Information for Pesticide Dealers
Pesticide dealers are individuals who are licensed to distribute restricted use pesticides. Each location from which restricted use pesticides are sold must have a separate person who is licensed as a pesticide dealer. Dealers must maintain records of all sales or other distributions of restricted use pesticides for two years from the date of sale and must make these records available to Pesticide Regulation field staff inspectors upon request.
Requirements for this license is that the applicant must pass a written examination, unless already certified as a commercial applicator. If an applicator does not hold a commercial applicator license, they must be complete the Application Exam For Certified Pesticide Dealer License and remit a $50 license fee. The Department does not allow reciprocity for a dealer license.
There are two options for submitting the completed application exam and Dealer license fee:
Option 1:
Mail the completed paperwork with you remittance payable to: (Do not send cash)
Clemson University, DPR
Attn Dealer License
511 Westinghouse Road
Pendleton, SC 29670
Option 2:
Email your completed application to and submit payment online at:
Restricted Use Pesticides
Labels, MSDSheets, & Chemical Fact Sheets
Pesticide Safety & Education Topics
Integrated Pesticide Management Program (IPM)
Pesticide Container Recycling Program