Sponsored Programs Certification
Clemson University's implementation of the Sponsored Programs Certification is critical to the University's continued access to external funding from federal and private sources. This certification will also assist in the understanding of internal and external processes, procedures, and regulations to ensure compliant grant management.
The certification program is self-paced and broken down into separate modules, ranging from 8 to 20 minutes. Each module can be completed independently. You are encouraged to start the certification process when you begin your search for funding opportunities. Awards received will not be processed until the PI, CO-PI, Senior Key Personnel, and all additionally designated personnel (as required by funding agency) complete the required certification.
For technical assistance, please contact Daniel Harris or call 864-656-4488. For all other questions or suggestions, contact Sheila Lischwe.
About the Certification
The certification program is self-paced and broken down into separate modules, ranging from 8 to 20 minutes. Each module can be completed independently. You are encouraged to start the certification process when you begin your search for funding opportunities. Awards received will not be processed until the PI, CO-PI, Senior Key Personnel, and all additionally designated personnel (as required by funding agency) complete the required certification.
Login to the Sponsored Programs Certification
Frequently Asked Questions
Who is required to be certified?
All individuals regardless of classification, named and/or paid on a proposal, and pre- and post-award grants coordinators involved with proposals or awarded projects.
How can I check to see if my certification is complete?
Within 48 hours of successfully completing all modules and review questions, a notice will post under your profile’s certification tab in InfoEd. After login, click on Profile, Edit, then Certifications.
What happens if I get interrupted while working through it? Do I have to start over?
The program is set up in seven modules, each ranging from 8 to 20 minutes in length. You can complete the modules individually, or all at one time. If you do not finish a module, you can quit and come back at any time, scrolling through the slides until you get back to where you left off. If you did not complete the questions at the end of a module, you will have to resubmit your answers. The program will not retain previously submitted answers.
Why should I have to go through the same course every three years?
The program will constantly be updated to reflect changes in internal procedures and federal and state laws. No one can be "grandfathered" into the certification program. As a long-standing faculty or staff member with a great deal of sponsored activity experience, you will realize that the information provides a good refresher course. You will also find updates to policies and requirements.
How will I know about procedural changes in the interim?
The Office of Sponsored Programs will continue to post news and updates on our website.