Responding to the needs of our state

Household and Structural Urban Entomology encompasses the many insect and other pest problems in and around structures used by people. The term urban does not imply these pest problems are only found in cities. Urban entomology potentially impacts all citizens of the state and their quality of life. Pest problems associated with humans occur wherever people live, work or play. Research and extension activities in this area of entomology involves cockroaches, bed bugs, fleas, carpenter ants, fire ants, stored product pests, ticks, mosquitoes, biting flies, filth flies, wood destroying insects such as termites, and most other pest problems that are generally considered non-agricultural.
The National Pest Management Association estimates that termites in the United State causes over $5 billion in property damage annually. Cockroaches can spread 33 different kinds of bacteria and their dropping or decomposing bodies can trigger allergic and asthma symptoms, especially in children. Encounters with stinging insects send over a half million people to emergency rooms each year and 1 in 5 Americans has had a bed bug infestation or knows someone who has encountered bed bugs. In South Carolina there are over 1000 licensed pest control businesses that in turn provide services for many of the over 5 million residents of the state. Revenues for the household and structural pest management industry in SC are over $500 million annually.
Clemson University is responding to the needs of our state's population through research and teaching in urban entomology, especially training program for pest management professional. Our urban entomology lab collaborates with other university and industry scientists throughout the Southeast in seeking answers to solve current and evolving problems in urban entomology for all South Carolinians.

How To Get Rid Of Termites, According To An Expert
Southern Living
In the forest and other natural settings, termites are beneficial insects that recycle woody debris, such as dead trees, and return nutrients to the soil. But when they attack our houses, it’s a totally different story.
Read the Full ArticleHow To Keep Cockroaches Away And Get Rid Of Them Around Your Home, According To Experts
Southern Living
Like termites, cockroaches have a job to do, breaking down organic matter in the natural world. But even one cockroach isn’t acceptable indoors.
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How To Get Rid Of And Prevent Ticks
Southern Living
Whether you’re hiking, picnicking, or working in your garden, ticks are a year-round risk in the South. These blood suckers find a host by sensing odors, heat, vibrations, and shadows or by “questing” on the tips of grasses with their front legs extended—waiting for a person or animal to brush by them.
Read the Full ArticleHow To Get Rid Of Ants
Southern Living
Maybe you’ve spotted a single ant wandering around on the kitchen floor, or perhaps there’s a trail of them marching across the counter. Regardless, it’s time to act fast.
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A Once-in-a-Lifetime Double Brood of Cicadas Is Emerging This Spring
Country Living
This spring, it’s about to get noisy! Trillions of periodical cicadas will emerge from underground, shed their skins, and head for the trees, looking for love.
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