Financial Aid Policies
Student Financial Aid must comply with federal, state and University policies related to scholarships, grants, loans and other financial aid programs. See the policies guiding our work and your aid below.

Find the Policy You Need
Financial Aid Terms and Conditions
After your complete financial aid package has been determined, students must agree to the financial aid terms and conditions to receive their aid.
Read Financial Aid Terms and Conditions
Scholarship Terms and Conditions
Scholarship recipients at Clemson University must comply with the stated terms and conditions to be eligible and receive funds in their student account.
View Scholarship Terms and Conditions
Satisfactory Academic Progress
At the end of each semester, GPA, pacing and maximum timeframe are evaluated for each student receiving financial aid. See how these SAP requirements affect student aid and more.
Learn about Satisfactory Academic Progress
FERPA - Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act
Clemson University must comply with the FERPA, a federal law that protects the privacy of student education records and provides rights to access or edit those records.
Consumer Information
As consumers, students have the right to know specific policies and procedures at the University. See information related to the institution at large, financial aid, health and safety, student outcomes and more.
Statement of Ethics
As members of the National Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators, Clemson University financial aid professionals have made a written commitment to exemplify the highest level of ethical behavior.
Clemson ARPA Grant
Clemson University received funds through the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 for emergency financial aid grants. See how much was received and how the funds were disbursed.
Degree-Seeking Status
This policy identifies that a student must be in a degree program and be enrolled at least half-time to receive financial aid. To maintain their "degree-seeking status," a student must be enrolled in courses that apply to their program of study.
Learn about Degree-Seeking Status
Clemson CRRSAA Grant
Clemson University received funding for emergency financial aid grants through the Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act of 2021 (CRRSAA). See how funds were disbursed and learn about the act.
Clemson CARES Grant
Clemson University committed to using at least 50 percent of funds from the CARES Act to provide emergency grants to students. Learn about funding received and how disbursements were managed.
Conflict of Interest and Code of Conduct
This policy prohibits conflicts of interest in situations involving student financial aid and establishes standards of conduct for employees with responsibility for student financial aid.