Replacement Certificates

Image of a liquid manure spreader operating behind a tractor.

Training manuals are provided to producers on the day of training.  Certificates are mailed to producers within two weeks after completion of the training.  Certificates are very seldom lost in the mail, but we are aware that this can happen.  If the certificate is lost in the mail or does not arrive in the appropriate amount of time, it is the responsibility of the producer to contact Bryan Smith to request a replacement.


Replacement certificates requested four weeks or more after the training date will cost $5.00 to cover postage and materials.  If you need a replacement certificate, send a check for $5.00 made out to Clemson University to:

Bryan Smith
Clemson Extension
219 W Laurens Street
Laurens, SC  29360

Be sure to include your name in the envelope (some checks may only have farm names on them) so that we can print the appropriate certificate and return it to you.


Replacement manuals are $20.00 each.  The manual material is three-hole punched for a ring binder and includes all appendices and section tabs.  You will need a 2 inch ring binder for the material (we do not attempt to mail ring binders due to the fact that most arrive in unusable shape).  Mail a check for $20.00 made out to Clemson University to the above address and we will return the manual to you via U.S. Mail.

You may print the manuals from the website free of charge if you prefer.  This can be quite a task, since the manuals are all well over 200 pages in length.