panel Moderator. Industrialized Wood Based Construction Conference. December 2, 2020.

Layton, P.A. 2020. Professional Ethics Training in University Forestry and Natural Resource Programs: Status and Needs. Panel Moderator, Society of American Foresters National Convention, Oct. 31, 2020

Campa, B. and Layton, P.A. 2020. Mass Timber Design: Advantages, Challenges, Analysis, and University Engagement. 2020 Virtual Fall Owners Leadership Conference. Construction Owners Association of America. November 12, 2020.

Layton, P. A. 2020. Mass Timber: Innovating in Sustainable Buildings. Presented online to Edisto Chapter, Society of American Foresters, October 8, 2020.

Layton, P.A. 2020. Wood is the Answer: Sustainable Building Materials. Wood and Everything After, Architecture Class at University of Miami Studio. September 28, 2020. Online Lecture.

Layton, P. A. 2020. Panelist for The Future of Mass Timber: What is in Store for the American Southeast? Trading Notes an online webinar. The Architect’s Newspaper. September 4, 2020.

Layton, P. A. 2020. Questions and Answers – Wood Carbon Seminar Series. Webinar sponsored by the Carbon Leadership Forum, June 11, 2020.
pw woodcarbon4ever!

Layton, P. A. 2020. Economics of Wood – Wood Carbon Seminar Series. Webinar sponsored by the Carbon Leadership Forum, June 11, 2020. 
pw woodcarbon4ever!

Layton, P. A. 2020. Building Sustainably with Mass Timber. Webinar sponsored by the American Wood Council. May 21, 2020. 

Layton, P. A. 2020. Andy Quattlebaum Outdoor Education Center. Presented at the Building Sustainably with Wood/Mass Timber Workshop. Sponsored by the Southern Group of State Foresters. Homes2Hotel, New Orleans, LA March 11, 2020

Layton, P. A. 2020. Mass Timber What everyone should know about it. Presentation to the Greenwood County Forest Landowners Association. March 2, 2020.

Layton, P. A. 2020. Mass Timber What everyone should know about it. Presentation to the Laurens County Forest Landowners Association. February 25, 2020.

Layton, P. A. 2020. Andy Quattlebaum Outdoor Education Center. Presented to the Annual Meeting of the Carolinas Chapter of Urban Land Institute. Charlotte, NC. February 13, 2020 

Layton, P. A. 2020. Mass Timber. A presentation to the SUM committee of the Southern Group of State Foresters. Madren Center, Clemson SC. February 17, 2020.

Layton, P. A. 2020. Mass Timber -- The Role of Foresters in This New Competitive Industry, Invited Presentation at the Appalachian Society of American Foresters Annual Meeting, January 31, 2020, Norfolk, VA.

Layton, P. A. 2020. Mass Timber What everyone should know about it. Keynote address to the Alabama Forestry Council. Millbrook, AL January 28, 2020.

Murwan Siddig∗ and Yongjia Song, “Adaptive Hurricane Relief Logistics Planning: A Multi- stage Stochastic Programming Approach”, submitted to Proceedings of IISE Annual Conference and Expo, 2021.

Rockow, Z. R., Ross, B. E. (2020). An Areal Openness Model (AOM) for Quantifying the “Openness” of Floor- plans. International Journal of Building Pathology and Adaptation.

Stoner, M., and Pang, W. (2020), “Simulated Performance of Cross-Laminated Timber Residential Structures Subject to Tornadoes,” Frontiers in Built Environment Wind Engineering and Science,

Stoner, Michael W. (2020), "Performance of Cross-Laminated Timber as a Residential Building Material Subject to Tornado Events" (2020). All Dissertations. 2639. 

Schwendy, B. (2020) "Effects of Heavy Topping on Vibrational Performance of Cross- Laminated Timber Floor Systems" (2020). All Theses. 3416.

Yanbin Chang∗, Yongjia Song, and Burak Eksioglu, “A Stochastic Lookahead Approach for Hurricane Relief Logistics Operations Planning under Uncertainty”, under 1st round revision, Annals of Operations Research, 2020.

Yanbin Chang∗, Yongjia Song and Burak Eksioglu, “A Stochastic Look-ahead Approach for Disaster Relief Logistics Operations”. Proceedings of INFORMS-TSL Conference 2020,


Albright, D. 2019. “Timber Design and Construction in North America” - Augsburg, Germany. Timber Design class lecture, Augsburg University of Applied Science.

Andres Villegas, (moderator), John Heagy, Bill de St. Aubin, Patricia Layton, Jimmy Mitchell. Panel discussion on mass timber as an emerging sustainable building product Georgia Forestry Foundation Event at Greenbuild. Atlanta, Ga Nov 21, 2019.

Cantrell, R. L. and P. A. Layton. 2019. No Markets, No Money, No Management, No Conservation! Presented at the SAF National Convention Nov 1, 2010. Louisville KY

Layton, P. A. and C. Fiocchi. 2019. The Clemson Outdoor Recreation and Educational Building. Presented to the Clemson Presidential Leadership Institute, Nov 14, 2019.

Layton, P.A. 2019 Popcorn and Policy - New Innovations. A Panel discussion at the SAF National Convention. Louisville, KY Nov. 1, 2019

Layton, P. A., SL Rodriguez, and L. Irland. 2019. SAF Ethics Survey Presented to the SAF Annual Meeting. Louisville, Ky October 30, 2019. Oct 31, 2019.

Layton, P. A., SL Rodriguez, and L. Irland. 2019. SAF Ethics Survey Presented to the SAF House of Society Delegates. Louisville, Ky October 30, 2019.

Layton, P. 2019. Mass Timber: The Role of Foresters. Invited Presentation to the Alabama Society of American Foresters annual meeting. Sept. 20, 2019. Birmingham, AL.

Layton, P. 2019. Mass Timber Building Codes in 2021. Presented at workshops in Dallas and Austin, TX. Sept 10 and 11, 2019.

Layton, P. 2019. Update on the Wood Utilization & Design Institute. Presented at the Timberland Legacy Committee meeting August 9, 2019, Columbia, SC.

Layton. P. 2019. Panel presentation Protecting heirs’ property and promoting the sustainable use of land to provide increased economic benefit to historically under-served landowners. Center for heirs Property. Charleston, SC August 2, 2019. 4th Annual SC Rural and Limited Resources Landowner Symposium

Layton, P. 2019 No Markets, No Management, No Conservation. Presented to the International Conference on Forest Resource Cultivation and Protection and the 2nd China Forest Resource Forum 2019. Nanchang China. June 15, 2019.

Layton, P. 2019 Wood Quality: Looking to our Past to Guide 21st Century Tree Breeding. Invited Presentation to the Western Gulf Forest Tree Improvement Program May 15, 2019. College Station, TX.

Pang, W., Albright, D. and Layton, P. 2019. Wood Research and Teaching. Invited presentation at the Chinese Academy of Forestry, Beijing China, June 12, 2019.

Stoner, M., & Pang, W. (2019). Development of a windborne debris impact fragility curve for Cross-Laminated Timber using experimental testing. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 190, 143-150. doi:10.1016/j.jweia.2019.04.017

Stoner, M. “Clemson Wood Utilization + Design Institute,” Saluda County Forestry Association, Saluda, SC (March 9, 2019).

Stoner, M., Raymond, A., and Pang, W. 2019. “Utilization of Cross-laminated Timber in Residential Construction to Resist Tornado Hazards,” The 15th International Conference on Wind Engineering (ICWE15), Beijing, China. September 1-6, 2019.


Albright, D. 2018. “The Hobcaw Studio: Designing Service Learning.” Invited Presentation at Augsburg University of Applied Science Design/Build Symposium. Augsburg, Germany. May, 2018.

Albright, D. 2018. “Timber in North America: Innovations in Wood Design + Building”. Invited Presentation at Augsburg University of Applied Science. Augsburg, Germany. May, 2018.

Albright, D. 2018. “Architect Meet Ecologist: A Studio-Based Study of Massive Timber for an Ecological Research Laboratory.” Proc. of 2018 ARCC / EAAE International Conference. Philadelphia, PA. May, 2018.

Albright, D. and Harding, D. “Sim[PLY] Building Framing System.” Invited exhibit at Future Shock event of the Discovery Place Museum. Charlotte, NC. September, 2018.

Albright, D. 2018. “Innovations in Wood and Timber Design: An Architect’s Perspective.” Presented at the Forest Products Laboratory Industry Needs Assessment. Starkville, MS. July, 2018.

Black A., Rockow Z. and Ross, B. 2018. “Identifying Physical Features that Facilitate and Impede Building Adaptation.” Sustainability in Energy and Buildings. Gold Coast, Australia.

Black A. and Ross, B. 2018. “A Methodology for Quantifying Adaptability of Buildings using Analytic Hierarchy Process,” Sustainability in Energy and Buildings. Gold Coast, Australia.

Blaney, C., Cobeen, K., Filiatrault, A., Welch, D., Stoner, M., Pang, W. and Vincent, T. 2018. “Prestandard for Seismic Assessment and Retrofit of One- and Two-family Dwellings.” 11th U.S. National Conference on Earthquake Engineering. Los Angeles, CA. June, 2018.

Fan, F. and Pang, W. 2018. “Stochastic Track Model for Tornado Risk Assessment in the U.S.” Frontiers Wind Engineering and Science.

Harding, D. “At Hand: Leveraging Technology to Incite Participatory Construction.” Invited lecturer at Montana State University School of Architecture Fall lecture Series. November, 2018.

Harding, D. 2018. “Design+Build and Research Initiatives-Clemson University.” Invited lecturer at the research centric design+build symposium at California Polytechnic School of Architecture. October, 2018.

Harding, D. 2018. “Empathy and Wood: Hands, Lines, and the CNC router.” Invited lecturer/presenter at the RCID Research Forum-Clemson University. Clemson, SC. March, 2018.

Heezen, E., Anderson, C. and Chan, A. 2018. “BICEFS Research Support Building: Mass Timber Coastal Research Lab.” Project Poster at the 2018 International Mass Timber Conference. Portland, OR. March, 2018.

Kantner, Matt, Blomgren, HE, Layton, P. 2018. Mass Timber: Adoption, Advantages, and Performance Testing. Presented to the Structural Kircher, C., Pang, W., Filiatrault, A. and Heintz, J. 2018. “Solutions to the Short-Period Building Performance Paradox.” 11th U.S. National Conference on Earthquake Engineering. Los Angeles, CA. June, 2018. Engineers Association of Georgia, Oct 10, 2018, Atlanta, GA

Layton, P. 2018. Mass Timber: Why, What, Who, Where, and When. Presented at the Georgia Farm Bureau Meeting, Jekyll Island Dec. 3, 2018

Layton, P. WU+D Institute: What We Do. Presented to the Lexington County C&T group. August 14, 2018, Clemson SC.

Layton, P. 2018. “Mass timber comes of age: Code consideration, evolving supply chain promises new options for tall wood buildings.” Building Design + Construction. Op-ed. July, 2018. 7/2/2018 

Layton, P. 2018. WU+D Institute: What We Do. Presented to the Roper Mountain Science Center new building committee. May 21, 2018. Greenville, SC.

Layton, Patricia, W. Hamrick, J. Stefani. 2018 Glulam Basics. presented at The Ever-Changing World of Construction· Greenville, SC, Oct 11, 2018.

Layton, P. and Hubbard, W. 2018. “Sustainable Wood Products Tools for State, District & County Extension Professions: ASKFORWOOD.COM.” Presented to the ANREP 2018 Conference. Biloxi, MS. April 30, 2018.

Layton, P. and Pang, W. 2018. “Clemson's Wood Utilization + Design Institute: Where Innovation and Education Meet.” An invited talk to the APA Engineered Wood Association's Forest Markets committee meetings. Atlanta, GA. April 4, 2018.

Layton, P. and Hubbard, W. 2018. “Sustainable Wood Products Tools for State, District & County Extension Professions: ASKFORWOOD.COM.” An Extension National Webinar. March 5, 2018. 

Rockow, Z., Ross, B. and Black, A. 2018. “Review of methods for evaluating adaptability of buildings.” International Journal of Building Pathology and Adaptation 

Stoner, M. and Pang, W. 2018. “Experimental Testing and Numerical Validation of Cross-laminated Timber under Debris Impact Loading.” World Conference on Timber Engineering (WCTE). Seoul, Korea. August, 2018.

Stoner, M. Pang, W., Fan, F. 2018. “Experimental Windborne Debris Impact Testing of Cross-Laminated Timber Panels”. Tornado Hazard Wind Assessment and ReducTion Symposium. Champaign, IL (September 26-27 2018).

Wang, J., Pang, W. and Cao, S. 2018. “Fragility analysis of the roof structure of low-rise buildings subjected to tornado vortices.” Presented at the International Workshop on Wind-Related Disasters and Mitigation (WRDM) at Tohoku University. Sendai, Japan. March, 2018.


Albright, D., Harding, D., Pastre, D., Heine, U. and Blouin, V. 2017. “Assembling the Digital House by Hand: Lessons from deep Engagement and Guiding the Experimental Impulse.” Technology | Architecture + Design Vol. 1, Iss. 1, pp. 92-106. 

Albright, D., Blouin, V., Harding, D., Heine, U. and Pastre, D. 2017. “Sim[PLY]: Rapid Structural Assemblies Using CNC-Fabricated Plywood Components.” International Journal of Computational Methods and Experimental Measures (CMEM), volume 5, issue 4, pp. 532-538. ISSN _ 2046-0554 

Albright, D., Blouin, V., Harding, D., Heine, U. and Pastre, D. 2017. “Indigo Pine: Net Zero Performance in a Unique Package.” Procedia Environmental Sciences, volume 38, pp. 60-67. ISSN _ 1878-0296 

Albright, D. and Harding, D. 2017. “Assembling the Digital House by Hand: Lessons from Deep Engagement and Guiding the Experimental Impulse.” Invited presentation at the 2017 ACSA Conference. Detroit, MI. March 23-25, 2017.

Albright, D. 2017. “Assembling the Digital House by Hand: Designing and Building an Idea.” Invited presentation at the Augsburg University Design/Build Symposium. Augsburg, Germany. March 21, 2017.

Albright, D. 2017. “Wood Renaissance: Wood Design + Building in North America.” Invited presentation at Augsburg University. Augsburg, Germany. March 20, 2017.

Albright, D., Harding, D. and Pastre, D. 2017. “Hands and Things: Leveraging Technology to Incite Constructive Participation.” Invited presentation at the 2017 BTES Conference. Des Moines, IO. June 8-10, 2017.

Ashman, W. and Pang, W. 2017. “Impact of projections on balcony pressure coefficients.” Presented at the 2017 Mass Timber Conference. Portland, OR. March 29-30, 2017.

Blaney, C., Cobeen, K., Filiatrault, A., Welch, D., Stoner, M., Pang, W. and Vincent, T. 2017. “Prestandard for Seismic Assessment and Retrofit of One- and Two- family Dwellings (ATC-110 Project).” 2017 Structural Engineers Association of California(SEAOC) Convention. San Diego, CA. September, 2017.

Gu, M. and Pang, W. “Hollow Mass Timber & Vibration Serviceability Studies.” Presented at the 2017 Mass Timber Conference. Portland, OR. March 29-30, 2017.

Gu, M. 2017. "Strength and Serviceability Performances of Southern Yellow Pine Cross-Laminated Timber (CLT) and CLT-Glulam Composite Beam." 

Joy, J., Jose, C., Yu, X., Mathew, L., Thomas, S. and Pilla, S. 2017. “The Influence of Nanocellulosic Fiber, Extracted From Helicteres isora, on Thermal, Wetting And Viscoelastic Properties of Poly (Butylene Succinate) Composites, Cellulose, (DOI 10.1007/s10570-017-1439-y).” 

Layton, P. 2017. “Mass Timber: Usage and Construction.” An invited presentation to the Professional Construction Estimators, Upstate Chapter.” Greenville, SC. October 19, 2017.

Layton, P. 2017. “Cross Laminated Timber (CLT): Usage and Construction.” Presented to the SC State Engineers Facility Directors Meeting. Hickory Knob State Park, SC. October 19, 2017.

Layton, P. 2017. “Increasing Wood Use: The Mass Timber Opportunity.” Presented to the SC Association of Consulting Foresters. October 12, 2017.

Layton, P. 2017. “USDA Forest Service Wood Innovation Grant Expanding the Use of Wood Building Products in SC.” Presented via Webinar to the USDA Wood Innovation Grant Program meeting. July 13, 2017.

Layton, P. 2017. “How Big is the Market and How Do We Convert it to Wood.” Presented to the SC Society of American Foresters Annual Meeting. Florence, SC. June 15, 2017.

Layton, P. 2017. “SC Wood Innovation Team: Promoting Mass Timber.” Invited presentation to the 2017 Mass Timber Conference. Portland, OR. March 29-30, 2017.

Layton, P., Goetzl, A. and Guynn, S. 2017. “Building Sustainably with Wood.” Carolina Forestry Journal, p.2. January, 2017. 

Pang. W. and Albright, D. 2017. “Looking Forward: Leading Edge Solutions through Applied Research in Wood Building Systems.” Presented at SE Wood Solutions Fair. Charlotte, NC. November 2, 2017.

Pang, W. and Albright, D. 2017. “Looking Forward: Leading Edge Solutions through Applied Research in Wood Building Systems.” 2017 Southeast Wood Solutions Fair. Charlotte, NC. November, 2017.

Reres, L. and Pang, W. 2017. “Parametric Study of Wind-Induced Vibrations in a Cross-Laminated Timber Building.” Presented at the 13th Americas Conference on Wind Engineering. Gainesville, FL. May 21-24, 2017.

Ross, B. 2017. “The Learning Buildings Framework for Quantifying Building Adaptability.” Presented at the AEI Conference, ASCE Architectural Engineering Institute. Oklahoma City, OK.

Ross B, Rockow, Z. and Black, A. 2017. “The International Database of Demolition and Adaptation.” Presented at the AEI Conference, ASCE Architectural Engineering Institute. Oklahoma City, OK.

Ross, B. 2017. “Learning Buildings: How to Design and Build Them.” Invited lecture for the University of Alabama’s Department of Civil, Construction and Environmental Engineering.

Schwennsen, K. 2017. “A Brief History of Wood in Buildings.” Presented to the SC Society of American Foresters Annual Meeting. Florence, SC. June 15, 2017.

Stoner, M. and Pang, W. “Cross-Laminated Timber as a Tornado Resilient Material.” Presented at the 2017 Mass Timber Conference. Portland, OR. March 29-30, 2017.


Albright, D., Herrero, D., Latham, A. and Wohlers, A. 2016. “Indigo Pine: Rethinking Housing and Reshaping Architectural Education.” Invited presentation to AIA Greenville Monthly Meeting. Greenville, SC. February 10, 2016.

Albright, D. 2016. “Spaces for Innovation: Materials and Technologies of the Indigo Pine House.” Invited presentation to AIA Charleston Monthly Meeting. Charleston, SC. July 20, 2016.

Albright, D. 2016. “Wood + Timber Design: Trends and Outlook.” Invited speaker, Climate Learning Network of UGA Extension. Online Webinar. July 14, 2016.

Albright, D., Blouin, V., Harding, D., Heine, U. and Pastre, D. 2016. “Sim[PLY]: Achieving Carbon Neutrality Through Innovative Building Assemblies and Processes.” Presented at the 2016 PLEA Conference. Los Angeles, CA. July, 2016.

Albright, D., Blouin, V., Harding, D., Heine, U. and Pastre, D. 2016. “A Solar Decathlon House Intentionally Designed to Increase Teaching Opportunities.” Presented at the 2016 EAAE/ARCC International Conference. Lisbon, Portugal. June, 2016.

Albright, D., Stoner, M., Blouin, V., Harding, D., Heine, U. and Pastre, D. “Sim[PLY]: Innovative Platform Framing with CNC-Fabricated Plywood Componentry.” Presented at the 2016 WCTE Conference. Vienna, Austria. August 22-25, 2016.

Gu, M. and Pang, W. 2016. “Rolling Shear Strengths of Southern Pine Cross Laminated Timber.” Wood Design Focus, Volume 26, Number 1. Forest Products Society.

Gu, M., Pang, W. and Stoner, M. 2016. “Bending and Rolling Shear Capacities of Southern Pine Cross Laminated Timber (CLT).” Presentation at the 2016 WCTE Conference. Vienna, Austria. August 22-25, 2016.

Guynn, S., Layton, P. and Hubbard, W. 2016. “An Innovative Wood Utilization Educational Toolkit to Attain Healthy Forests and Sustainable Communities.” Presented at the Society of American National Foresters Annual Meeting. Madison, WI. November 5, 2016

Hasburgh, L., Bourne, K., Peralta, P., Mitchel, P., Schiff, S. and Pang, W. 2016. “Effect of adhesives and ply configuration on the fire performance of Southern pine cross-laminated timber.” Presntation at the 2016 WCTE Conference. Vienna, Austria. August 22-25, 2016.

Layton, P. and Pang, W. 2016. “WU+D Institute: What We Do.” Presented to the SC Society of Professional Engineers – Columbia Chapter. Columbia, SC. November 7, 2016.

Layton, P. 2016. “WU+D Institute: What We Do.” Presented at the Oconee Business Development Forum. Seneca, SC. August 11, 2016.

Layton, P. 2016. “Cross-Laminated Timber in the Southeastern USA: Opportunities.” Invited presentation to the 2016 Mass Timber Conference. Portland, OR. March 22-24, 2016. 

Rodrguez, L., Pradeep, S.A., Brown, N., Orrego, C. and Pilla, S. 2016. “Effect of Wood Fiber on Foaming Behavior of Pine Oil-based Bioepoxy.” Presented at the 14th International Symposium on Bioplastics, Biocomposites and Biorefining. Ontario, Canada.

Ross, B., Chen, D., Conejos, S. and Khademi, A. 2016. “Enabling Adaptable Buildings: Results of a Preliminary Expert Survey.” Presented at the International Conference on Sustainable Design, Engineering and Construction. Phoenix, AZ. May, 2016.


Albright, D., Dias, C., Latham, A. and Martin, A. 2015. “Clemson University Indigo Pine.” Invited Presentation to AIA Columbia Monthly Meeting. Columbia, SC. April 15, 2015.

Albright, D. 2015. “Recalibrated: An Interdisciplinary, Studio-Based Study of Massive Timber for Student Housing.” Proc. of 2015 Architecture Research Centers Consortium (ARCC) International Conference. Chicago, IL. April, 2015.

Albright, D., Blouin, V., Harding, D., Heine, U., and Pastre, D. 2015. "Sim[PLY]." Proc. of 2015 PLEA Conference. Bologna, Italy. June, 2015.

Albright, D., Blouin, V., Harding, D., Heine, U. and Pastre, D. 2015. “Clemson University Solar Decathlon House.” U.S. DOE Competition and Exhibition throughout exhibition. Irvine, CA. October 8-18, 2015.

Gu, M., Pang, W. and Schiff, S. 2015. “Displacement Design Procedure for Cross Laminated Timber (CLT) Rocking Walls with Sacrificial Dampers.” 2015 Structures Congress. Portland, OR. April 23–25, 2015.

Layton, P. 2015. “Green Buildings, Tall Buildings: Soaring For Sustainable Forestry.” Invited Presentation at the SFI Annual Meeting. Lake Tahoe, CA. October 9, 2015. and

Layton, P. 2015. “Introduction to WU+D.” CLT meeting presentation to a select group of SC and NC Sawmill Owners. Clemson, SC. October 8, 2015.

Layton, P. 2015. “Clemson’s Wood Utilization + Design Institute – Helping to Create Market Demand.” Invited presentation to the SC Forestry Commission 2015 Forestry Summit. Columbia, SC. August 18, 2015.

Pang, W., Schiff, S., Gu, M., Montgomery, G. and Albright, D. 2015. “Wood Engineering Research Civil Engineering at Clemson.” Presentation to a select group of SC and NC Sawmill Owners. Clemson, SC. October 8, 2015.


Layton, P. 2014. “Selling Wood – Showcasing Innovative use and Design.” 2014 South Carolina Forestry Magazine. pp 40-43. SC Forestry Association.

Layton, P. 2014. “Pickens Rotary: A Brief Overview.” Presented to the Pickens Rotary Club Meeting. Pickens, SC. October 28, 2014.

Layton, P. 2014. “Second Century Society: A Brief Overview.” Presented to the Clemson University Second Century Society meeting. Columbia, SC. October 14, 2014.

Layton, P. 2014. “Advancement Board for Real Estate Development: A Brief Overview.” Presented to the Clemson University Advancement Board for Real Estate Meeting. Clemson, SC. September 26, 2014.

Montgomery, W. Graham, Schiff, Scott D. and Pang, Weichiang. 2014. “HOLLOW MASSIVE TIMBER PANELS: A HIGH- PERFORMANCE, LONG-SPAN ALTERNATIVE TO CROSS LAMINATED TIMBER.” World Conference on Timber Engineering. Quebec City, Canada. August 10-14, 2014.