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Emergency Management

Chemical Exposure/Spill


  • Review the chemical's Safety Data Sheet.
  • Ensure all hazards are understood.
  • Ensure appropriate personal protective equipment is used.
  • Ensure appropriate spill materials are available (contact OES for assistance).


  • Immediately notify affected personnel and evacuate the spill area. Pull the building fire evacuation alarm if evacuation is required.
  • If an emergency, call 911 immediately.
    • If corrosive, toxic, flammable or irritating chemicals come into contact with your skin, immediately and continuously flush the affected area with water for a minimum of 15 minutes.
    • If contact is with a large area of your skin, use an emergency safety shower if available (remove all contaminated clothing).
    • If contact is with eyes, immediately flush eyes with water for a minimum of 15 minutes. Use emergency eyewash station if available.
    • Remove and isolate any contaminated clothing.
    • Move to a safer area and ensure no one enters the contaminated area.
    • Notify Clemson University Occupational and Environmental Safety at 864-656-0341 for assistance and guidance.


  • Inappropriate handling of hazardous materials may result in exposure to personnel and the environment.
  • No effort to contain or clean up spills and/or releases should be made unless you are “Authorized and Qualified” to perform such work. 


  • Notify supervisor of the incident and complete an Incident Report form. For spills, releases or incidents requiring special training, procedures or equipment (PPE) that is beyond the abilities of present personnel, take the following steps:
    • Remain in the vicinity to assist emergency responders.
    • Anyone who is contaminated by the spill should take actions in the “DURING CHEMICAL EXPOSURES” section above, as appropriate.
    • Notify Clemson University Occupational and Environmental Safety Hazardous Materials Manager for assistance and guidance at 864-633-6357.
    • Do NOT re-enter the area until directed by emergency personnel.
  • Seek medical attention if any delayed exposure effects are observed.