Fall 2025 course dates TBD. If you would like to be notified of future course offerings, please sign up for our Hybrid Course newsletter.
The purpose of the Post-Construction BMP Inspector program is to train professionals in methods and strategies for conducting routine and thorough inspections of stormwater management practices. Visit the Certified BMP Inspectors page for a list of certified BMP inspectors.
About the Course
This program is offered as a five-week online course, followed by an in-person field day and an online certification exam.
Municipalities and counties in South Carolina recognize the necessity of inspection and maintenance of stormwater infrastructure. When a neighborhood or property management company cannot carry these tasks out, communities are faced with the challenge of enforcement actions or utilization of limited staff and financial resources to accomplish the task.
Goal of the Course
The goal of the course is to offer a comprehensive statewide program for stormwater-related professionals with the following specific learning objectives:
- Understand stormwater dynamics and issues, how they affect water quantity and quality, and associated federal, state and local regulations.
- Gain applied technical knowledge about stormwater control measures and practices used in South Carolina, as well as how they should function and perform.
- Acquire practical working knowledge about the inspection and maintenance requirements of each stormwater practice.
- Learn about available tools for successful inspection and maintenance program implementation and evaluation.
Covered Areas
Areas to be covered include technical elements of stormwater management practice function and performance, as well as scheduled maintenance tasks that are required to ensure these installed practices are working as intended. Stormwater BMPs to be covered include:
- wet and dry ponds
- stormwater wetlands
- bioretention and infiltration practices
- manufactured devices
- underground detention
- swales and buffers
- parking lot BMPs and permeable materials
- rainwater harvesting
- green roofs
Guidance for inspection preparation, execution, documentation, and safety will also be provided.
The Post-Construction BMP Inspector program will ensure that science-based information for low-impact development practices and climate change are made available to communities in their evaluation of stormwater infrastructure operation and performance.
Intended Audience
The target audience for this course includes design engineers, stormwater managers, public works staff, commercial landscapers and homeowner associations. In addition, current partnerships with communities have identified the need for consistent evaluation of these practices, and there exist many opportunities to connect trained students with summer internships and future employment.
The course will be offered through Clemson's Center for Watershed Excellence. The online classroom will feature:
- Learn from home or work using computer or tablet/iPad
- Complete coursework on your schedule and at your pace
- Earn certification and professional development hours
- Learn from local experts with material specific to South Carolina’s conditions, soils, regulations, experiences and practices
Course Structure
As a "hybrid" course combining online and face-to-face learning, it will incorporate self-paced lectures, discussion, quizzes, and other web-based methods of participant-instructor interaction, along with hands-on participation activities in the field.
Time Commitment
Plan for 1-3 hours per week. Some weeks are longer than others. Since the material is self-paced, you can catch up in a subsequent week if you fall behind. We understand that everyone has busy schedules!
Computer Requirements
- Since this course delivers lecture, video, and interaction material via the internet, the participant must have access to a desktop computer, a laptop, or a tablet (iPad, Android).
- If you're using a computer, we recommend one that is 5 years old or newer. At least 1GB of RAM is required. More details here.
- To use an iPad, it must be able to run iOS 8 or newer. An Android device must be able to Android 4.0.3 or newer. More details here.
- A broadband (DSL, Cable, etc) internet service is required to access learning content.
- The course content is accessed via your web browser, so no special software is required. Adobe Flash is NOT required, though it may enhance your experience on a computer.
- On a tablet (iPad and Android), a free mobile application is offered for ease of use.
- Don't hesitate to give us a call (see right sidebar) if you have any questions about your technical access to the course.

Fall 2025 Course Dates TBD
Program Coordinator
Steven O’Shields
Water Resources Agent
Clemson Extension
Course Instructors
Steven O’Shields
Cal Sawyer, Ph.D.
J.P. Johns, P.E.
Chuck Jarman, P.E.
Kim Counts Morganello
Debabrata Sahoo, Ph.D., P.E., P.H.
Sarah Waickowski, Ph.D., P.E.