Steppingblocks at Clemson

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All Clemson students, faculty, and staff have access to Steppingblocks products that provide rich information on post-graduation outcomes based on alumni data.

Steppingblocks sources education, employment, firmographic, and demographic data from hundreds of public sources. These comprehensive data are subjected to multiple methodologies and algorithms (e.g., NLP, AI, ML) that validate, deduplicate, normalize, and structure them in standardized classification schema to yield robust longitudinal insights on alumni at every accredited post-secondary institution in the US at both aggregate and individual levels.

These data, which cover over 135 million individuals in the US workforce, contain a wealth of information regarding alumni employers, industries, job positions, compensation, locations, skills, industry trends, and more. Steppingblocks dashboards are fast and user-friendly.

Digital Career Counselor (Clemson login required)

The Digital Career Counselor (DCC) is designed with students and academic/career advisors in mind, but may be of interest to faculty and other staff as well. DCC empowers students to transition from college to career with data-driven guidance and information. DCC provides students and advisors with an insider view of education and career outcomes of Clemson alumni—both recent and experienced.

Specific resources and features include: outcomes of alumni by major or employer, exploration of actual alumni career paths, examination of trending skills, personality trait-based exploration of careers, major and industry-based content feeds, and a tuition analyzer providing payback periods and total college costs by major, state, and institution.

Graduate Outcomes and Graduate Explorer (Coming Soon)

The Graduate Outcomes and Graduate Explorer tools are designed for select staff and administrators having alumni outcomes-related roles at the University to better understand how our graduates are performing after leaving Clemson, support recruitment with data and data-informed marketing, and evaluate program outcomes. Capabilities and features include alumni earnings, geographic distribution, employer trends, skills analytics, and data segmentation by numerous demographic attributes in order to examine particular subpopulations.