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Emergency Management

Evacuation Procedures

Evacuations at the University will generally fall into two categories:

  • Building or Partial Evacuation is when a building, designated area or group of buildings is evacuated.
  • Campus Evacuation is when the entire campus is evacuated.

It is very important that regardless of the type or duration of an evacuation that everyone listens very carefully to official information and evacuation orders issued.


  • Plan ahead. Know evacuation routes from your office and campus.
  • When you hear the fire alarm, do not assume it is a drill. Assess the situation and your surroundings and follow instructions from emergency officials.
  • Remain calm and listen for specific evacuation instructions.


  • Take personal items you can safely evacuate with that are readily available, including personal and Clemson University identification. Once evacuated, do not return for any personal items.
  • Walk, do not run. Once outside the building, move away from the exits.
  • If obstacles are blocking your primary evacuation route, find a safe alternate exit.
  • Do NOT go into restrooms.
  • Do NOT use the elevators!
  • Direct visitors or anyone needing assistance to the nearest stairwell.
  • It is imperative that you “check-in” with your supervisor or other department personnel so all employees can be accounted for.
  • An evacuation could last from a few minutes to several days.
  • Students, faculty, staff and visitors with their own transportation should leave campus and return to their home or other safe destination as directed by emergency officials.
  • Students and employees who have no personal transportation will report to Strom Thurmond Institute, 230 Kappa Street, Clemson, SC 29634. Clemson University staff will brief these individuals and assign them to specific mass transit vehicles.


  • Follow all instructions from Public Safety officials and CU Alerts regarding return to campus.