Recognition and Awards
As one of the top Universities in America, Clemson University holds its faculty to the highest standards, both in the classroom and in the community. The Office of the Provost recognizes the major role the talented and dedicated faculty play in helping achieve success on behalf of the University. To encourage forward growth toward Clemson Elevate's strategic goals and reward outstanding instruction and significant contributions by faculty members, we graciously recognize a variety of honors, awards and recognitions.
Discover a breakdown of each Office of the Provost award on this page — get insight on past award recipients and find out how to nominate a Clemson faculty member for award consideration.
University Awards
Every year the Office of the Provosts sponsors a special recognition event for several annual awards bestowed upon outstanding faculty, staff, and students. Below, you will find all the information you need to stay current on the latest University awards and faculty wins at Clemson University.

Office of the Provost Awards
Ralph D. Elliot Endowed Award
This award is designed to recognize and honor a Clemson University faculty, staff, and/or administrator who has promoted initiatives in the field of credit or noncredit continuing education in a worthy and exemplary manner. The provost will present the award to the recipient on behalf of the President of Clemson University at the University Awards Ceremony in May. In addition to a cash stipend, the recipient’s name will be affixed to a permanently displayed plaque in the Clemson University Madren Center.
The nomination form is available below. Completed nomination packets should be sent to the Office of the Provost, 206 Sikes Hall. Nominations are accepted throughout the year.
Meet the 2024 Recipient
April Pelt
View Past Recipients
2023 - Russell L. Purvis, Ellen Breazel
2022 - Lori Dikes
2021 - Nathan Long
2020 - Andrew Hurley, George J. Petersen
2019 - William G. Ferrell
2018 - Gail DePriest
2017 - Not awarded
2016 - Melissa Lockhart
2015 - Randy Collins
2014 - Witt Salley
2013 - Rosanne Pruitt
2012 - Elham Makram
2011 - Anand Gramopadhye
2010 - Barbara Speziale
2009 - Barbara Hoskins
2008 - Lienne Medford Federico
Thomas Green Clemson Award
Established by the Office of the Provost in 1999, this award is designed to honor outstanding faculty and staff who have made significant contributions to academic life at Clemson. Nominations are confidential, and nominees should not be aware of their nomination. Priority will be given to nominees who have not previously received Clemson University-wide awards.
The award includes $5,000, which will be evenly divided between the recipient and the Clemson University Libraries. Recipients also receive a plaque, and their names are added to the perpetual Thomas Green Clemson Award for Excellence plaque, which is on permanent display in the lobby of the R.M. Cooper Library. The donated funds will be used to purchase new library materials, and these purchases will include a personalized donor plate honoring the award recipient.
The nomination form is available below. Completed nomination packets should be sent to Clemson University Libraries, 116 Sigma Drive. Nominations are accepted throughout the year.
Meet the 2024 Recipients
Cindy Lee (faculty)
Debra Sparacino (staff)
View Past Recipients
2023 - Jeff Appling (faculty) Anthony Harvey (staff)
2022 - Heidi Zinzow (faculty) Doug Dawson (staff)
2021 - Margaret Ptacek (faculty) R. Phil Landreth (staff)
2020 - Greg Yarrow (faculty) Sue Lasser (staff)
2019 - Margaret Ann Wetsel (faculty) Serita Acker (staff)
2018 - Cynthia Haynes (faculty) Ronald Chrestman (staff)
2016 - Kim Arp (faculty)
2015 - Sherrill Biggers (faculty) Marvin Dixon (staff)
2014 - Robert Brookover (faculty) Karon Donald (staff)
2013 - Elham B. Makram (faculty) Verna Howell (staff)
2012 - Robert Horton (faculty) Sandy Edge (staff)
Provost Outstanding Teaching Awards
The Provost Outstanding Teaching Awards have been revised to include new criteria and awards for special rank and tenure-track or tenured faculty. View the complete nominee requirements and application form.
Junior Special Rank Outstanding Teaching Award
A recipient is selected from the pool of potential junior special rank faculty from any discipline. This recipient must be deemed by the review panel to exhibit outstanding contributions to teaching and must have worked as a special rank faculty member at Clemson for fewer than seven years.
Lillie Langlois
Senior Special Rank Outstanding Teaching Award
A recipient is selected from the pool of potential senior special rank faculty from any discipline. This recipient must be deemed by the review panel to exhibit outstanding contributions to teaching and must have worked as a special rank faculty member at Clemson for a minimum of seven years.
Amy Pope
Junior Tenure-Track Outstanding Teaching Award
A recipient is selected from the pool of potential junior tenure-track faculty from any discipline. The review panel must deem this recipient to exhibit outstanding contributions to teaching and must have worked as an assistant or associate professor at Clemson for fewer than seven years.
Golnaz Arastoopour Irgens
Senior Tenured Outstanding Teaching Award
A recipient is selected from the pool of potential senior tenured faculty from any discipline. This recipient must be deemed by the review panel to exhibit outstanding contributions to teaching and must have worked as an assistant, associate or full professor at Clemson for a minimum of seven years.
Catherine DiBenedetto
Alumni Distinguished Professors
This award recognizes professors who display outstanding dedication and excellence in teaching, research, service and other professional duties at Clemson University. Discover the 2023 Alumni Distinguished Professors below!
Meet the Recipients
- David Allison, Alumni Distinguished Professor and Director of Graduate Studies in Architecture + Health, College of Architecture, Arts and Humanities
- Richard Blob, Alumni Distinguished Professor of Biological Sciences, Department of Bioengineering, College of Engineering, Computing and Applied Sciences
- William C Bridges, Jr., Alumni Distinguished Professor, School of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences, College of Science
- Tony Cawthon, Alumni Distinguished Professor of Student Affairs and Higher Education, Educational Organizational and Leadership, College of Education
- William Dougan, Alumni Distinguished Professor of Economics, Wilbur O. and Ann Powers College of Business
- Julia Frugoli, Alumni Distinguished Professor of Genetics and Biochemistry, College of Science
- Antonis Katsiyannis, Alumni Distinguished Professor of Education and Human Development
- J. Drew Lanham, Alumni Distinguished Professor of Wildlife Ecology, College of Agriculture, Forestry and Life Sciences
- Veronica Parker, Alumni Distinguished Professor of Nursing, College of Behavioral, Social and Health Sciences
- William Pennington, Alumni Distinguished Professor of Nursing, College of Behavioral, Social and Health Sciences
- June Pilcher, Alumni Distinguished Professor of Psychology, College of Behavioral, Social and Health Sciences
- Lesly Temesvari, Alumni Distinguished Professor of Biological Sciences
Endowed Chairs and Titled Professors
Endowed Chairs and Titled Professors allow Clemson to attract and support eminent scholars of international reputation who enhance the quality of the University’s teaching, research and service activities. They initiate, encourage and support the development of ideas and innovations, and they are teachers, mentors and role models for their students and colleagues.
Want to see a complete listing of Endowed Chairs and Titled Professors at the University? Click the button below for a complete listing of all who have achieved this prestigious position.