Shared Services
Welcome to Shared Services
The goals of Shared Services are to:
- Develop transaction experts which will result in higher accuracy, less rework and less risk.
- Allow departments to focus on their mission and spend less time handling transactions.
- Create dedicated customer representatives.
- Provide improved knowledge and expertise to campus.
- Ensure cross-training of staff and natural backup support.
Divisions we currently support:
- Communication and Brand Strategy
- External Affairs
- Finance & Operations
- Community, Engagement, Belonging and Access
- Office of General Counsel
- President
- Student Affairs
View our current service matrix (Excel Spreadsheet)- login required
Announcement of Finance Shared Services
In October 2019, as part of the reorganization of the divisions of Finance and Operations and Student Affairs as directed by the Board of Trustees, the University’s path to Operational Excellence is continuing with the relaunching of the University’s Finance Shared Services Center. Effective in the new fiscal year (beginning July 1), this department will serve Financial Affairs and Student Affairs departments by processing their financial transactions while working to create University-wide consistency in process and application of policy. This department will be overseen by Erin Thomas in close partnership with the Student Affairs Chief Business Officer, Lisa Bona. For some Financial Affairs and Student Affairs departments this will be new; for others, you already work with Finance Shared Services.
While we anticipate this transition to be smooth and seamless, you should expect to see some minor changes to processes and procedures. Soon you will receive more detail regarding this transition to include primary contact information, specific function responsibilities, the launch of the Finance Shared Services’ website, and a virtual Town Hall meeting to allow for further questions.
As our divisional partnership evolves, our teams will continue to collaborate and identify ways to improve transaction-based processes and procedures. We would like to thank all of those individuals engaged on this initiative for their assistance and guidance. We are grateful for your continued support and dedication to Clemson University and its drive toward Operational Excellence!