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Emergency Management

Utility Emergency

  • If you discover a significant water leak, gas leak, downed power line, sewage overflow, flooding or other major utility failure on main campus, call the University Emergency Dispatch Center at 864-656-2222. Do not call the University Dispatch Center unless you have an emergency and need assistance.
  • For non-emergency reporting, repair requests and additional information, call the University Facilities Support Center at 864-656-5450.
  • Do NOT attempt to correct the problem unless you are “Authorized and Qualified” to do so.
  • Assist others in your immediate area who may be unfamiliar with the building/area in an evacuation.

Electrical Outage

  • Turn off equipment such as computers and monitors to avoid damage once power is restored.
  • If you are in a dark area, proceed cautiously to an area that has emergency lights.
  • If appropriate for the conditions, move carefully toward the nearest EXIT sign and continue doing so until you are safely outside of the building.

Elevator Failure

  • Use the emergency button or telephone to alert authorities.
  • Do NOT attempt to open the elevator door or in any way “shake” or “jar” the car to move unless directed to do so by emergency personnel.

Gas Leak

  • Natural gas alone is odorless so an additive is used, creating a distinct ‘rotten egg’ smell to help detect leaks when they occur.
  • If you smell this strong odor, immediately evacuate the area.
  • Do NOT turn lights or electrical equipment on or off.
  • Call 911 from a safe location; a distance of at least 300 feet is recommended.
  • Keep a safe distance from the leak until emergency officials give an all-clear.

Water Leak/Flooding

  • Stop what you are doing and cautiously evacuate the area.
  • Do NOT turn lights or electrical equipment on or off.
  • Do NOT re-enter the building/area until emergency officials give an all-clear.