Serving Rural South Carolina

The Center for Cooperative and Enterprise Development is dedicated to enhancing and expanding local food and agricultural businesses in South Carolina.
The Center and partners provide technical assistance to cooperatives, mutually-owned businesses, and other small business within multiple industries, but with a strong focus on agricultural businesses.
The Center is operated by Clemson University through Clemson Cooperative Extension.
Contact Us
Steve Richards
SCCCED Director
The Center for Cooperative and Enterprise Development represents a collaborative effort between Clemson University Cooperative Extension, South Carolina State Small Business Development Center (SBDC), the South Carolina Department of Agriculture (SCDA), and Matson Consulting.
Clemson Extension Agribusiness Team
Clemson’s Agribusiness Team provides technical assistance, education, and resources to entrepreneurs, business owners, individuals, and others across the state of South Carolina.
Steve Richards, SCCCED Director
Matson Consulting
Matson Consulting, an agribusiness consulting firm located in South Carolina that has an extensive nationwide history in cooperative and group development for twenty years.
South Carolina Department of Agriculture
The South Carolina Department of Agriculture’s (SCDA) Agribusiness Center for Research and Entrepreneurship (ACRE) provides business development assistance to entrepreneurs within the agricultural industry across the state.
Kyle Player, External Affairs and Economic Development
Agribusiness Development
ACRE Executive Director
South Carolina State Small Business Development Center
SC State SBDC serves several rural counties of severe need in eastern South Carolina, including Bamberg and Barnwell counties, both of which have been designated as Promise Zones.
USDA Rural Development
Funding for this Center has been provided by USDA Rural Development Cooperative Services through their Rural Cooperative Development Grant.