Before You Leave For Your Trip
Don't forget to complete a Travel Request for travel outside the State of South Carolina before booking your travel in the University's online booking tool - Concur Travel, or directly with our contracted travel agency Anthony Travel (AT). Also check out the information below about the first-time user checklist and helpful travel tips before you go!
Are you a First Time Concur Travel User?
First time traveling? Please review the quickstart guide below of items you will need to do before booking travel with Concur Travel. If you have questions about how Concur Travel is being used in your area, please reach out to your business office.

Concur Travel Requests

To create a more efficient process, the University is transitioning away from using various department forms in favor of travelers creating their Travel Requests (TRs) directly in Concur.
Travelers must identify funding and gather estimated travel costs before creating their Travel Request directly into Concur (see guide below).
Concur Travel is now required, so reach out to your business office for specific guidance on how your area is utilizing the tool.
As needed, please reference the Travel Policy & Procedure page for guidance on travel.