Victim Services
The University provides the following emergency and specialized victim-assistance counseling to all members of the campus community.
Counseling and Psychological Services
Student Health Services offers students confidential counseling and psychological services that address a wide variety of developmental and psychological issues. These issues range from adjustments to the University environment and relationship problems to more severe psychological disorders such as alcohol and drug abuse, eating disorders, depression and anxiety. Additionally, counseling groups are available to students with learning disabilities, survivors of sexual trauma and adult children of alcoholics. Counseling services are provided using a time-limited, brief counseling model. Attention-deficit and learning-disability assessments are also offered. For information, call 864-656-2451.
Employee Assistance Program
The Office of Human Resources offers an Employee Assistance Program (EAP) through an external EAP provider. Services offered through this program are available to Clemson University faculty and staff and their dependents with a focus on the importance of work/life balance. Available services include personal, family and marriage counseling, financial and legal consultations, alcohol and drug abuse and other issues that may affect work or life balance. All counseling services are confidential. For additional information regarding the EAP, please contact the Office of Human Resources at 864-656-2000 or visit the Office of Human Resources website.
Crisis Response
The University provides immediate counseling services to faculty, staff and students in the event of a traumatic incident; students are referred to Mental Health and Counseling provided by Redfern Health Center, and faculty and staff are referred to the EAP provided by the Office of Human Resources. The goal is to minimize or prevent post-trauma problems or other mental disorders such as depression. While trained to handle university wide disaster situations, these counseling programs usually deal with situations of a more limited scope involving individuals, organizations and departments. Counseling programs facilitate debriefing meetings for those affected by a traumatic incident and coordinate individual counseling and referrals.
Rape Counseling
Rape victims should seek medical treatment at Redfern Health Center. Anyone may call and request medical transportation without divulging that he or she has been raped. The University Counseling and Psychological Services Center (864-656-2451) offers confidential counseling to rape victims and University police encourage victims to seek counseling. Pickens County Advocacy Center is also available to assist rape victims. Call 864-442-5500 or send an email to for information.
Victim Assistance
The Clemson University Police Department assists all campus crime victims with referrals, transportation, court familiarization and compensation.

Healthy Campus
Clemson University is committed to maintaining an environment that is healthy, safe and attractive for all members of the community. The University provides education, programs and policies to empower students to make responsible decisions relating to alcohol and other drug consumption. Healthy Campus is located on the third floor of Fike Recreation Center.
Healthy Campus Website