Clemson University Land Stewardship Foundation
The Clemson University Land Stewardship Foundation, Inc., is an independent, non-profit, tax-exempt public charity incorporated in South Carolina under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. It is also an affiliate of Clemson University and the Clemson University Foundation. It has its own independent board of directors and president. The Clemson University Land Stewardship Foundation, Inc. (CULSF) seeks to support Clemson through the development and related activities associated with real property, and to support Clemson University’s economic development activities in communities throughout the state. In doing this, CULSF looks for ways in which to maximize the educational, research and economic development mission of the University.
CULSF is the organization that owns and develops the “Technology Neighborhoods” at the CU-ICAR Campus in Greenville, SC.
For more information:
Jason Przybyla, RPA
Manager of Real Estate Operations