Champion Trees of the Clemson Experimental Forest

Within the Clemson Experimental Forest boundaries, there are three SC Champion Trees. They are chinkapin oak, rusty blackhaw, and white basswood. According to the South Carolina Champion Tree Database a champion tree is judged to be the largest of its species according to the following formula:
Trunk circumference (inches) + Height (feet) + 1/4 Average Crown Spread = Total Points
Clemson Experimental Forest Champion Trees
Chinkapin oak - Quercus muehlenbergii
190.2 inches in circumference
90 feet tall
78 feet of average crown spread
300 total points
Rusty blackhaw - Viburnum rufidulum
12 inches in dbh (diameter at breast height)
20 feet tall
21 feet of average crown spread
37 total points
White basswood - Tilia americana var. heterophylla
90.6 inches in circumference
115 feet tall
46 feet of average crown spread
217 total points
The tree must be either native or naturalized to the United States, excluding Hawaii. To nominate a tree and to find out more information about champion trees, please contact:
Big Tree Coordinator
212 Lehotsky Hall
Clemson University
Clemson, SC 29634-0331