b'the ultimate example of compassionate service to others. She provided me with a solid foundation to pursue my dreams. I know I would not be here today without her and without wisdom-based decisions that moved me past just knowledge. Additionally, I am grateful for my sister, my niece and my stepdad. Without their emotional support, I would not be here today. And quite literally, they drove me here today. I am also grateful for my committee here at Clemson, especially my chair, Sandy Linder. She was the second person I met in 2019 when I was deciding if I wanted to apply to Clemson Graduate School. I sat in her office and felt connected and welcomed by her warmth and professionalism. She is truly a gem! I share my story to create space for you to reflect on your own journey and wisdom which led to todays culminating event. I believe gratitude can remind, re-center, and reinvigorate us. It is a simple tool that takes moments, yet has a lasting impact. Therefore, I invite each graduate to mindfully pause with me in a moment of gratitude for your journey. I also extend this invitation to all attendees too. If comfortable for you, begin by closing your eyes. Taking in a slow, deep breath and slow breath out. Follow this intentional slow, deep breathing a few more timeseach time trying to go slower and deeper in your breath, while beginning to recognize the ease and calm feelings in your body. Now, still with your eyes closed, considering your own journey, bring to mind a person that has helped you get to this point today. If comfortable for you, picture this person in your mind. Take a moment to reflect on your gratitude for this person. This is where I invite to speak directly to them, expressing your gratitude for their part in your journey. And as a final gesture of gratitude to this individual, I encourage you to place your hands over your heart and say, Thank you, thank you, thank you. I invite you to say these words to yourself or whisper quietly, Thank you, thank you, thank you! And you may open your eyes. I appreciate you listening to my message of wisdom and sharing in a moment of mindful gratitude together. And remember, knowledge is great but it is pointless without wisdom to help guide our intentions and decisions. Thank you, thank you, thank you!A PHOTO SLIDESHOW OF THE DECEMBER 2023 DOCTORAL CLASS Click or tap the image to view the slideshow.Please remember to mute your phone during the ceremony. 8'