About the A. Frank Lever Extension Agent Hall of Fame
The A. Frank Lever Extension Agent Hall of Fame (hereinafter referred to as the Lever Hall of Fame) recognizes former Clemson Extension Agents for superior contributions and outstanding leadership in promoting the Extension Mission in their home community and throughout the state of South Carolina. Persons selected for recognition will be honored and formally inducted into the Lever Hall of Fame at an annual ceremony conducted in the spring of any given year.

A Lasting Legacy
“Frank Lever wanted to transform the United States through educational outreach called Extension. He knew the only way to effect that change was by educating the whole family. The county agents we honor are examples of what Frank Lever’s vision meant not only to South Carolina, but also to the nation.”
Thomas DobbinsDIRECTORClemson Cooperative Extension
“Our Extension agents are out there every day, finding out what the problems are and getting solutions from the research done here at the university. Extension is a legacy of Clemson. It’s the best model in the world for teaching technology.”
George AskewVice PresidentClemson Public Service and Agriculture