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South Carolina Water Resources Center

Funding Opportunities

Clemson PSA Water Resources Research, Management & Technology Call for Research and Extension Proposals


During the 2018-19 fiscal year, Clemson Public Service and Agriculture (PSA) received $2 million in recurring funds from the S.C. legislature to fund program support for Water Resource Research, Management and Technology and to help unify individual university programs into a more complete and integrated Water Resources Program at Clemson. The goals of the program are to:

  • Provide supportive research and education to establish an accurate understanding of the state’s water resources the implications for increased demand for water.
  • Expand current and develop new water resource research, management and technology programs that benefit the public and support needs and priorities of South Carolina and of partner agencies (e.g., S.C. Department of Natural Resources (SCDNR), S.C. Department of Health and Environmental Control (SCDHEC), S.C. Department of Agriculture (SCDA), Farm Bureau, etc.)

SC Water Resources Center Statewide Competitive Research Program

NIWR State Water Resources Research Institute (WRRI) Program

FY 2025 Request for Proposal Deadline is April 1, 2025.

The principal objectives of the state competitive grants program include the following:

  • Conduct research relative to important water resource problems of South Carolina.
  • Promote the dissemination and application of the results of the research involving these problems.
  • Assist in the training of scientists in relevant water resource fields.

FY2025 Request for Proposals Document

USGS 104b (WRRA 104b Budget Files)

Funding for FY 2023 has been awarded to:

  • "Integrating Alligator Tissues and Environmental Samples as Novel Matrices for Monitoring PFAS and Microplastic Contamination in South Carolina Wetlands", James T. Anderson (PI), Clemson University
  • "Development of Statewide Baseline Microcystin GIS Database for South Carolina Ponds: Capturing Initial Microcystin Data for Research and Analysis", Debabrata Sahoo (PI), Clemson University
  • "A High-resolution Inventory of South Carolina’s Waterbodies from Multi-source GIS products", Cuizhen (Susan) Wang (PI), University of South Carolina

Section 104 of the Water Resources Research Act directs the U.S. Secretary of the Interior to administer program grants to Institutes and Centers established within the States and certain other similar jurisdictions for research, education, and training that will assist the Nation in augmenting its water resources science and technology. Responsibility for administration of this program has been delegated to the United States Geological Survey (USGS). Research funds will be used to support water resources research that is of critical need to the state of South Carolina. Research proposals submitted under this Request For Proposals may be for a one-year duration only.

USGS Water Resources Research National Competitive Grants Program

Due Date for 104G Applications - May 20, 2024

Application Due Date Explanation for 104G:

Proposals may not be submitted directly to USGS. All proposals that wish to be considered for these programs must be submitted to the SCWRC at Clemson University by close of business Monday, May 20. The proposals will be processed by the SCWRC and Clemson University and then submitted to USGS by Clemson University.

Proposals must be submitted as a complete application package (full proposal, SF-424 and SF-424B, matching commitment letter, budget breakdown, budget justification and budget summary) to by the university that houses the Institute. PI’s must coordinate with their respective Institutes prior to submission to allow time for the Institute to meet the deadlines of this program announcement.

Grant Annoucements:

104g (General) - G24AS00536 for 104g General Opportunity Announcent

AIS - G24AS00534 for USGS AIS Grant Opportunity Announcement

PFAS - G24AS00535 for USGS PFAS Grant Opportunity Announcement