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Emergency Management


Shelter-in-place means finding a safe location indoors. Individuals should stay in their location until the situation dictates another action such as:

  • An "ALL CLEAR" from emergency officials.
  • Shelter-in-place location is no longer safe from the current threat.

A Shelter-in-Place order may be issued for a variety of reasons, including Severe Weather, Hazardous Materials Release, Active Threat or any situation when it is best to stay where you are to avoid any uncertainty outside.


  • Understand the different threats and plan for all possibilities.
  • It is important to consider shelter-in-place locations in advance to avoid confusion and be prepared.
  • Some things to consider when identifying shelter locations:
    • Does the door lock? Does the door open out or in?
    • Is there furniture nearby that can be used to barricade the door?
    • Can the windows be closed or blocked?


  • Remain calm.
  • Follow the directions provided via CU Alerts and other Emergency Notification channels.
  • Stay away from windows, doors and outside walls.
  • Severe Weather: Basements generally provide the best protection, otherwise go into an interior room or hallway on the lowest floor possible. Visit the Severe Weather page for more details.
  • Active Threat: Secure doors and seek concealment away from windows and doors. Turn lights off and close the blinds if the room is so equipped. Visit the Active Threat page for more details.
  • Account for all students, faculty, staff and visitors as people arrive in your shelter location.
  • Constantly reevaluate the location to help ensure you are still safe from the hazard.
  • Stay in the shelter location until you receive an “ALL CLEAR.”


An “ALL CLEAR” message will be broadcast via CU Alerts when the danger has passed, and appropriate University officials have determined that it is safe to exit the shelter.