SC Water Assessment
Water Quality Models
The surface water quantity models being built in South Carolina are intended for long-term agency and stakeholder use to enhance the permitting, planning and management of the state's surface water resources. The groundwater model is a regional groundwater flow model that is being updated by the USGS. Water Demand projections will be used to build scenarios for future water demands.

Eight major river basins within the State of South Carolina are used for planning and permitting purposes. Of these eight basins, only two are exclusively within South Carolina - the Edisto and Salkehatchie. The Savannah River Basin lies within both South Carolina and Georgia. The Pee Dee, Broad and Catawba Rivers all begin in North Carolina.
The Coastal Plain areas of South Carolina are the primary focus of Groundwater Modeling efforts as the Piedmont area comprises minimal Groundwater supply and use. The Coastal Plain begins at the fall line in South Carolina which represents an imaginary line on the surface where the hard crystalline rock of the Piedmont meets the softer sedimentary formations of the Coastal Plain.
The capacity use areas of South Carolina.