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Emergency Management

Crime Prevention


  • Secure your valuables or take them with you every time you leave your office/workspace.
  • When entering a secure area, do NOT let someone “tailgate” in behind you. Ask persons unknown to you for a CUID and who they are visiting.
  • Keep all personal information secured (i.e., home address, SS#, and PIN access #).
  • Do not leave keys, personal identification or building access cards in unsecured areas.
  • Never prop open locked building doors.
  • Be discreet in your social plans. Do not advertise your plans to be away from work or school to anyone you do not know and trust personally.
  • Call 911 to report suspicious persons or activities.


  • Maintain situational awareness in places where you are most comfortable. These locations are where we are more likely to let our guard down and become complacent.
  • Plan your activities with safety in mind. Have a schedule and plan of how you arrive and leave. Let those you trust know your plans and identify emergency contacts.
  • Pay attention to your surroundings when using electronic devices. Do not tune out of what is going on around you.
  • Do not leave cell phones, laptops, purses, bookbags or wallets unattended for any reason. If you need to step away from your workspace, secure these items or take them with you.
  • Keep a list of all property with serial numbers (i.e., electronic devices, valuable property, bicycles, etc.) to aid in identification and recovery in the event they are stolen.
  • Always lock your door when you leave the room or office. Never leave your space unsecured while unattended.
  • Never prop open doors. Security of academic buildings and residence halls is a key component of overall safety on campus. Prevent unauthorized access by ensuring that doors remain closed, locked and only those who have TigerOne Card access enter.
  • Do not give personal information to strangers. This includes social media and communication platforms (i.e., Snapchat, TikTok, Instagram, Facebook, etc.)
  • Use sturdy, reliable bicycle and moped locks.
  • Use lockers and locks when at the gym.


  • Be aware of your surroundings at all times.
  • Plan your route ahead of time and select well-traveled/populated areas.
  • Avoid walking alone at night.
    • Tiger Transit is a free on-campus nighttime transportation service for all students, faculty, and staff.
    • Tiger Transit runs 6 p.m. – 2 a.m. Sunday – Thursday & 6 p.m. – 3 a.m. Friday – Saturday.
    • Tiger Transit does not operate when Clemson University is not in session and may be unable to provide service during peak traffic times surrounding home football games.
    • To book a ride, visit the Nighttime Tiger Transit website and follow the instructions provided.
  • Stay in well-lit, populated areas.
  • Whenever possible, travel in groups.
  • If you feel you are being followed, avoid deserted locations and move toward well-lit, populated areas. Seek locations where others are gathered or attended locations such as public gathering places, open stores, residential facilities, etc. and call 911.
  • If an aggressor confronts you, loudly alert others around you, draw attention to yourself and the situation, try to run to a safe area and call 911.
  • If you feel threatened, use an emergency blue light phone located around campus or call 911.


  • Have your key ready to open the door when approaching your vehicle.
  • Make sure your vehicle is locked and windows are secured before leaving it unattended.
  • Look inside your vehicle before you get in.
  • Secure all valuables out of sight or remove them from your vehicle altogether.
  • Park in well-lit areas that are more frequently used by others.
  • When parking at night, utilize Tiger Transit to request a safe ride from your parking area. 


  • Wait for your ride indoors if possible
  • Confirm details when the car arrives
  • Always ask the driver verification questions such as “What’s my name?”
  • Map your own route during the ride
  • Don’t share private information with your driver
  • Ride in the back seat
  • Tell a friend where you’re going and who you’re with


  • Secure all devices with a password and lock your device when unattended.
  • Use two-factor authentication whenever possible.
  • Avoid clicking suspicious links and report phishing to CCIT.
  • Use strong passwords, never share passwords and never use the same password more than once.
  • Run reputable anti-malware/anti-virus programs and complete system updates regularly.
  • Encrypt Confidential or Restricted Data in emails.