Gauva Root Knot Nematode Survey
This pest is known to affect many vegetable crops, row crops, and nursery stock. Currently Louisiana has quarantined all sweetpotato plant material and all other rooted plant material from South Carolina. Nursery growers and dealers wishing to ship plants to Louisiana should contact their DPI district specialist to learn about nematode testing and quarantine certification.
This pest is known to affect many vegetable crops, row crops, and nursery stock. Currently Louisiana has quarantined all sweetpotato plant material and all other rooted plant material from South Carolina. Nursery growers and dealers wishing to ship plants to Louisiana should contact their DPI district specialist to learn about nematode testing and quarantine certification.
- Apiary Inspection Program
- Ornamental Cotton
- Invasive Species
- Nursery and Dealer Licensing Program
- Organic Certification
- Staff
- State Quarantines
- Bradford Pear and Elaeagnus
- Frequently Asked Questions
Matthew Howle
Survey Specialist
Fax: 864.646.2178