Dr. Kim Alexander
Founder and Chair, IGRSS kalxndr@clemson.edu
College of Graduate Studies
Founder and Chair of Clemson University's Institute for Global Road Safety and Security (IGRSS) and Program Director of the first of its kind Master of Transportation Safety Administration degree program. She is a Clinical Associate Professor and teaches in the degree program. Dr. Alexander leads an interdisciplinary team of researchers and educators focused on the human-vehicle-road interface. She has been with Clemson for almost 30 years and holds BS and MEd degrees with an EdD degree focusing on curriculum development and risk perception from Clemson University.
As an educator and researcher, her work investigates the attitudinal, cognitive, behavioral, social, and cultural aspects of road traffic injury prevention and the underlying forces, with a focus on creating a safer human-vehicle-road system. Her research experience ranges from studies on the influence of risk perception training on road safety education programs to behavioral influence program development for specific subpopulations (including children, young drivers, and military personnel). Dr. Alexander's expertise includes teacher training, leadership development, education research, analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation in road safety.
Dr. Alexander is a C5/6 quadriplegic and in a wheelchair due to a spinal cord injury she sustained as a passenger in a single vehicle, run-off-road crash in 1979. Dr. Alexander is committed to addressing the broader challenges of road safety and traffic injury prevention so all can embrace a lifestyle of safety and health. She is a nationally and internationally known leader in road safety and has authored and co-authored numerous publications, patents, and technical reports and has served as PI and Co-PI on awards totaling over $6 million. Dr. Alexander is the recipient of the 2019 WorldSafe Award, for their leadership in making our world a safer, better place.
Contact Information:
Office: D-141 Poole Agricultural Center
Office Phone: 864.656.0664
Email: kalxndr@clemson.edu