The links below highlight excellent, hand-selected technical materials for our stakeholders on a range of water resources and stormwater topics. These resources are solely responsible for their content and availability of their own materials.
Resources | Resource Information |
National Extension Climate Initiative |
The National Extension Climate Initiative serves to link climate change-related education and research across Extension program areas and associations. The CWE is a participant in this network. |
Stormwater Discharges From Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems (MS4s) | US EPA |
Polluted stormwater runoff is commonly transported through Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems (MS4s), from which it is often discharged untreated into local waterbodies. To prevent harmful pollutants from being washed or dumped into an MS4, operators must obtain a NPDES permit and develop a stormwater management program. |
Nonpoint Source Outreach Toolbox | US EPA |
The Nonpoint Source (NPS) Outreach Toolbox is intended for use by state and local agencies and other organizations interested in educating the public on nonpoint source pollution or stormwater runoff. The Toolbox contains a variety of resources to help develop an effective and targeted outreach campaign. |
SC DES Watershed Atlas |
The SC DES Water Quality Tool is an online mapping tool that allows the user to access layers of data including TMDL watersheds, water quality monitoring stations, impaired stations, MS4 boundaries and more information for understanding water quality regulations and how they may impact your location and community. |
National Stormwater Calculator | Water Quality Research | US EPA |
EPA’s National Stormwater Calculator (SWC) is a desktop application that estimates the annual amount of rainwater and frequency of runoff from a specific site anywhere in the United States. Estimates are based on local soil conditions, land cover, and historic rainfall records. |
Water and Agriculture Information Center | USDA |
Water Quality Information Center (WQIC) provides electronic access to information on water quality and agriculture. The center collects, organizes, and communicates the scientific findings, educational methodologies, and public policy issues related to water quality and agriculture. |
International Stormwater BMP Database |
The International Stormwater Best Management Practices (BMP) Database project website features a database of over 530 BMP studies, performance analysis results, tools for use in BMP performance studies, monitoring guidance and other study-related publications. |
SciStarter |
SciStarter is a globally acclaimed, online citizen science hub where more than 3,000 projects, searchable by location, topic, age level, etc, have been registered by individual project leaders or imported through partnerships with federal governments, NGOs, and universities. As a research affiliate of NCSU and ASU, and a popular citizen science portal, SciStarter hosts an active community of close to 100,000 registered citizen scientists and millions of additional site visitors. The CWE is an active participant in SciStarter by sharing projects fitting the SC environment. |
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Carolina Clear is a comprehensive approach developed to inform and educate South Carolina communities about water quality, water quantity, and the cumulative effects of stormwater, leading educational efforts that result in sustained behavior changes that protect waterways. |
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The S.C. Water Resources Conference is coordinated by the SC Water Resources Center at Clemson University. The biannual conference provides an open forum to discuss current water policies, research projects, and water management in the state. This is a unique event, engaging legislators, agency leaders, and the research community in discussions that shape awareness, priorities, and potential policies. Hold mid to late October 2018 for this next gathering in the state capitol! |
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The SC WaterWays Fact Sheets are designed to provide the public with up-to-date, science-based solutions to everyday water resource management challenges in areas including green infrastructure (bioretention, bioswales), shoreline and pond management best practices, stormwater best practices, and more. Fact sheets are available alongside other home horticulture, water testing and plant problem-solving information and more at the Clemson Extension Home & Garden Information Center. |
Center for Watershed Protection | Online Watershed Library | Free Publications |
The Online Watershed Library (OWL) is a service provided by the Center for Watershed Protection that allows ready access to Center publications and other resources (research papers, tools, and stormwater manuals, among others) that support best practices in watershed and stormwater management. |
StormTV Project | YouTube |
Water Environment Federation (WEF) collected these videos through the StormTV Project, an effort to share innovative ways of managing stormwater, improving water quality, and informing the public. WEF does not endorse the services, products, or projects featured in the listed videos. |
SC Association of Stormwater Managers | Municipal Association of SC |
The SC Association of Stormwater Managers offers a listserv and training sessions about stormwater management policies and best practices. It also provides members a forum for sharing ideas and keeping current on state and federal laws. |
Digital Coast | NOAA Coastal Services Center |
This NOAA-sponsored website is focused on helping communities address coastal issues and has become one of the most-used resources in the coastal management community. The dynamic Digital Coast Partnership, whose members represent the website’s primary user groups, keeps the effort focused on customer needs. |
Handbook for Developing Watershed Plans to Restore and Protect Our Waters | Polluted Runoff | US EPA |
This handbook is intended to help communities, watershed organizations, and state, local, tribal and federal environmental agencies develop and implement watershed plans to meet water quality standards and protect water resources. |
Resource Kit: Natural Stream Restoration Techniques (PDF) |
Documents and videos related to large woody debris and the application of bioengineering to stream restoration. |